Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (WA : 1833 - 1847), Saturday 19 September 1846, page 3


Vessel Secretarys Office, Perth


His Excellency, the Governor, has been pleased to direct the following notice of the 23rd October last, to be republished

for general information :- . .


In consequence of the great increase of late of Dogs in the possession of the Natives, and the frequent injuries which they inflict on the flocks of the colonists, the Governor has been pleased to offer a reward to Constable of One Shilling, for the head of each Dos, and of sixpence for the head of each Puppy, henceforth found in the possession of any of the reference sects

These rewards to be paid on the entire, care of a Magistrate, that the head for which the reward h claimed, has been destroyed

in his presence.

.' His Excellency requests attention to the feet, that the evil complained of arises almost

entirely from the baneful practice of

[the settlers giving, young dogs to the way

to Ves.

17th 7ft I^cemP?¿'$ command:

(Signed for) PETER BROWN,

Colonial Secretary. $> P. MOORE.