IT is our painful duty to report that a fearful gunpowder explosion, attended with lets of life, took place on the Blue Mountains, on Thursday evening last. It appears that a man named George Gamble, ...
Article : 4,100 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 11 wordsIN the Legislative Assembly, Mr. R. M. Isaacs took the oaths and his seat for the electoral district of Yass Plains. In reply to questions put to Ministers the following ...
Article : 3,945 wordsTHE Assembly was going into the Municipalities Bill on Wednesday, when it was stopped by the SPEAKER, who pointed out that it had been informally introduced. It was consequently ...
Article : 2,517 wordsNO RAIN yet, nor any indications of a change. Mr. Licensed-surveyor Coombes is now occupied in measuring off small farms beyond the river, within two miles of the township. ...
Article : 70 wordsThe debate on the second reading of the Tariff Bill is now proceeding in the Legislative Council. Mr. Haines has moved that the bill be rejected. Eleven Customs actions have been tried daring the ...
Article : 123 wordsARRIVED.—Wilhelmine, Carl, from Batavia; Mediator, from London. SAILED.—At 6 p.m., City of Melbourne (s.), for Sydney. ...
Article : 23 wordsThe Court has disputed the retains declared in Rounseville's election for the district of light null and void; and awarded the petitioners £50 costs. Both candidates are likely to try again, and names of ...
Article : 741 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Sydney Mail (NSW : 1860 - 1871), Sat 18 Nov 1865, Page 4
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