Two things happened last week of interest to the federal movement. The first was a second rupture in the federal body, together with its healing up, and the second was ...
Article : 1,364 wordsThe federal discussion, if it has done nothing else, has certainly had an educational influence. The advocates of federation, many of whom were very enthusiastic ...
Article : 1,543 wordsThe girls sat on the edge of the bed in their nightdresses, and talked "secrets" with an accompaniment of subdued giggles. They had come in from a small dance, at ...
Article : 1,874 wordsThe speech opening Parliament was of the usual formal character, but reduced and chastened, as compared with speeches of former years. Mr. Sddon, the Premier, ...
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The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), Sat 16 Jul 1898, Page 51
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