Tho members of the Sydney branch of the Australian Seamen's Union yesterday decided at a stop-work meeting to take no action for the present with regard to the no overtime ...
Article : 310 wordsThe State Government wns yesterday granted Supply for four months. An amendment by the lender of the Opposition, to restrict the Supply to two months, was defeated on a division by 45 votes to 42. Messrs. Loughim, Gillies, and Goodin supported the Government. ...
Article : 167 wordsAs a result of the Intervention of the Minister for Labour and Industry, Mr. Eaddeley, n[?]gotlatlons for a settlement of the crnnedrlvers' strike at Newcastle were ...
Article : 364 wordsThe report of the League of Nation Disarmament Commission, which has been made public at Geneva, says that limitation of armament budgets does not offer a practical ...
Article : 179 wordsBy a Jugement of the High Court of Australia yesterdny, the Federal Aid Hoads Act has been declared valid. Reserved judgment was given in the ...
Article : 310 words"Since the 44 Hour Week Act came into operation about 11 months ago. the engineers alone In the metal trades Ineluslrv have.lost more than £150.000 In wages," said Mr. D. M. ...
Article : 294 wordsFurther particulars are available to-day of the fire which broke out on the Shire steamer Ayrshire on Friday, when the vessel was about 300 miles from Ceylon. ...
Article : 241 wordsThe Secretary cf State for Foreign Affairs (Sir Austen Chamberlain) was questioned In the House of-Coinmons to-day by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald regarding the conditions at ...
Article : 213 wordsThere was no change in the political situation yesterday. Though it ws suggested in certain quarters that Messrs. Lough[?]. Gillies, and Goodin would probably support ...
Article : 305 wordsThe attitude tken up by the Albury branch of the Australian Labour party to Mr. Goodin. M L.A., has caused much surprise In official Labour clroles. ...
Article : 420 wordsIn the House of Commons to-day the Secretary of State for the Dominions (Mr. Amery) stated that from January 1 to September 30 there had been 52,730 emigrants under the ...
Article : 270 wordsThe Interttate cargo steamer lion Chief sailed from Sydney for Queensland ports yesterday, after a delny of four days caused by the overtime strike. The vessel loaded 2400 tons ...
Article : 131 wordsConsideration Is already being given to the question of Australia's representation in the Davis Cup matches next year, and J. O. Anderson has been asked by Mr. N. E. ...
Article : 203 wordsThe refusal of the Newcastle crane employees to accept tho terms of settlement offered by the Railway Commissioners, and their decision to carry on the strike, has ...
Article : 373 wordsThe monthly stop-work meeting of the victorian branch of the benmen's Union to-day, which was attended by about 8OO members, unanimously resolved that for the present the ...
Article : 235 wordsWith the completion of more district arrangements 21,500 miners resumed work today. The total employed is now nearly 500,000. ...
Article : 99 wordsMr. Bavin niked the premier, whether, in view of statements made in the House on the previous day, he was prepared to give an assurance that an election would be held within ...
Article : 85 wordsMr. Thomas Buckland, president of the Bank of New South Wales, In addressing shareholders at the onnual meeting yesterday. uttered a warning against the policy of drift ...
Article : 829 wordsIf the negotiations of the Reparations Commission are successfully completed Ausralia will have a Christmas box which may simplify Dr. Page's next Budget, Mr. Bruce ...
Article : 51 wordsMr. Bruce journeyed last night to Crewe, and this morning mo[?]ored to Stokc-on-Trent. There he inspected the Meakins and Doulton potteries, and was later entertained at lunch by ...
Article : 232 wordsA definite chango in the weather over New South Wales is expected this week Data which has been received by the Weather Bureau at Sydney indicates that general rain ...
Article : 209 wordsThe debate was continued in committee. Mr. Hoskins. continuing his speech, said that he was aware that genuine Labour had no quarrel with the Governor, but it was a ...
Article : 2,190 wordsThe by-election in the central division of Kingston-upon-Hull, caused by the resignation of Commander J. M. Kenworthy, following upon his resignation from the Liberal ...
Article : 84 wordsGroup-C.iptaln Williams arrived here yesterday on his return flight to Melbourne. He circled round the harbour oncE and made a good landing near a buoy. He taxied to the ...
Article : 143 wordsTho manufacture of several gradeB of printing paper on an extensive scale is contemplated by Western Port Products Proprietary, Ltd., which has bought about 2000 acres of ...
Article : 150 wordsThe death is reported from a nursing home in London of Colonel Walter Karri Davies. [Colonel Davies was aged 59 years, and was a son of the late Mr. M. C. Davies, ...
Article : 201 wordsProfessor Binz, addressing the Association of German Chemists at Berlin, emphasised that the world's resources of oil and coal were slowly nearing exhaustion. Unless the ...
Article : 137 wordsReference to tho political situation was made by the Minister for Customs (Mr. Pratten) at a social gathering of the Croydon National Association last night. ...
Article : 157 wordsThis afternoon a military biplane, on ts way from Mascot to Point Cook, was damaged whilst landing at Cootamundra at about 1.20 o'clock. ...
Article : 157 wordsThe threatened extension of the strike at the works of the electricity commission at Yallourn, which would have Jeopardised the supply of electric current to thc metropolitan ...
Article : 164 wordsTho Australian Press Association is authoritatively informed that tho reorganisation of the Pacific Cable Board publishod last week depends upon co-ordinating legislation bolug ...
Article : 317 wordsIn the trial of Albert B Fall, who was Secretary of the Interior in the Harding Cabinet, and Edward Doheny, on charges of conspiracy to defraud the Government, the prosecution ...
Article : 147 wordsProminence is given in the curront issue of the "Mail" to the country cricket week in Sydney. Groups of many of the competing teams are published, and accompanying them ...
Article : 208 wordsA man and four women, employed at the canning factory of James Barnes, Ltd., Waterloo, were admitted to the Royal South Sydney Hospital last night suffering from ptomaine ...
Article : 129 wordsIt is reported that the Pope contemplates enlarging the Sacred College of Curdlnals from a membership of 70 to 80, in order to increase the representation of non-European ...
Article : 99 wordsSafe-brenkeis, who operated on a safe at the North Sydney Brick and Tile Co.'s works, St. Leonards, early yesterday morning, werepoorly rewarded for their labour. The Safe ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 1 Dec 1926, Page 15
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