Great Southern Herald (Katanning, WA : 1901 - 1954), Saturday 1 January 1921, page 4

Forthcoming Sales,

Henry Wills and 0o.

Thursday, January 6. Katan

ning sheep sale, 2000 sheep, including 200 fats

Furniture at a lower price when you are Furnishing in elaborate style or making a simple little home you will find in W. Zimpel's showrooms exactly what you seek, marked at a friendly price. On the principle that there is no economy where quality is not considered, I make strength, durability and artistic designs my first consideration, notwithstanding the faultless merits of my goods. I will show you how to furnish tastfully and well for a small outlay and the pleasure will not be all mine when yon call and inspect.

A terrible aeroplane disaster is reported at Green Point, a suburb of Capetown. A machine in charge of Captain Hemming, was carrying three passengers, two ladies and a child, when it struck" a high chimney. The machine burst into flames and crashed. All the occupants

were killed and their bodies were incinerated.