A serious misunderstanding exists between the Chinese and the English Factory, the latter was under the guard of the English seamen; the Hong merchants have since stated that the ...
Article : 2,594 wordsGentlemen,—"The Settler" of Illawarra, I have no doubt, complains with every degree ot fairness, of the inattention shewn by the Colonial Government, with regard to their roads; and it is with the greatest ...
Article : 450 wordsThe Times of the 30th March, contains a most interesting letter from Warsaw, dated the 17th March—of which, we are only able to give the substance:— ...
Article : 404 wordsMonday, July 25.—Before Mr. Foster, Chairman, and Mr. Sempill, J. p., with the usual Commission. John Jobbins was indicted for an assault upon R. Neagle, a constable, in the execution of his office. The ...
Article : 1,073 wordsGentlemen,—I was this week at Campbell Town, passing away a few idle hours at the Sessions, after having sown my wheat for the season; and was much surprised on hearing a rumour that the Governor ...
Article : 425 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 556 wordsGentlemen,—It is much to be regretted, that the attention of His Excellency the Governor has not been called to the dire necessity of a Magistrate being appointed to this District. The Gentleman who lately ...
Article : 252 wordsGentlemen,—I observe in the "Gazette" for the 21st July, a letter in reply to one inkerted in the previous publication, respecting Mr. Cape, which that gentle man finds fault with. As I have often made use of the ...
Article : 1,154 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), Mon 1 Aug 1831, Page 3
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