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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 6 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 75 words
  4. Personal.

    Mr. R. J. Williams, Dairy Farmer, of Lower Bucca and of Coff's Harbor, who has been busy for some time on the question of a better price for butter ...

    Article : 75 words
  5. Personal.

    Mrs. Jas. Miggins, junr., of Bent Street, Wingham is a patient in the District Hospital, Taree. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Los. ...

    Article : 1,039 words
  6. Death Sentence to Stand.

    Washington: In a 7000-word majority judgment, the Supreme Court rejected General Yamashita's [?] against the death sentence. ...

    Article : 26 words
  7. Annual Meeting.

    The annual meeting of the above Sub-Branch was held in the School of Arts, Wingham, on Friday night last, 1st February, 1946. Those present ...

    Article : 1,521 words
  8. Wingham Show.

    The Schedules relating to Wingham's Big Show have been issued from the office of "The wingham Chronicle," and are now in circulation. Note the ...

    Article : 212 words
  9. Recognition of Private Frank J. Partridge, V.C.

    On 29th January, 1946, a meeting was held in the Council Chambers, Bowraville to arrant for the appropriate recognition of Private Frank J. ...

    Article : 370 words
  10. Upper Manning A. & H. Association.

    A meeting of the committee of the above was held in the School of Arts, Wingham, on Friday, 1st February, 1946. ...

    Article : 850 words
  11. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 30 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 427 words
  13. Well-known Author to Speak.

    William Hatfield, author of "Sheepmates," "I Find Australia," "Australia Through The Windscreen," etc., who has the unusual distinction of seeing ...

    Article : 494 words
  14. British Troops in Greece.

    London: In his opening address on the Greek situation, the Russian delegate, Mr. Vyshinsky, who earlier accused the British Foreign Minister, ...

    Article : 151 words
  15. The Big Fight.

    Vic. Patrick knocked Tommy Burns out in the Sydney Stadium on Saturday night last in the ninth round. Burns lost to the greatest fighter he ...

    Article : 86 words
  16. Don't Miss the Wingham Boxing Fixture!

    All roads will lead to the Memorial Town Hall, Wingham, on Friday night next, February 8, 1946. There will be quite a number of worth-while ...

    Article : 353 words
  17. Communist Meeting Banned at Grafton.

    Because of the "insidious propaganda of the Communist Party being a real danger to Australia," Grafton City Council banned a Communist meeting ...

    Article : 111 words
  18. Cricket.

    Marlee team to play Bulga at Bulga on Saturday; 'bus leaves at 9 o'clock: R. Betts, G. Meaker. R. Sky, D. Blanch, A. Cameron, B. Mears, H. Brower, N. ...

    Article : 41 words
  19. News in Brief.

    Ivens" 'Bus will run from Comboyne to Forster on Sunday next Mr. R. Chipperfield, of Mount George, has a notice in this issue. ...

    Article : 185 words
  20. Tremendous Tomatoes.

    We had a look over the vegetable garden of Mr. Jack Glenn, Gloucester Road, Wingham, on Friday evening last. He is an expert at raisins ...

    Article : 190 words



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