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    Gen. Alexieff (the commander-in- chief of the Russian forces). when interviewed, said:—There will be big fighting on the Russian front in the ...

    Article : 219 words
  3. THE WAR.

    Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig reports :—"We improved our position in the course of sharp fighting this morning, on the Hlodenburg l[?]ne, ...

    Article : 584 words

    The "Morning Post's" Berne correspondent states that uncensored news from Germany pictures the situation as becoming worse daily. The reserves ...

    Article : 168 words

    Fine weather intensilied activities on. the Italian front. The snow is melting in the Trentino. Half-a-million peasants and soldiers are being ...

    Article : 98 words

    Labour is hard put to it to explain away the defeat of the referendum on the question of the abolition of the Legislative Council. The stunning ...

    Article : 302 words
  7. Extermination of Jews.

    Zionist organisations have received advices from Palestine that the Turks. are driving the Jews from their homes amid scenes of looting and pillage. The ...

    Article : 199 words

    An impressive ceremony was conducted in the Ellenborough-street Methodist Church last night, the occasion being the unveiling of two ...

    Article : 1,170 words
  9. German Government Attacked.

    Herr Cohn, a Socialist, speaking in the Reichstag, vigorously attacked the Government for compelling soldiers to, subscribe to the war loan. He ...

    Article : 102 words
  10. Liberty Loan in Russia.

    The Council of Soldiers and Work-men has largely voted in favour of the "Liberty Loan." ...

    Article : 23 words
  11. Fate of the Kaiser.

    The United Press correspondent. at Copenhagen reports having interviewed Mr. M. F. Egan (the United States Minister to Denmark), who ...

    Article : 207 words
  12. Workmen and Soldiers' Deputies.

    Mr. Compers, on behalf of the Federation of Labour, has sent a message to the Russian Council of Workmen's and Soldiers' Deputies, urging ...

    Article : 136 words
  13. Charge of Espionage.

    Reginald Cole, a dockyard apprentioe, has been charged at Portsmouth with being in possession of a wireless apparatus. The police found the ...

    Article : 44 words

    Marcel Hutin, the military writer, says that the French attacks on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday mark the complete irremediable miscarriage of ...

    Article : 275 words

    The Senators who flouted the Nationalist majority in the House of Representatives in order to force an appeal to the electors have received their ...

    Article : 135 words
  16. Another Air Raid on Zeebrugge.

    The A[?]es, continuing their recent activity, made a further air raid on Zeebrugge on Sunday night. ...

    Article : 28 words
  17. General Joffre's Experience.

    A message from St. Louis stats that Gen. Joffre's train was derailed. No one was hurt, and it is believed to have been an accident. ...

    Article : 93 words

    Representatives of the Ipswich City Council this afternoon sounded the Treasurer (Mr. Theodore) with regard to the prospect of securing a loan of ...

    Article : 249 words
  19. Anglo-American Navies.

    President Wilson, in replying to the British and Foreign Sailors' Society's message, fervently hopes that to the separate glories of the Anglo-American ...

    Article : 65 words
  20. Republican Form of Government.

    In the House of Commons to-day the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in answer to Mr. A. Lynch (Nationalist), said that he, as chairman of the ...

    Article : 78 words
  21. The Raider Seeadler.

    Count von Luckner, commander of the raider Seeadler, has led an adventurous life in Australia Count Luckner told the prisoners that he was ...

    Article : 50 words
  22. Imperial Preference.

    In the House of Commons to-day, the Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Long), in reply to Mr. Hewins (Unionist), said that tile ...

    Article : 77 words
  23. Censored Naval Article

    In the House of Commons to-day, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty (Mr. M'Namara), in reply to a question, said that Mr. Arthur ...

    Article : 63 words
  24. Seizure of German Ships.

    Speaking in the House of Representatives on the Seizure of German Ships Bill, Mr. Alexander disclosed that Denmark had secretly arranged ...

    Article : 75 words
  25. German Masses Mown Down.

    A French communique is as follows: Last night was marked by fresh German reactions in the region north-east of Seissons and yfi Chemin-des-Dames ...

    Article : 146 words
  26. North-East London.

    The press Bureau announces that early this morning a hostile aeroplane dropped four bombs on the outskirts of north-east London. One man was ...

    Article : 87 words
  27. Movements of a Food Ship.

    In the House of Commons to-day. Sir Frederick Baubury inquired regarding the circumstances under which a food ship, recently arrived at a ...

    Article : 138 words
  28. Employment on the Land

    Organisations are springing up 'all over the country in order to deal with the tremendous rush of women and girls seeking employment on the land. ...

    Article : 39 words

    A remarkable position was disclosed in the Arbitration Court to-day, before Mr. Justice Macnaughton, in connection with a reference by 20 ...

    Article : 146 words
  30. British Problems

    The "Pall Mull Gazette" states that there are strong rumours in well-in-formed quarters that the Government contemplates the introducing of a bill ...

    Article : 92 words
  31. Dutch Fishing Industry.

    The Dutch fishing industry practically is at a standstill. This is due to the laying up of the Ymsiden steam trawder fleet, owing to the Germans ...

    Article : 83 words
  32. German Claims

    A German official message is as follows :—Near Lens and Arms artillery firing increased with great violence, towards evening and the battle is ...

    Article : 112 words
  33. Lieutenant Robinson

    The bankers of Lient. Robinson, V. C., who downed a Zeppelin in England, but [?]t with an accident on the west Front while engaged in ...

    Article : 30 words

    The appeal by the Crown in the Mooraberrie cattle case is still being heard by the Full Court. Argument for the appellants ended to-day, and ...

    Article : 41 words
  35. Lord Chelmsford's Son.

    The Hon. Frederick Thesigor, eldest set and heir of the Viceroy of India (Lord Chelmsford), died in Mesopota mia from wounds received on the 3rd ...

    Article : 65 words
  36. State Insurance.

    In the consolidated appends, the Australian Allianco Insurance Company v. the Attorney-General of Queensland. and the Australian Alliance Assurance ...

    Article : 39 words
  37. First American Contingent,

    The War Department has ordered the raising of the first American contingent for service in France. ...

    Article : 23 words

    The City Council this afternoon hold what was almost a record meeting in length, devoting three hours to the consideration of some important ...

    Article : 232 words
  39. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 10 words



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