WELL! there seems to be now but one feeling in the breasts of our political Montagues and Capulets towards our late distinguished" visitors and guests, whom ...
Article : 1,427 wordsWe present our readers to day with an illustration, from a, careful and finished plan of this noble building now fast being erected in Bat hurst. As a mere piece of ...
Article : 449 wordsThe grand concert in aid of St. John's Cathedral, advertised for Monday, the 10th instant, was postponed until the 17th instant, owing to the untimely and much regretted death of Miss ...
Article : 1,065 wordsThe Rev. Father M'Auliffe is still in the district collecting funds for the buildings erecting; in Bathurst—the Bishop's house and Diocesan College—after visiting Gulgong, Home Rule, ...
Article : 426 wordsDEAR SIR.—In your report of the visit of his Lordship the Bishop of Bathurst to Musclebrook on the 13th February, the following paragraph occurs. Referring to the ...
Article : 193 wordsOn the evening of Saturday, the 8th instant,, one of the old residents of this district, Mr. John Steenson, met his death in a sudden manner. The deceased had left Wellington in the ...
Article : 763 wordsSIR,—Attention was recently called m the Assembly to the practice of conveying prisoners of every class by mail coaches. In the Western District this practice which a few years since ...
Article : 337 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), Sat 1 Mar 1873, Page 9
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