PETER FINCH, the boy Buddhist in India, the young swagman in the Australian outback, the happy-go-lucky, rather feckless player in Sydney radio serials and third-rate vaudeville, gave few outward signs of ...
Article : 620 wordsThe little battery stage show ended up by playing to audiences of 4,000 troops, and became famous with ...
Article : 269 wordsSorlie's offer to Finch suggested a gain in experience rather than wealth. He had to work seven weeks ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 444 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 125 wordsWhen he returned to Sydney after his year with Sorlie he found it impossible to get back into radio, but ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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The Sun-Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1953 - 1954), Sun 15 Aug 1954, Page 23
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