We continue our extracts from the papers by the Panama mail—chiefly from the Panama Star and Herald of the 24th Sept. MEXICO. ...
Article : 394 wordsPERSONAL EXPLANATION.—Mr. Lucas said, in reference to a remark he had made on Thursday evening, inferring that Mr. Dignam was drunk, that he had been mistaken, and that he believed the bon. member was not ...
Article : 444 wordsThe commission upon the Ritual of the Church of England have agreed upon the following report:— "TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. ...
Article : 824 words[Herald.]—Arrived: City of Adelaide (s.).—Sailed: Anna, brig, Catherine Jane, brig, for Newcastle; City of Melbourne (s.), for Sydney. Wednesday. ...
Article : 34 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 53 wordsA large and influential public meeting, in connection with the Association of the Arch-diocese of Sydney for the promotion of Religion and Education, was held on Tuesday evening, in the St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney. ...
Article : 1,009 wordsThe only business on the business paper of the Legislative Council for yesterday was the Free Conference with the Legislative Assembly on the St. Andrew's College Bill; but there being no quorum, the Council ...
Article : 48 wordsTelegraphic advices from San Francisco to the 29th instant are received, giving the following intelligence:— Late in the afternoon of the 10th instant the ...
Article : 2,057 wordsThe Speaker entered at half-past three, and counted the house, when the following members were presents:— Mr. J. Stewart, Mr. Farnell, Mr. Dodds, Mr. Phelps, Mr. Neale, Mr. Graham, Mr. Stimpson, Mr. Windeyer, Mr. ...
Article : 70 words[Empire.]—At the Aboriginal Cricket Match to-day the Wollongong Eleven in their first innings scored 27; the Darkies in their first 86; Lawrence, their captain, nil. Wollongong second innings, 5 wickets for 50 runs. ...
Article : 66 words[Herald.]—Mr. Bernard Francis Hughes, an old resident of Bathurst, connected with the first newspaper published in, the Western district, committed suicide yesterday by drinking four ounces of laudanum. An ...
Article : 43 words[Empire.]—Blue Cap, the bushranger, was captured yesterday, without resistance, at Humbug Creek, by constables M'Gee, Corbett, and Dunlop. ...
Article : 21 words[Herald.]—The reports from the new diggings are satisfactory. New ground has been opened and found payable.—Sailed: Lady Young (s.), and Yarra Yarra ...
Article : 26 words[Herald.]—The Governor intends giving a ball during the Prince's visit.—Dr. Cairns is about to resign his connection with the Chaimers' Church.—Arrived: The Agra, from New York; St. Bernard, from Calcutta; ...
Article : 741 wordsOn Tuesday morning, August 27th, Mr. R. Harfield, the deputy-coroner for Hampshire, opened an inquiry at the Duke's Head Inn, Alton, into the cause of the death of Fanny ...
Article : 1,665 wordsIt has been very customary of late to point to the United States as having been materially benefitted by heavy Customs duties on imported goods. How far these statements are correct may be judged by the fact that ...
Article : 469 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Sat 9 Nov 1867, Page 2
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