Women who want to be beautiful must pay attention to their diet. Buckets of lotions, pounds of creams and skin foods, boxes of flesh brushes, ...
Article : 487 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 266 wordsAn inquest was held on Friday morning at Oakoank on the body of Charles Smith, aged 74 years, who was found in the Onkaparinga River the previous day. ...
Article : 453 words{No abstract available}
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Advertising : 40 wordsPresident—Mr. D. Shearer; vice-presidents. Messrs. J. w. Walter, S. B. von Doussa, and C. F. C. Mau; treasurer. Mr. B. Baseby; secretary, Mr. F. E. ...
Article : 3,156 words{No abstract available}
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Advertising : 496 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 113 wordsA boxing contest has been arranged for the championship of the world between Gunner Moir. the English champion, and Tommy Burns, who recently defeated Bill ...
Article : 75 wordsIn the course of Mr. Edison's experiments, from which he has evolved so many practical devices to broaden, brighten, and quicken life, he has ...
Article : 383 wordsThe annual meeting of the above club was held on the 3rd inst. The Rev. R. Taylor presided over a moderate attendance. Officers elected:—Patron, Mr. ...
Article : 110 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,067 wordsBearded women will not be confined for ever to the circus and ireak shows, but they will become so common that the woman without hirsute adornment ...
Article : 152 wordsThe members of the Riverside Tennis Club, Woodside, held a meeting at the local institute on Thursday of last week. There was a fair attendance, a ...
Article : 69 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 109 wordsThe change which has come over woman during the last few decades is the subject of an article by Sydney March in the "New Album of Modes." ...
Article : 479 words{No abstract available}
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Advertising : 343 wordsNebraska Queen is the largest mare oil earth, we are told by an American contemporary, and is a product of the breeding farm of Mr. S. E. ...
Article : 157 words{No abstract available}
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Advertising : 160 wordsRacing Reporter—The make-up man made a fierce break with my "Tips on the Races" in to-day's paper. His Colleague—Yes? What did he ...
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