THE Channel Fleet sailed from Spithead on the 18th on a coasting cruise. About 1000 convicts are at present employed in constructing the new dock works at Chatham. ...
Article : 1,699 wordsWE are in receipt of a file of the French newspaper L'Egypte up to the 2nd of August. It brings intelligence which may not be without interest to some of our readers. ...
Article : 1,227 wordsTHE Federal war steamer Kearsarge arrived in Dover Roads on the 6th of July. It had been stated in some of the French papers that a successor to the Alabama would probably be in waiting off Cherbourg ...
Article : 1,027 wordsTHE rapid strides in commercial progress which our colonial empire is making cannot be regarded with other than the greatest satisfaction. Our feelings in this respect are not entirely disinterested. As our ...
Article : 1,554 wordsTHE favourite maxim of Sir Robert Walpole, to let quiet things alone, never received a more signal illustration than in the history of our recent dealings with the Australian colonies on the subject of ...
Article : 1,168 wordsTHE fol[?]owing particulars respecting the conduct of Franz Müller (the supposed murderer of Mr. Briggs), both before and after the murder, are taken from the London Daily Telegraph:— ...
Article : 1,698 wordsA CURIOUS horse is now being exhibited in the Prince Alphonso Circus at Madrid. It has not a single hair on the whole body, while its skin, which is white like that of a European, is so transparent that the veins may be ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 13 Sep 1864, Page 3
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