THE MILLS.—Fine flour, at Chappell's Mill, £20; second ditto, £18 per ton; bran and pollard, none. Wilton's Mill—fine flour, £25 per ton; seconds ditto, £23; bran, 8s [?] 100 lbs.; pollard, 9s ditto. ...
Article : 138 wordsVIA Melbourne, we have two days' later from Canton, viz., to the 1st of January. The gunboat Dove arrived at Hongkong from Canton, on the morning of the 31st December, with the ...
Article : 776 wordsMill Prices.£M'Lean's Mill: Fine flour, 36s; seconds, 33s; ration, 28s. Uralla Mill: First flour, 40s; second, 37s; ration, 35s. ...
Article : 26 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 109 wordsTHE amount of gold coin issued by the Sydney Branch of the Royal Mint during the week ended to-day, March 5th, has been 45,000 sovereigns. ...
Article : 1,107 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 53 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 4,187 wordsMR. PUNCH likes a holiday for himself, and has a peculiar and non-removeable objection to being disturbed with business while enjoying that necessary relaxation from his invaluable labours. Naturally, as well as ...
Article : 1,529 wordsSIR,£After my arrival from Melbourne, I have found it has been stated in the newspapers, and has been a general belief, that I introduced the person called Mr. Miranda to several Banks, till we found the letter of ...
Article : 208 wordsSIR,—It is rumoured that the firing a gun at noon daily is to be discontinued, and that the time-ball on the new Observatory is intended as a substitute. I am not qualified to decide on the merits of either ...
Article : 233 wordsAT the York Assizes, on the 10th of December last, (before Mr. Justice Williams,) Thomas Hitchen, aged 40, was indicted for bigamy, in having married Ann Baldwin on the 7th of December, 1851, at Bradford, ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 6 Mar 1858, Page 7
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