A serious affray occurred at Uranquinty on Wednesday night, as a result of which one man, Lionel Rupert Gribbon, is in Wagga District Hospital in a critical condition, ...
Article : 219 wordsAfter a debate extending over several days, the second reading of the Development and Migration Bill whs agreed to on a party division in the House of Representatives this ...
Article : 41 wordsSome idea of the large, amount of money put into circulation by the sale of rabbit-skins in this district is given by Messrs. J. J. White and Co.'s statement that last week they ...
Article : 110 wordsA deer was shot on Py[?]ara station, near Lake Bathurst, on Wednesday, by Mr. Walter Reynolds. The animal was full grown, and had a magnificents pair of antlers, which have ...
Article : 73 wordsGreat interest was attached to the local Queen competition, which was finalised by the coronation of the elected queen, Matron Arthur, in the presence of the ...
Article : 107 wordsA State-wide appeal for funds for the striking British miners is being made by the Trades and Labour Council. Besides asking all unionists to make voluntary contributions. ...
Article : 88 wordsSir Alexander MacCormlck, K.C.M.G., has rendered distinguished service to the State. The exceptional skill in surgery which is possessed by Sir Alexander long ago made ...
Article : 606 wordsDr. A. E. Colvin, Mayor of Orange, has received the following letter from Lord Stonehaven:—"The manifesation of loyalty to his Majesty the King on the part of the citizens ...
Article : 95 wordsThe death of Sergeart Patrick Leonard, chief police prosecutor at the Central Police Court, occurred suddenly yesterday morning, from pneumonia, at his residence in ...
Article : 64 wordsAt a meeting of the Six-Hour Day Committee last night the question of securing a suitable six-hour day banner with which to head the procession was introduced. It was contended ...
Article : 90 wordsSir James Oswald Fairfax, K.B.E., third son of the late Sir James Reading Fairfax, is a director of John Fairfax and Sons, Ltd., proprietors of the "Sydney Morning Herald" ...
Article : 654 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 78 wordsIn his speech at Double Bay last night, the leader of the State Opposition (Mr. Bavin) pointed out that the 44 Hour Act had been responsible for a deflcit on the railways of ...
Article : 198 wordsThe Governor-General (Lord Stonehaven), speaking at the official luncheon at the Sheep Show yesterday, said that the development of aviation in Australia was essential to the ...
Article : 212 wordsThe A.L.P. excutive last night decided to reafirm its previous resolution to oppose the referendum proposals unconditionally. The decision will have the effect of further ...
Article : 171 wordsHerbert Wilson aged 12 years, who resides with his parents in Ferros-street was picked up unconscious on the mountainside at the rear of Shaft-street. He was conveyed ...
Article : 56 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 137 wordsOn Thursday a party, consisting of Messrs. Phillp Lazarus, J. R. McCloy, and Grant Hanlon, visited the sanatoriums at Bodington and the Queen Victoria Homes. The patients were ...
Article : 698 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 38 wordsMr. E. Wake Cook, one of the loading water-colour artists of his day, and one who received his early training in art in Australia, died at South Kensington on May 3. aged 83 ...
Article : 213 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 46 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 177 wordsAn experiment designed to secure the greater safety of foot passengers across busy street intersections will be given its first trial on Monday. ...
Article : 96 wordsThe "Lithgow Mercury," founded in 1878. and for many years past managed by Mr. James Ryan, M.L.C., has been bought by the "Bathurst Times," Ltd. ...
Article : 72 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 61 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 123 wordsThe Rev. Professor Ronald G. Macintyre. C.M.G., was born in Melbourne on August 30, 1863. His father was Mr. Angus Macin tyre, of Rosehill, Melbourne and later of ...
Article : 271 wordsIt was announced by the Minister for Railways yesterday that the Railway Commissioners had decided not to accept either of the tenders received for the construction of ...
Article : 80 wordsThe approximate revenue and expenditure statements for the financial year show a revenue of £10,473,924 an increase over the previous year of £740,886. ...
Article : 54 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 279 wordsThe Minister for Markets and Migration (Mr Paterson) has received advice from an im porter of Australian fruits at Amsterdam that a consignment of Australian apples tranship ...
Article : 114 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 141 wordsWhen the last financial statement was announced in the State Parliament they Premier stated that it was estimated that the year would show a surplus of £11,389 This ...
Article : 61 wordsAn announcement was made by the Minister for Customs to-day that the Federal Ministry bad decided to ask Parliament to grant a bounty of 1½d per lb for five years on all seed ...
Article : 65 wordsCommodore George Francis Hyde, who was been created a C.B.E (military division), bathe distinction of being the first Australier naval officer to command the Australian Fleet ...
Article : 182 wordsThe coastal steamer Our Elsie ran aground yesterday on a sandbank near the mouth of the Bellinger River. It is reported that the vessel is in no immediate danger. An effort ...
Article : 75 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 147 wordsFriends of Mr. B. Muscio, M.A., late Challis Professor of Philosophy at the Sydney University, have decided to perpetuate their personal affection and respect for him by ...
Article : 61 wordsThe Pigeon Fanciers' Society of New South Wales opened their annual Young and Old Bird Show yesterday. The entries numbered over 300 and included many high-class ...
Article : 99 wordsSir George Mason Allard. of the Arm of yarwood, Vane and Company, with G. Mason Allard, public accountants is vice-president of the Australasian Corporation of Public ...
Article : 422 wordsEmployers throughout the State have been surprised to receive within the past few days a circular letter over the signature of the Government Actuary soliciting business for ...
Article : 124 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 132 wordsIn spite of cold winds and fre quent rain squalls, a large audience assembled at the Town Hall vesterday for Percy Grainger's matinee closing. ...
Article : 143 wordsThe honour of I.S.O has been conferred upon Mr. C. H. Wickens. Mr. Wickens has been Commonwealth Statistician since August 1 1922 and before that dale was Supervisor of ...
Article : 60 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 136 wordsThe Federal executive of the Australian Labour party has decided to ostpone, until July 1927. the Pan-Pacific conference of Labour organisations, which was originally ...
Article : 83 wordsMr. H. Moreton Frewen, who founded in Adelaide recently a now political association, known as the All-Australian Association, arrived in Melbourne to-day. The objective of ...
Article : 45 wordsThe Governor has been advised[?]at the King has conferred the imperial Service Order on Mr. H. W. Ely, secretary to the Tasmanian Government office in London. Mr. Ely has ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 3 Jul 1926, Page 16
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