Mr. COWPER to move, that Mr. Cowper, Mr. Martin, and Mr. Jones, be members of the Standing Orders Committee. Mr. COWPER to move, that Mr. Martin, Mr. Cowper, and Mr. Jones be members of the Library Committee. ...
Article : 376 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,053 wordsTHE general abstract shewing the average amount of liabilities and assets of the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank within the colony of New South Wales, taken from the ...
Article : 2,791 wordsSIR,—Notwithstanding all we have heard about the present efficient management of the Southern Line of Railway, I think the public have great reason to complain of the unnecessarily long delay of the down ...
Article : 180 wordsLAST evening, Thursday, August 13th, a public meeting, convened by the Metropolitan Emigration Society for the Working Classes, was held at St. Martin's-hall, to explain the objects of the society, and to adopt a ...
Article : 775 wordsMr. Wase to move, that the Warrant of the Queen to provide for the Administration of the Government, in the event of the absence or death of the Governor-General, be referred to a select committee, with instructions to report thereon, [?] its relation to ...
Article : 304 wordsTHE NEW MINISTRY.—Mr. Hanson has now completed the programme of his Ministry. The following list was submitted to His Excellency yesterday afternoon, and approved by him:—Mr. Hanson, ...
Article : 340 wordsMr. JO[?]ES to move for leave to introduce a bill to consolidate certain Acts for the raising and application of Public Loans. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23. NOTICES OF MOTION. ...
Article : 242 wordsMr. WEEKES to move: That this House will, on Friday next, resolve itself into a committee of the whole to consider of an address to the Governor-General, requesting that his Excellency, will be pleased to cause to be placed upon the Estimates the sum ...
Article : 95 wordsSIR,—Will you be kind enough to permit me to offer a word or two on some remarks made in your issue of the 15th instant relative to Nottingham Castle and the Mayor of Nottingham, in 1824, in an article headed ...
Article : 1,073 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 313 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 83 wordsStatement of Resolutions passsed, and of Committees appointed, during the recent Session of the Diocesan Synod of Tasmania. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. ...
Article : 1,535 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 576 wordsTHE Herald of Saturday says:—We have little commercial intelligence of importance to communicate. The storekeepers report no receipts of produce, and business generally has been far from buoyant. In the horse market, however, there has been unusual ...
Article : 586 wordsCITIZENS' PRESENTATION TO THE XI. REGIMENT.— Yesterday afternoon, a meeting was held in the Exchange Rooms, at 4 o'clock, of the committee appointed on Saturday last, to cake steps for the ...
Article : 337 wordsWHEAT.—A further reduction in the price of wheat has taken place during the past week—the value now being 5s per bushel for superior samples. The fall in price is attributed to the favourable effect of the recent rains and the subsequent dry, warm ...
Article : 96 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 299 wordsJ. BROWN'S DAPTO STEAM MILLS.—Flour, best fine, £26; seconds, £24 per ton of 2000 lbs.; bran, 10s per 100 lbs; wheat, from 8s to 9s per bushel. J. SHARPE'S BUS[?] BANK STEAM FLOUR MILLS.—Fine flour, £25; ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 21 Oct 1857, Page 8
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