It is not generally known, and will not, perhaps, be credited, when it is observed that boiled carrots, when properly prepared, form an admirable succedaneum for eggs in the making of puddings. They ...
Article : 203 wordsThe artificial marble, with which the whole palace of Munich is adorned, and which is esteemed more than natural marble, for which it is frequently mistaken, is made of the common gypsum, first ...
Article : 124 words1. The following is a very simple remedy; if not always a preventive; it has been tried with the most surprising effect, and can be used without inconvenience or danger. The creosote, which is ...
Article : 1,009 wordsNow that mushrooms are "as plentiful as blackberries," the following recipe for this delicious sauce may not be out of place. We can voueh for its being "first chop:"—Take the largest broad mushrooms, ...
Article : 123 wordsTake one quart of very rich cream, a little soured, put it in a linen cloth, and tie it as close to the cream as you can. Then hang it up to drain for two days; take it down, and carefully ...
Article : 172 wordsOne drachm of freshly scraped horse-radish root, to be infused with four ounces of water in a close vessel, for two hours, and made into a syrup, with double its weight in vinegar, is an improved remedy ...
Article : 62 wordsThe plan of writing with [?]ice water, to be rendered visible by the application of iodine, was practised with great success in the correspondence with Jellalabad. The first letter of this kind ...
Article : 82 wordsBoil blackberry juice till greatly reduced; add white sugar in the proportion of one pound to a piut of juice; mix the old jam with this syrup, and boil until sufficiently done. By this means the colour as well ...
Article : 53 words1. In the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, there was published, several months ago, a prescription for preparing a poison for the above purpose, by an English gentleman resident in ...
Article : 515 wordsThe natives never make use of distillation, but extract the essence by causing it to be absorbed by some of the purest oleaginous seeds, and then expressing these in a common mill, when the oil given out has ...
Article : 331 words{No abstract available}
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 19 Jul 1845, Page 2
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