All was dark and silent in the valley-ways and on the dim, mist-clad hillsides. It was very lonely on the doorstep. Not even a stray rat showed its teeth through the shadows. ...
Article : 2,300 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 446 wordsR.M.S. Mariposa, 3159 tons (A and A. Route), Captain H. M. Hayword, from San Francisco 3rd April, Honolulu 10th April, Apia 17th April, Auckland 23rd April. Passengers Rev. Joseph Campbell. Mr. M. A. Conroy. Mr. R. ...
Article : 1,284 wordsBuckingham, four-masted barque, 2513 tons, Captain George Scott, for London. Passengers—Mrs. Densen, Misses Densen (2). Master Densen, Master Scott. Aberdeen (s.), 3859 tons, Captain A. T. Wills, for ...
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Sat 8 May 1897, Page 1007
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