BEFORE his Honor Mr. Justice FAUCETT. CATTLE STEALING. The trial of Joh Farrell, the younger, for cattle stealing, was resumed this morning, Mr. Davis, assisted by Mr. ...
Article : 2,064 wordsSURRENDER.—James Churchill Fisher, of Woollahra, professor of music. Liabilities, £330 14s. 6d. Assets, £85. Mr. Mackenzie, offical assignee. SCHEDULE FILED.—Niels Tobias Jacobson, of Sydney. ...
Article : 518 wordsSIR,—The following paragraph is taken from the Liverpool Post of the 16th instatn:- "Outbreak of fearful Epidemic in Chili.—Yesterday intelligence was received in Liverpool of the ...
Article : 304 wordsBEACON-FIRES were the ancient mode of telegraphy adopted in Great Britian. An Act of the Seottish Parliament of 1455 directs that "one bale or fagot should be the warning of the approach of the English ...
Article : 4,040 wordsAt length one evening Charles was aroused from da[?]ing by a noise in his room. Oa looking round he found that the sound came from S[?]ur Therese, who was weeping violently. Then the truth at once ...
Article : 1,403 wordsBEFORE Messrs. St. Julian and Cunninghame. One person was fine, 1s., ane another 5s., for drunkenness. Three other prisoners were discharged, the cases breaking ...
Article : 115 wordsBEFORE the Water Police Magistrate, and Messrs. Day and Breillat. Four drunkards were find 5s. each, in default two days' imprisonment. ...
Article : 126 wordsFRANK Thorne, who has advertised that he will leap from the new bridge at Niagara, jumped by way of practice, from the roof of the Watson Elevator into Buffalo River. A plank was run out some three feet, ...
Article : 1,061 wordsA MEETING of the Municipal Council of Sydney will be held, at the Town Hall, York-street, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, for considering the following notice of motion:- By Alderman [?]—That the report of the Finance ...
Article : 407 wordsWHAT is union? What is unity? How natural to answer, It is the possession of one polity, one worship— at leats, one creed. Some minds have found a satisfaction in the idea of an [?]cumenical Anglicanism; have shed ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 14 Nov 1870, Page 2
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