SINCE writing my last Letter to you I have visited the banks of the Murrumbidgee, where I have liad an opportunity of seeing free selectors in actual contact with the squatters. These runs being within ...
Article : 3,049 wordsWE continue our extracts from the English papers to June 4th. THE AMERICAN STATE TRIALS. The court for the trial of persons engaged in the ...
Article : 3,082 wordsThe surgeon of the Belgian corps in Mexico has written a letter to the Independance Belge describing the misfortune which has befallen his countrymen, and which has caused great excitement in Belgium. ...
Article : 256 wordsCONVERSATION was, of course, chiefly on the great event, and the general opinion was that Gladiateur's performance, and the way he "came" whea Grimshaw called upon him opposite the stand, was one of ...
Article : 413 wordsTHE rather meaningless but perfectly harmless scheme started in France for getting up a popular subscription in order to present Mrs. Lincoln with a gold medal, in memory of her husband, appears to ...
Article : 1,231 wordsA MEETING of the Liberal electors of Chester has been held for the purpose of hearing a declaration of the principles of Mr. W. H. Gladstone, who is one of the candidates for the representation of the city. After ...
Article : 1,739 wordsWith less excitement and more pleasure, the Oaks, is generally the most enjoyable day of the Carnival week. There has been no speculation on the race until the last twenty-four hours, for the little that ...
Article : 1,182 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 11 Aug 1865, Page 2
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