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Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,202 wordsIS COLONIAL beef as substantial as British? Englishmen on landing upon these shores complain that our beef is deficient in relish and nutriment. When compared to the well feed beeves of Caledonia. Devon, ...
Article : 1,745 wordsWRITING on the 5th instant, our correspondent says: There is a rumour prevalent here, that our Clerk of the Petty Sessions is to be appointed a resident magistrate, with an additional salary. The statement may, ...
Article : 220 wordsFEBRUARY, 26th.—A great quantity of rain has fallen lately, and we look forward to the future with anything but pleasure, for, should this weather continue, floods will be inevitable. Since last writing ...
Article : 294 wordsAn important judgment has been delivered by Mr. Justice Lutwyche, in reference to the case of one William King, who had applied for a discharge from custody by habeas corpus. King had been brought ...
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Advertising : 611 wordsThe Times of December 16th, publishes the following communication from its own correspondent. It is dated from Aden, November 27th. He says:— Not long ago I reported some suspicious movements ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 12 Mar 1860, Page 3
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