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  2. New Year's Day.

    The fine weather which on Thursday morning induced the thousands of holiday-makers to seek their pleasure in the open air, continued throughout the day with most delightful consistency. ...

    Article : 135 words
  3. The Patents Office.

    The absurd anomalies of what by courtesy was called the Patents Law of New South Wales, forced themselves on public attention during 1886 and 1887. ...

    Article : 722 words
  4. The Smyrna Fig.

    Referring to a reply which we gave in answer our a correspondent in our issue of December 6 instant, Mrs. Onslow, Camden Park, than whom there is none more worthy to be heard, has had the kindness ...

    Article : 1,869 words
  5. Serious Accident to a 'Busdriver.

    A young man named Kelly, a 'busdriver well known on the Bourke-steeet, Surry Hills, line of 'buses, met with a serious accident yesterday. He was driving four horses, and had just taken ...

    Article : 135 words
  6. To-day's Law.

    BOARD AND ANOTHER V. BARTON.—In this matter Mr. G. Campbell appeared to show cause, and Mr. C, B. Stephen to move. It was an application to set aside a writ of care granted ...

    Article : 156 words

    The scene presented in the main streets of the city last night was one that would mate a stranger almost believe that he had not yet left the mother country. Shortly after 6 o'clock ...

    Article : 251 words
  8. Fires.

    On New Year's Day, at half-past 4 o'clock, a, fire broke out in a stable owned by W. Lloydsituate at Baptist-street, Redfern. The structure, which was composed of wood and ...

    Article : 288 words

    The resources of the Railway Department were severely tested during the day, and the returns show that the number of passengers carried was 4407 more than on the corresponding day of last ...

    Article : 121 words
  10. The Nurses' Home.

    On Wednesday afternoon the eighth annual meeting of the committee of the Home and Training School for Nurses was held in the Home, Phillip-street. His Excellency Sir Alfred Stephen, ...

    Article : 588 words

    Although the traffic on the trams was not so heavy as it previously has been, the following particulars show that there was no little difficulty experienced in meeting the demands of the public, ...

    Article : 2,945 words
  12. Scientific and Useful.

    To make impermeable glue (says a scientific contemporary), soak ordinary glue in water until it softens, but remove it before it loses its form and consistency. After this, dissolve it in linseed ...

    Article : 82 words

    It is stated that the Austrian Hydrographic Bureau adopts the following method of making paper transparent for copying drawings: The sheet of paper being placed over the drawing to ...

    Article : 91 words

    When a spider is preparing to moult, it stops eating for several days, and fastens itself by a short line of web to one of the main lines of it's snare, which holds it firmly while it proceeds to ...

    Article : 125 words
  15. The Mining Industry.

    Silver Queen Gold and Silver Mining Co., Maritoto, N.Z.—Assays of No. 1 quality ore made by the Clyde Co: Samples taken from the bulk shipment forwarded to Sidney, with the ...

    Article : 239 words

    The average saltness of the Atlantic is a little in excess of 35,000ths; of the Indian Ocean about, 33,000ths; and of the Pacific Ocean from ...

    Article : 119 words

    The shoulder line-throwing gun invented by Captain J. D'Arcy-Irvine, R.N., consists of a shoulder gun having the cop or coil of line suspended in a case carried under the breech of the ...

    Article : 151 words
  18. A Capsize.

    A boating accident happened between 3 and 1 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon off M'Mabon's Point, Lavender Bay. Three lads, the eldest being not more than 16, were sailing a skiff with ...

    Article : 347 words
  19. The Suicide of an Editor.

    MELBOURNE, Friday.—News from Mildura states that the funeral of Sir. W. Clarson, editor of the MILDURA CULTIVATOR, who died after suffering great agony from the gunshot wound ...

    Article : 211 words

    In the biological section of the British Association, some experiments with medicinal drugs as a question of science, were described. In 1866 suggestions were made relative to the examine ...

    Article : 246 words
  21. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 13 words



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