We regret to say that in the list of entrances for the Town Plate and the Railway Plate, as published in our last issue, three omissions occur. We take the earliest opportunity to correct the error. The entrances were ...
Article : 201 wordsCrawley's Rush is quite deserted, with the exception of Macalister and party, and they are about giving it the finishing stroke. Mr. Bell is determined to sluice away on the Kentucky, while a pennyweight of gold can be ...
Article : 1,084 wordsADELAIDE MARKETS.—The South Australian Register of the 15th of July, supplies us with the subjoined report of the markets at Adelaide:—The produce markets have remained almost stationary during the week that has elapsed since our last ...
Article : 436 wordsEverything is quiet. Large parcels of goods are advertised to be sold during the week. "The markets are heavy in consequence. Adelaide flour sold to-day at £27 5s.; blasting ...
Article : 63 wordsGENTLEMEN—Do not the parties who take an active part in stopping a water-course leave themselves open to action. My reason for asking is, I have a most particular friend in great distress because he lived on the ...
Article : 54 wordsAnnual meeting of the Murrurundi Benevolent Society, held at the White Hart Inn, 19th instant. Andrew Loder, Esq., President, in the chair. SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT. ...
Article : 421 wordsARRIVALS.—July 25. Annott Lyle, schooner, 191 tons, Captain Johnston, from Newcastle 16th instant; Carl, Russian barque, 440 tons, Captain Cannelin, from Swansea 9th March with 2 passengers. ...
Article : 1,108 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 257 wordsAt the West Haltland Found, from Tocal, on the 35th July, 1859, by Mr. Reynolds:—One bay filly, branded on the near shoulder JS, and JX on the near ribs, 2 or 3 years old. PLOUGHING MATCH.—A meeting (convened by ...
Article : 3,987 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 206 wordsJULY 23RD.—Your "own correspondent" would probably object to having it said that he has been "caught napping"; but he surely has been absent in mind or body, or he has run out of ink, or he has been very sick, ...
Article : 372 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 211 wordsFATAL ACCIDENT.—We have been informed of a fatal accident, of a peculiarly distressing character, which occurred last week at Toryburn, in the Bundarra district. It appears that Mr. E. Cooper, of Toryburn, ...
Article : 241 wordsThe general dulness which has been prevailing since the unfortunate suspension of Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Alfred Fairfax still continues, and various rumours are in circulation respecting the financial position of other mercantile firms in the city. Some ...
Article : 3,215 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 76 wordsOn Friday last, two men named George Ryde and Adam Harkness werE brought before the bench, by Constable Meere, charged with being deserters from the 11th Regiment, since the 27th November, 1856. They ...
Article : 919 wordsOn the 28th June, our meet for this season took place. In consequence of the rains that had fallen up to the day of racing, the attendance was not so numerous as had been anticipated; still there was a goodly concourse ...
Article : 415 wordsGENTLEMEN—My attention has been called to an article which appeared in your issue of the 19th inst., from your Port Macquarie correspondent, and headed "The Hastings Election," in which he states that the friends of Mr. ...
Article : 389 wordsGENTLEMEN—With reference to the latter part of your Port Macquarie correspondent's statement, in giving you the state of the poll of the Hastings election, he has thought fit to indulge most unwarrantably in ...
Article : 348 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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