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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 112 words

    A magisterial inquiry was held to-day by Mr. Bishop on the body of William Owens, aged 34, who died yesterday from injuries received at the Goolma racecourse on Friday. Deceased was watching a ...

    Article : 210 words
  4. Newcastle.

    Sir Saul Samuel, Agent-General for New South Wales, has forwarded to the Newcastle Marine Board a copy of a special report by Mr. W. T. Douglas, a London expert, on the self-righting trial of the new ...

    Article : 391 words
  5. Tamworth.

    An accident occurred on the railway line on Saturday night by which Mrs. Winter, a widow, received injuries which resulted in her death within a few hours. The deceased was in charge of the second ...

    Article : 212 words
  6. Miscellaneous Mail News.

    From the latest English files to hand we take the following interesting items:—It is pointed out that the counties of Devonshire, Hereford, Somerset, and Worcestershire contain ...

    Article : 1,304 words
  7. Telegrams.

    At a meeting of the municipal council to-night a committee reported in favour of applying to the Government for permission to borrow £7000 for constructing a building and plant for lighting the ...

    Article : 1,551 words



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