SINCE World War II a few of the factories which produced fine sporting and touring machinery pre-1939 have ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,020 wordsSUZUKI'S concept of a miniature four-wheel-drive vehicle first hit this market four years ago. A sizzling sales success, it chalked up ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Advertising : 179 wordsAUSTRALIA'S most unusual car, the sporting Purvis Eureka, is selling more strongly ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Advertising : 161 wordsAUSTRALIANS will see the first low-priced diesel sedan during the first quarter of this year. The diesel VW Golf, fully imported from Germany, is only one of a series of new diesel cars being ...
Article : 329 wordsTHE release of the 1978 VW Microbus in Australia coincides with the news that 4.5 million VW commercial vehicles have been built since the first rolled off the assembly lines in ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), Tue 31 Jan 1978, Page 14
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