On Saturday last a ratting same of football was beld on the local grounds between a Loam from [?] and our own. In the first quarter Griffith made ...
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Advertising : 895 wordsA match was played on the Town Club's courts on Saturday last between lady representatives of the presbyterian and Narandera Clubs, The match resulted ...
Article : 291 wordsThe first shots of the Federal campaign, so far as Narandera is concerned, were fired at the public Hallon Wednesday evening last by Senator ...
Article : 1,220 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 139 wordsPlaying in the Dudley Cub Carnival on Tuesday. Narandera was defeated by the Harden representatives. The follow is a description of the game:- ...
Article : 643 wordsThe first round of matches in connection with the South Western District Football Association will be continued to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, and ...
Article : 284 wordsLadies: Look S. Richards and Co's Windows. Model Hats Is [?], Ready to wears is [?] Why be without one? ...
Article : 652 wordsThe Annual meeting of the above Club was held at the Meehanics, Institute on Wednesday evening last, there being present Mesers. Y. G. Lindeman (chair) ...
Article : 548 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 93 words{No abstract available}
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Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (NSW : 1893 - 1953), Fri 10 Jul 1914, Page 2
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