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Detailed lists, results, guides : 937 wordsThe man named Guthrie, employed on the railway at lithgow, who met with an accident yesterday, and was brought to the Bathurst hospital, died thereafter admission. He was fearfully smashed. ...
Article : 1,544 wordsLast night Mr. John Tait, who is regarded as the father of horse-racing in New South Wales, was entertained at a banquet at Baumann's Refreshment Rooms, Pitt-street. The event was intended to celebrate Mr. Tait's 70th ...
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Advertising : 2,268 words{No abstract available}
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 589 wordsMessrs. Jacomb, Son, and Co. report on 3rd February as follows:— "The colonial wool auctions, which commenced here on the 19th ultime, will lost till the 12th instant. The attendance ...
Article : 266 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 901 wordsWe have received from Messrs. Jacomb, Son, and Co. the following report of last year's import of colonial wool. into the London market:— "The total import of colonial wool into this, the central ...
Article : 846 wordsMessrs. Hardle and Gorman report having sold by public auction and private contract, during the week, the following properties:—A large country estate, situate between Mittagong and Moss Vale, on the southern railway line (in conjunction with Mr. ...
Article : 559 wordsThe following have been the crossings over Forbes common dining the past week:—March 12, 6000 ewes, from Germanton to Bourke, Kennedy and Hodnett. owners; 14th, 220 head of fat cattle, from Bland to Bathurst, W. ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 20 Mar 1886, Page 15
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