In the pressure of a higher flood than has ravaged the Hunter for years (since August, 1857) we are unable to supply our readers with the usual double sheet to-day nor indeed could we have filled it with news could we even have set the types ...
Article : 3,165 wordsAs our readers are aware, the committee of the Hunter River Agricultural and Horticultural Association resolved at the last meeting of that body to postpone the annual show until the ...
Article : 985 wordsPOLICE BUSINESS—There were five cases disposed of at the Weat Maitland police court on Thursday—the presiding magistrates being Messrs. E. D. Day and E. P. Capper. ...
Article : 1,493 wordsWilliam Graham, who on the previous evening had been found guilty on a charge of attempting to kill a helter the property of Mr. George Wyndham, with intent to steal the same was brought up for sentence. His Honor said that he had ...
Article : 1,857 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 385 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 199 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 225 wordsSIR—Will you, through your paper, have the kindness to inform me who are the Road Trusts of the Louth Park Road? and by whom are they appointed.— SUGAR MAKING.—As the cultivation of sugar cane is ...
Article : 270 wordsJune 19.— Agnes Irving (s.), Creer, from Sydney. 19.—Eliza Shairp, barque, 480, Gay, from Otago, N.Z. 19.—Spartan, brig, 213, Bedford, from Wellington, N.Z. DEPARTURES. ...
Article : 134 wordsThe natives of the Fiji Islands during the frequent tropical showers, protect their beautifully arranged hair by covering their heads with a young banana leaf, which, after it has been heated over a fire, acquires all the pliancy ...
Article : 1,830 wordsThere has been very little animation in business during the week, and with the present unfavourable weather, and the prospect of another flood, we cannot look forward to any immediate improvement. Prices however, remain ...
Article : 1,086 wordsHeavy gale, with tremendous sea running. The lifeboat has just gone outside Nobby's for practice Several small vessels have sunk in the harbour. No steamer from Sydney this morning. ...
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