SIR,—In common with every inhabitant of New South Wales I have always felt an extreme interest in the construction of railways in this colony, and I resolved upon my departure hence for England, in February last, to devote as much time as might be necessary to ...
Article : 1,751 wordsGOULBURN, JANUARY 1.—We are informed that the crops are looking remarkably well throughout the district. The hay-harvest is nearly all got in, and it has sustained less injury than might have been ...
Article : 1,823 wordsBEFORE Mr. Forbes, Mr. E. S. Hill, Mr. Lucas, and Mr. Raper. Thirteen persons, convicted of having been found trunk in public places, were severally sentenced to ...
Article : 392 wordsSIR,—Dr. Fullerton has fully admitted the truth of the statement I made respecting him in my letter of yesterday viz., that he married a young woman, the daughter of reputable Scotch parents residing in ...
Article : 428 wordsBEFORE the Water Police Magistrate, Mr. R. Hill, Mr. Williamson, and Mr. Skinner. James Haswell was brought before the Court suspected of having broken into and entered the office of ...
Article : 2,405 wordsTHE City Council met yesterday, at three o'clock p.m. Present, the Right Worshipful the Mayor (George Smith, Esq.), and a full meeting of aldermen. MINUTES AND REPORTS. ...
Article : 590 wordsSIR,—In your leading article of this day's date, you state that in clearing the Louisa I acted as jerker, second clerk, and clearing clerk; thus, of course, removing the checks which might be supposed to arise ...
Article : 1,099 wordsTHE monthly general meeting of the members of the Sydney Chamber of, Commerce was held yesterday at half-past three o'clock. Mr. Stewart took the chair. MINUTES. ...
Article : 1,458 wordsMr. MARTIN to move (on the Order of the Day being read for the House resolving itself into a Committee of Supply),—1. That the resolution adopted by this House on the 15th of December instant, to the effect that there be granted to her Majesty a sum ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 4 Jan 1859, Page 3
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