The Crown Lands Bill, introduced by Mr. Brunker, in still engaging the attention of the Legislative Assembly, and although it has now b[?]n under consideration in Committee for the last ...
Article : 479 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 3,038 wordsMining operations during the past fortnight have fluctuated considerably. At the commencement of the term the value of all properties was somewhat held in check, owing to the lightness of the money ...
Article : 327 wordsArrivals from the United Kingdom and foreign ports.—July 4, Dundee, four-masted schooner, 1998 tons, from Montrose July 6, Alexandrine, German warship, 2370 tons, from Wilhelmshaven. July 7, ...
Article : 751 wordsThe Australian Jockey Club held their first winter meeting at Randwick on the 6th instant, and the management have reason to feel satisfied with the success achieved on that occasion. The ...
Article : 649 wordsJuly as far as it has advanced, has been unmistakably moist, and as with the moisture has come mild temperature, the effect on the pastures has been very beneficial. The farmers would prefer loss ...
Article : 255 wordsThe Royal Commissioner (Mr. C. E. Pilcher, Q.C.) appointed to deal with the serious charge made by Mr. John Deasy, M.P., against the Post Office of this colony has lost no time in discharging ...
Article : 323 wordsVessels in port.— Afahan, G. L. (s.) Golding, 2209 tons, for Java, via Sydney; Aristides, barque, Corilton, 399 tons, uncertain; Australia, barque, Jacobsen. 800 tons, uncertain, British Ambassador, ship, Panks, ...
Article : 542 wordsThe money market is without material change on the fortnight Banking accommodation is no more easily obtainable, and until the receipt of the proceeds of the wool clip, and of the new loans, there ...
Article : 1,566 wordsPrinting Trade.—Compositors on morning newspapers, 1s. 2d. per thousand. Weekly or evening papers, 1s. 1d.; other papers, 1s. per thousand for day and 1s. 1d. per thousand for night work Compositors ...
Article : 1,032 wordsThe quarterly meeting of the Supreme Court, Royal Foresters' Society, was held at their rooms, Royal Foresters' Hall, Castlereagh-street, on Thursday last, when the secretary produced his annual report and ...
Article : 555 wordsOn the afternoon of Friday, the 5th July, Chris. Neilson, of Sydney, and John M'Lean, of the Richmond River, rowed a race in outriggers, over the full Parramatta course, for £200 a-side. The ...
Article : 243 wordsSince his return from Bathurst where he laid the keystone of the New Masonic Hall, his Excellency Lord Carrington has remained chiefly in Sydney. He, however, accompanied by two visitors from ...
Article : 267 wordsThe first intercolonial match under Rugby rules between the New South Wales and Victorian teams was played on the Association Cricket Ground on Saturday, July 13. The match was won by New ...
Article : 40 wordsThe Rev. Principal Rainy, D.D., deputy from the Tree Church of Scotland, who is paying a visit to the colony, delivered a lecture on the 4th instant, in the New Centanary Hall, upon "Church ...
Article : 169 wordsThere were two "first nights" of importance on Saturday, July 6. "The Yeomon of the Guard" was produced, for the first time in Sydney, at the Theatre Royal, by Messrs. Williamson Garner, and ...
Article : 405 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 102 wordsPer R.M.S. Arcadla (P. and O. line), Captain W. B. Andrews, to leave sydney July 20.—For London Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Crane, Mr. H. Howard Shaw, Mr. John M. Falconer, Mr. Barnett, Mrs. ...
Article : 452 wordsAfter the dispatch of our lost fortnightly summary the ros[?]o operations at the A. A. Company's Globe colliery were continued resolutely for a week and then abruptly suspanded in view of the ...
Article : 360 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 77 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 18 Jul 1889, Page 3
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