Thomas M'[?] was changed with lunacy, but was remanded for medical evidence. Three other cases had to stand over, is usual [?] to the non-attendance of ...
Article : 54 words{No abstract available}
Article : 174 wordsRodgers was charged by Samuel Smith with breach of agreement. It appeared that an agreement had been signed in Sydney by defendant and another [?] on the 23rd ...
Article : 228 wordsWHERE is the famous Ghost of Ban Ban? and how can he remain silent under the excruciating shame which the Happy Family Party it once more inflicting upon this unfortunate ...
Article : 716 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 311 wordsTHE costs adjourned from the second instant [?] called on, on Friday, before His Worship the Mayor and E. B. Uhr. Esq. The only case adjudicated was that of Dowzer and Purser ...
Article : 168 wordsRAIN we have had, and no mistake. The Baramba is bank high and no mail from Brisbane has yet arrived. It was fortunate that we had plenty of ...
Article : 568 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 166 wordsAN inquiry before his Worship the Mayor' touching the death of Edward Colston, an infant aged three months, was held at the residence of Mr. T. Cornwell, Adelaide-street, Maryborough, ...
Article : 209 wordsTHE most important local matter is that of the election of Mr. A. Macalister, who has been appointed Minister of Lands and Works vice Gore resigned. Mr. Macalister, although he has been ...
Article : 2,213 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 21 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 56 wordsPURSUANT to advertisement a public meeting a persons interested in racing matters was held at Mr. Thacker's Crown and Anchor Inn, on Tuesday evening, for the purpose of electing ...
Article : 1,270 wordsTHE letter of our Brisbane correspondent published to-day furnishes the gratifying intelligence that the "City of Brisbane," a vessel of 2000 tons ...
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Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), Thu 10 Apr 1862, Page 2
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