Labor Daily (Sydney, NSW : 1924 - 1938), Saturday 19 October 1935, page 1


LONDON. Thursday.

The second largest mercantile vessel tor take tho water on clydcslde this year wiis launched Fin vovH , nf M/wrR. Barclay Curie.

Named Dllwara; the now motorshlp Is expected to be ready for delivery in a few months' time. _ The chairman of the P. and o. | Company, H01L Alexander Shaw, rc-I fcrring to tho shipbuilding depres I sion, .called for n P.a vK policy' to meet subsidised j competition. Ho. said tlmt "'"lost I nlone among the nations, Great Brl I tain' had left her mercantile marine | without defence and at the mercy 1 of foreign restrictions and subsidies.