May 10.—Boomerang (s.), 400 tons, Captain O'Reilly, from Morcton Bay 8th instant. Passengers—Messrs. Scroco[?], Jopp, and 15 in the steerage. A. S. N. Company, agents. May 10.—William Alfred, schooner, 9s tons, Captain Tinley, ...
Article : 321 wordsMay 4.—Boomerang (s.), from Sydney. DEPARTURE. May 4.—Raven, schooner, for Sydney. ...
Article : 14 wordsMay 4.—Euphemia, from Hobart Town; Dobsons and Pioneer, from Launceston: Golden Spring and Brilliant, from Sydney. May 5.—Cyclone, from Newcastle; Burnham, from San Francisco; Fenella (s.), from Launceston. ...
Article : 192 wordsMay 6.—Saracen, from Sydney; Mary Ann, from Newcastle. ...
Article : 10 wordsMay 10.—Egypt, for Manila. May 10.—Wanderer, for Melbourne. May 10.—Amiral Bandin, for Havre. May 10.—City of Sydney (s.), for Melbourne. ...
Article : 50 wordsMay 1.—Lorenzo Sabine, from Mauritius, May 4.—Meg Merrilees, from Port Albert; Retriever, from Twofold Bay. CLEARED OUT. ...
Article : 34 wordsTHIS DAY.—Thomas and Henry, for Otago; Gazelle, for Bluff Harbour. ...
Article : 12 wordsMay 10.—Thomas and Henry, brig, 234 tons, Captain Thompson, for Otago. Passengers—Mrs. and Miss Valpy, Mr. and Miss Macworth and servant, and 7 in the steerage. May 10.—Kate Kearney, schooner, 81 tons, Captain Punch, for ...
Article : 171 wordsSIR,—With reference to a letter in your issue of to-day, treating of great circle sailing, in which my name is mentioned, I beg to refer the courteous writer of it to the Argus of the 25th July, 1855, where I ventured to state that I considered it injudicious to adopt ...
Article : 225 wordsMay 10.—Will o' the Wisp, from Brisbane Water, with 4000 feet timber, 34,000 shingles, 500 felloes, 600 palings; Mount's Bay, from Shoalhaven, with 20 tons potatoes, 20 bushels wheat, 50 cheeses, 4 kegs butter; Hunter and Adolphus, from Newcastle, ...
Article : 101 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 42 wordsMay 10.—Contest, for the Hawkesbury; Carnation, for Broulee; Ruth, for Brisbane Water; Tigress, Adolphus, Hunter, Glenduart, and Cumberland, for Newcastle. ...
Article : 28 wordsMay 10.—Heather Bell, from Melbourn: 50 tons salt, 232 barrels cement, 47 boxes pipes, Order. May 11.—Freak, from Melbourne: 237 packages tobacco, 255 packages, Order. ...
Article : 470 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 190 wordsWILL be performed, with new scenery, Schiller's thrilling tragedy, in five acts, entitled the ROBBERS; or, THE FOREST OF BOHLEMIA. Old Count de Moor, Mr. Lambert; Charles de Moor, Mr. James Stark; Francis de Moor, Mr. Holloway; Amelia, Mrs. ...
Article : 102 wordsBRISBANE, May 7th.—The Free Press publishes a list and estimate of the exports from Brisbane for the month of April last. The following are the particulars:- ...
Article : 336 wordsWe hear that some gentlemen who have been offered seats in the Legislative Council have seriously misunderstood the relations in which that honour places them. Knowing their opinions are ...
Article : 2,440 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 283 wordsMay 10.—Gazelle, for Bluff Harbour, N. Z.: 48 horses, 150 heifers, G. M'Clymont. May 10.—Emma, for Adelaide: 90 packages tea, 72 logs cedar, 200 boxes soap, 8 bales bags, 32 tons coal, 10 boxes oranges, H. ...
Article : 755 wordsWE are in receipt of news to 5th February from New York, and from San Francisco to the 3rd of March, for which we are indebted to our contemporary the Argus of Tuesday last. ...
Article : 442 wordsGentlemen,—I am instructed to inform you that the memorial (from certain inhabitants of Moreton Bay, praying that an inquiry may be instituted with a view to obtaining protection from the Aborigines), has been referred by his Excellency the ...
Article : 642 wordsMAILS will be closed at the General Post Office as follows:- FOR OTAGO.—By the Thomas and Henry, and Gazelle, this day, at noon, if not underweigh. FOR WELLINGTON AND PORT COOPER.—By the Dart, to-morrow, ...
Article : 63 wordsAt 1 a.m., on Saturday, 10th instant, as the Tuistle steamer was proceeding on her trip to Newcastle, whilst between the north and south heads of Broken Bay, she most unfortunately came into collision with the schooner Fortitude, of Sydney, Captain Fittock. ...
Article : 605 wordsThe steamship Black Warrior arrived at this port on Saturday, from Havannah 28th February. There was no political news. The stock of sugar on hand was unusually light. The frigate Petomac and steamer ...
Article : 150 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,102 wordsSIR,—I beg to direct your attention to a most singular discovery made by me to-day. On opening the gizzard of a duck, greatly to my surprise I found about 26 or 27 specks of gold, of great purity, weighing five grains, ...
Article : 119 wordsMay 9, 1856—The further examination of the Mayor, in reference to the insolvent estate of Barker, took place yesterday. It seems that he knew nothing of the proceedings of certain members of his family while ...
Article : 974 wordsMay 10.—Shamrock, (s.), from Sydney. May 10.—Grafton, (s.), from Sydney. DEPARTURES. May 9.—Yarra Yarra, (s.), for Moreton Bay. ...
Article : 72 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 12 May 1856, Page 4
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