Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 6 September 1922, page 4

"On Credit."

Mr Elphinstone Ins succeeded at lost m dragging fiom the Government eeitam in formation whic.Ii waa lequireel icgardmg the union venture known as the Building Trades Guild Ycsteidiv Mi Larcombe (foi Hie Mmibtei for Lands), in replj to a question jput to lum in the Legislativ e Assomblj said that timber was supplied to the Building liadca Guild on credit

A debt of ¿,1189 was duo to the 1 orost iSmvico ¡uwnulls m respect of Ibis timbei

Hie last payment to the mills was m ide in October last Action was being talen to icdtite this indebtedness