The clouds of depression rarely rest long upon any of the Australasian group. A breeze of promise from some unexpected quarter rises to lift the pall of growing despair and renew the growth of temporarily ...
Article : 2,312 wordsAt the Burwood Congregational Church yesterday morning the Rev. George Campbell took as the subject of his discourse "Lessons for the Community from the sad events of the week." The rev. ...
Article : 321 wordsThe seventh race under the [?]uspices of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron for Colonel Gasooigne's Challenge Cup, valued at £50 was sailed on Saturday, the squadron adding £15 and £5 as first and ...
Article : 1,328 wordsThe sittings of the eighth intercolonial conference of delegates from the various branches of the Amalgamated Shearers' Union were contmued at the Maritime Hall on Saturday. The sittings were ...
Article : 535 wordsNot once, but many times, has the endeavour been made to establish here the form of entertainment known as the Promenade Concert upon some basis of permanency. Without plunging too deeply into ...
Article : 1,229 wordsSir.—In to-day's issue your correspondent " J. M. L.," in answer to an editorial foot-note to a previous letter, expresses himself satisfied that "Customs Acts not reserved are invalid." He ...
Article : 160 wordsThe Rev. Jas. Ewen preached to a large congregation last night on the subject of "The Late Tragedy." His text was—Prev. xxvii, 1, "Boast not thyself of to-morrow, for thou knowest not what ...
Article : 484 wordsTbe R.M.S. Orotavn hence 15th January to London, arrived at Suez 16th February. The R.M.S. Ophir is due at Adelaide to-day from London, with the English mail to the 19th January. The ...
Article : 64 wordsAt the Central Police Court on Saturday, before Mr. G. H. Smithers, S.M., Frederick Howard, 52, was charged with having had a knife and fork in his possession reasonably supposed to have been stolen. ...
Article : 134 wordsThe P. and O. Company's Jubilee steamship, the Britanin, entered the harbour from London at 8.13 a.m. on Saturday and, after receiving pratique, came up to moorings off Mosman's Bay at 9.25 a.m. Thence the ...
Article : 136 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 427 wordsA meeting of the Lang Division of the Labour Electoral League waa hold on Saturday night at button's Hotel, corner of Clarence and Erskine streets. About 100 persons were present, Mr. Peter ...
Article : 514 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 366 wordsLund's line steamer Wilcannia, to Messrs, G[?] Watt. and Co.,yesterday anchored in Athol Bight, and has come here to load. The Wilcannia left Green's Dry Dock, London. on the 27th November for Rotterd[?], to load a ...
Article : 498 wordsThere was an exceptionally large congregation at St. Paul's last night, when the Rev. A. R. Bartlett, in his capacity of chaplain of the local Masonic lodge, preached a special sermon. About l50 Masons ...
Article : 284 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 55 wordsMessrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co. report the arival of the Eastern and Australian Company's Guthrie, from Japan and China, on Saturday last, after a fast trip. The Guthrie is the excursion steamer this season, and has already ...
Article : 351 wordsArrangements are [?]early complete in connection with the aquatic fete which is to be held on Saturday next at Taylor Bay. ...
Article : 27 wordsA pleasant gathering was held in connection with the Sydney Half Squadron of Cavalry on Saturday evening. It being desired to recognise the camaraderie which had been shown by ...
Article : 838 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 780 wordsAt the Baptist Mission, School of Arts, Pastor A. J. Clarke took as his evening subject " God's voice in the Burwood tragedy." He said most passing events had a lessen, and few of tnem had a more ...
Article : 184 wordsOn Saturday night from the balcony of the Mertonville Hall, Beattie-street, Balmain, a labour demonstration was hold under the auspices of the South Balmain Electoral League. Mr. George Long ...
Article : 454 wordsA fresh programme attracted a very large audience to the Tivoli on Saturday evening and persons who came at all late had some difficulty in getting even an occasioaul glimpse of the performers from ...
Article : 452 wordsThe Hawkes Bay, from London with general [?] entered the Heads ycltcrday, and came up to Mo[?]'s Wharf. A report of her voyage appeared on last Thursday. The Hawkes Bay, after landing Sydney cargo, is to ...
Article : 55 wordsThe Rev. C. J. Prescott, in the course of his sermon at the above church yesterday morning made a brief allusion to the tragedy. He said he did not believe the statement that the perpetrator of the ...
Article : 112 wordsThe Angle-Australasian line steamer Port Cha[?] arrived last night from London and berthed at the old A.S.N. Wharf, Circular Quay. Particulars of her voyage were published on Saturday last. Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, ...
Article : 55 wordsNo race sailed this season has excited so much interest as that sailed on Saturday afternoon last for tho 22ft. championship. The steamer Pheasant, which had been specially engaged to follow, was ...
Article : 1,285 wordsOwing to the delay in the completion of the new steamer for the London Missionary Society, caused by a strike amongst the workmen on the Clyde, it has been decided to send the present Johu Williams for one more short voyage ...
Article : 120 wordsSir,—Well might the shearers of New South Wales exclaim, " Save us from our friends!" Not content that the colony is at the lowest possible financial ebb it has ever seen, with wool and stock down at prices ...
Article : 597 wordsH.M.S. Boomerang left Hobart on the 17th instant for Launceston. H.M.S. Goldfinch left Jem. Bay yesterday for Hobart. There are now in harbour the [?] dura, Karrakatta, Rapid, Ringdove, and Pe[?] ...
Article : 43 wordsA nicely-designed and handy-sized steel-built barque, Norwegsian built, and under the Norwegian flag, the Robert Schrafton, on Saturday arrived from Hamburg consigned to Mr. Justice Scha[?] She reports leaving Hamburg [?] ...
Article : 72 wordsOn Saturday the new Stee barque Lodone arrived in harbour from Liverpool, to the care of Messrs. Parbury, Henty, and Company. The Lodore was built in 1[?]2 at Sunderland, and is owned by Messrs. Iredale and ...
Article : 193 wordsSir,—Now that the Imperial Parliament is engaged in validating some of our legislation supposed to be illegal because it was not reserved for the Queen's assent, and laid before the Lords and Commons for ...
Article : 611 wordsA concert and [?]ocial evening, under the auspices of the Darlington Labour Electoral League, took place on Friday evening in the Oddfellows' Hall, Newtown. There wrre present about 75 couples, ...
Article : 128 wordsOn Saturday afternoon the Hunter River Company sent the Namoi to Broken Bay on a short excursion trip. The steamer was well patronised, and, the weather being pleasant, all on board ...
Article : 155 wordsALBION PARK.—Alderman W. Mathie has been re-elected Mayor. BURROWA.—Alderman Isaac Stevenson has been unanimously re-elected Mayor. ...
Article : 31 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 100 wordsC Battery of Field Artillery, under the command of Captain Airey, paraded far mounted dril on Saturday, and was given some practical instruction on the old rifle range at Paddington. ...
Article : 35 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 19 Feb 1894, Page 6
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