AT the Quarter Sessions to-day, John Wall was found guilty of unlawfully using cattle, and waa, sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment. James King was found guilty of horse-stealing, and was sentenced ...
Article : 82 wordsAt the meeting of the Royal Society last night, Dr. Bleasdale read a highly interesting paper upon the discovery of the true ruby in Victoria. A movement has been set on foot for the purpose of ...
Article : 406 wordsARRIVED.—Coorong (s.), from Adelaide. ...
Article : 8 wordsThe performance of the Japanese troupe on Tuesday next will be under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor. Considerable excitement has been caused here by ...
Article : 234 wordsTHE following notifications appear in yesterday's Government Gazette:— MURDER—FIFTY POUNDS REWARD,—Whereas, on the 10th May, Mrs. Matilda Jones was found murdered in her ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 27 Jun 1868, Page 7
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