Layocock has defatted Blackman. The popular verdict ia against the judges. It has been decided to con[?]tact a double tramline from Darlinghurst to Woollahrs. ...
Article : 1,654 wordsLONDON, October 5.—In the great rowing match to-day between Laycock, of Sydney, and Blackman, over the champion course for £200, from Putney to Mortlake ...
Article : 92 wordsThe interest in to-morrow's regatta is growing apace" Grafton" will be literally emptied, not withstanding the illfeeling engendered by a portion of the business people who were opposed to ...
Article : 182 wordsThe opening day of the Spring meeting of the Northern Jockey Club was ushered in under favourable suspices. With the exception of a slight shower, the weather remained fine. The attendance, was very good, and the ...
Article : 272 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,312 wordsThe present struggle between the people of Hamburg and the German Government will show whether there is any remnant of the spirit which pervaded tho German towns in the middle ages ...
Article : 681 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 48 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 59 wordsMr. W. T. Coonan, M.L.A., arrived here yesterday, and addressed the electors in the evening. Fully 350 were present. Mr. Coonan reviewed his career during the last Parliament, and ...
Article : 282 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 162 wordsLONDON, October 5.—The eminent musician and composer, Jacques Offenbach, who was bora at Cologne on the 21st of June, 1819, is dead. He was the ...
Article : 54 wordsA meeting of footballers was held last evening at the Oxford Hotel. King-street, convened by Mr, Macnamara, to consider the proposal of sending a team from the colonies to England. There was a moderate attendance of ...
Article : 120 wordsLONDON, October 5.—The most gratifying announcement is made to-day that the difficulties with Turkey way be considered at an end, as the Porte ...
Article : 76 wordsDIGGERS continue to arrive at Berma[?] fast. The Australian aud Kemernka landed 230 passengers yesterday, and about 40 came overland; but there is nothing to justify such a rush. So far miners are ...
Article : 108 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 50 wordsLONDON, October 4.—The Australian cricketers, after their brilliant four throughout England, will leave to-morrow. The banquet given at the Mansion House ...
Article : 57 wordsAnother large parcel of gold from Nugent and Adame's claim was brought to the Joint Stock Bank yesterday. As usual the bank declines to give information, acting under miners' orders. They were ...
Article : 143 wordsMr. P. G. Myers addressed a large meeting of electors last night, and was well received. He said the Government should Trent a selector's deposit as a bank, and allow fire per cent, compound ...
Article : 87 wordsWE have hitherto refrained from acknowledging the many messages of sympathy and encouragement which have poured in a steady stream from all parts of the ...
Article : 730 wordsLONDON, October 4.—Tomas defeated Cannon in the rowing match. Trickett, Hanlan, and Laycock were present among the spectators. The weather was very ...
Article : 30 wordsThe requisition to Mr. Thomas Argent is being numerously signed by selectors and others. Mr. Argent will command a large majority among the selectors, and should secure his return ...
Article : 34 wordsLONDON. October 4.—M. Ferdinand de Lesseps has succeeded in forming a syndicate, which has contracted to construct the Panama Canal. It may now be ...
Article : 51 wordsINFLICTING GRIEVOUS BODILY HARM. Benjamin Jones, found guilty of assaulting and inflicting grievous bodily harm upon constable Hayes, on February 12 last, was sentenced to 12 ...
Article : 198 wordsThe woman who died of intoxication was named Bowen. She arrived yesterday-per-Wotemga, from Sydney, and has asked for her passage back, stating that she had come to Brisbane by ...
Article : 38 wordsLONDON, October 5.—The Australian cricketers form the subject of eulogistic articles in some of the leading London newspapers. THE TIMES and ...
Article : 102 wordsIn the Assembly, yesterday, Mr. William Coote presented a petition, relative to the position of members of the House, who are proprietors or part proprietors of newspapers. This has ...
Article : 244 wordsTHE business of tie conference of delegates from Free Selectors' Associations throughout the colony, terminated this morning with a deputation to the Minister for Lands. The following delegates from the ...
Article : 696 wordsJames Rourke. of Glebc-street, Globe, batcher. Liabilities, £50 17s 6d; assets, £5. Mr. Sandeman, official assignee. John Connolly, of Tenterfield, out of employment ...
Article : 42 wordsLONDON. October 5.—The' policy of the Gladstone Ministry, especially as relating to affairs in the East, has been severely attacked in the Conservative ...
Article : 48 wordsAt the Central Police Court to-day, the revision of the West Sydney electoral list was proceeded with by Messrs Day (chairman), Penfold, Field, and Matthew Harris. Mr. Joseph Lowe appeared for ...
Article : 112 wordsLONDON, October 5.—Latest advices from the East state that the Montenegrins are anxious to commence immediate operations against Dulcigno, and the necessity ...
Article : 41 wordsThe Duke of Manchester and Sir George Verdon visited the New South Wales Court and examined its various exhibits. They expressed their satisfaction at the appearance and ...
Article : 59 wordsLONDON. October 4.—The price of consols remains at £98. ...
Article : 11 wordsYesterday, at the Water Police Court, two Malaya were charged with stealing a quantity of goods, the property of some gentlemen passengers in the steamship Siam, and remanded until to-day for the ...
Article : 147 wordsLONDON, October 4.—The tone of the wheat market is advancing. ...
Article : 14 wordsMr. Langridge, Minister for Public Works, will, pending the appointment of a new Minister, act as Postmaster-General, this step being taken in order that Mr. Langridge may have an ...
Article : 169 wordsLONDON, October 4.—The market rate of discount is ¼ per cent, below bank rate, or 2¼ per cent. ...
Article : 24 wordsLONDON, October 4.—New South Wales 4 per cents. (1903) are quoted at £95, South Australian 4 per cents. (4908) are quoted at £93 10s, Victorian 4¼ per ...
Article : 190 wordsThe usual monthly meeting was held yesterday afternoon, Rev. Cannon Stephen in the chair Present —Messrs. John R. Street V.P. John Mager, hon. treasurer, Drs. M'Kay, Cox. Morgan, Messrs. ...
Article : 223 wordsBUSINESS has hardly been so brisk to-day, [?] might have been expected, but on the whole a fair quantity of goods has chanced hands. We hear of the quittance of 100 cases 11b selmon at 7s 6d per dozen ...
Article : 162 wordsIt is feared that the barque Georgina, which left Foochow for Adelaide on July 7, has been lost. Captain Firth, of the Oceania, who left Foochow July 23, arrived at Adelaide on ...
Article : 129 words{No abstract available}
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Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Wed 6 Oct 1880, Page 2
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