NEW Year;s Eve. The sun is setting blood-red and in the heart of the city there is an endless flow of energy and life, but away tow wards the outskirts or Redfern, the summer stillness reigns heavy and ...
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Advertising : 386 wordsSHEARING operations have now terminated in the "Never Never" Country. Paddington, which is the largest station around here, cut out a few weeks back, after shearing about 80,000 sheep and lambs. ...
Article : 1,719 wordsWE are continually being told that the colonies have no history—no colour. Nothing, in fact, to call up feelings of veneration and wonder. No ancient ruins crumbling to decay, nor "fragments of an ...
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Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), Sat 5 Jan 1895, Page 17
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