Maria Riley and Sarah Ann Green were conjointly charged by Water Police Constable Pet-; trel with stealing coal from the wharf on Thursday, the 31st May, ...
Article : 2,132 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 7,073 wordsFELLOW COLONISTS,—On the above subject one would feel more grateful in using the term fellow christians, but so long as so inhuman and unchristian a practice is continued and tolerated ...
Article : 507 wordsIn this case Mr Dartnell appeared for the plaintiff, and stated that his client had been renting some ground, some time since, from defen-. dant, and that plaintiff had done all he could to ...
Article : 188 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,124 wordsSIR,—I beg to inform you that I attended the Police Court to prefer a charge against a man in custody. On the night of the 31st instant I was fortunate enough to cause the capture of one of the ...
Article : 269 wordsSir.—In making some improvements 111 my property I had occasion to use the street or lane at the back (the same being seldom used and without outlet) to mix mortar and place a gate, &c.; judge ...
Article : 251 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 20 wordsLAST evening an inquest was held by Mr Coroner Shaw, at, the Forest Home Hotel, touching the death of Frederick Walker, butcher, of this field. Mary Walker, the wife ...
Article : 835 wordsDETAINING A BULLOCK.— James Stapleton summoned Frank Maher for illegal detention of a bullock. Complainant deposed that on the 11th May, he found dufendunt driving a mob of ...
Article : 438 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1929), Sat 2 Jun 1860, Page 3
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