Mr. D. Le Souef writes:—"I notice in a recent isue of 'The Australasian' you mention that the tooth-billed bowerbird was practically unknown until ...
Article : 1,330 wordsAt the post-office Miss Eldridge felt suddenly even more lonely than usual. She collected the magazine which constituted her entire mail, and turned wistfully ...
Article : 1,007 wordsHe remembered the old smell of it, the strange musty odour of trampled grain lying about the floor, the strong smell from mouldy bags and hessian, the warm, rich ...
Article : 2,471 wordsIn Parliament last week the debate on the motion of censure continued. Two members of the Opposition, or at least of the Progressive or the Country Party, spoke, ...
Article : 1,687 words{No abstract available}
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The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), Sat 28 Aug 1920, Page 57
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