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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 350 words
  3. The Federal Tariff and the Farmer.

    An Englsh farmer and au Australian farmer each sells, in London. 10,000 bushels of wheat, of equal quality, at 3s. 6d. per bushedl, and each ...

    Article : 264 words
  4. Lady Duet[?]sts.

    Tue City of Mexico correspondent of the New York World" telegraphs his paper particulars of a remarkable and romantic story of tue loves of two ...

    Article : 1,272 words
  5. Important Discovery.

    A sensation, has lately been caused in London by the publication of Dr. Karl Paters' account of his discovery in South Africa of the precise location ...

    Article : 1,879 words
  6. Monopolists and Trusts.

    Ye can discern the face of the sky, can ye discern the signs of the times?—Mat., Xan., 3. "The worst, most obvious, most hopeless characteristic of the closing ...

    Article : 682 words
  7. A Remarkable Ring.

    The most charming little ring and interesting little corio in the world is the property of Mr. Temple, of London. This gentleman is a nephe[?] ...

    Article : 633 words



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