Sunday Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1926 - 1954), Sunday 19 March 1944, page 7

Paula Walling-N Hollywood Film Gossip

Alan Ladd Goes Back To Army

UOLLYWOOD, Saturday. — Alan Ladd, reclassified medically fit, is back in the army n oaoin. No one is sadder than his studio. Paramount, but no one is gladder than

Alan, who has won a five months' health fight.

in November. 1943. Alan was

honourably discharged from Uie| Armv Air' Corps after spending months in hospital with chronic I gastric trouble. He got Into the Air Corps, incidentally, after being rejected by the Army In December, 1942. 1 Classed unfit for service overseas, the star won the rank of corporal in an Instructional unit. This time he hopes to go abroad as 1A. Meantime, Paramount Is begging for his call-up to be deferred so that he can finish his star role in Charles Dana's 'Two Years Before the Mast.' This Is Alan's second film since liis return. His first was 'And Now To-morrow.' with Loretta Young, in which. Ironically enough, he played a doctor. He hopes, however, to get away from films again fust nffer the first birthday in April of his baby daughter. Alanna + * * 1,'ANNY Bi-lce is returning to tiie 1 screen for the first time since ]938 for Metro's new edition of the Ziegfeld Follies. Fanny was onfe s comedy star for Ziegfeld herself and is' now one of radios biuiiPst rlMZZlers * * * (1ONN1E Bfjinelt has become siar producer of a new film company, known for short as P.R..C Her' first in her dual role will be ?Blonde Ice.' a t.echnicolour special ? * * I-IENRY Fonda will finish fils training course in air combat

intelligence this week. Then Mr Fonda, who joined the Navy In September, 1942, as an ordinary seaman and obtained his commission last year, will be off overseas * * * TJOBERT Young's role in Metro's * 'Secrets in the Dark' will be his 73rd on the screen. gHIKI.EV Temple has been made an honorary colonel of the Los Angeles fighter wing. Fourth Air Corps. MAUREEN O'Hara twife of tormer dialogue director, Will Price, now in the Marines) will not even talk about films until after her baby has safely arrived. Disappointed once already in her expectations, Maureen is following ii rigid health regime, which includes absolute quiet * ? * 'RING Crosby has signed a 11) years contract for 23 films with his studio, Paramount, which refines the old theory that the screen life of a star is five years. II was in 193) that Kins made his first important picture, 'The Kin? or Jaw..' To-day, although he always is first to tell you that he cannul art, he is an American institution. His records alone sell by millions. * * * JENNIFER Jones, who won the ' Academy's 1943 gold statuette for hei work in Fox's 'Song of Bcrnadette.' has been chosen to play the lead in Veva Caspary's mystery novrl, 'Laura,' to be filmed 'soon by Fox.

Paromount's unusual human drama, 'Going My Way,' wins a double award from Paula Walling for the performance of the Hollywood week. Winners are Bing Crosby, superbly honest, and Barry Fitzgerald, brilliant. Both have most unexpected and serious tales in the story of the rehabilitation of a decayed city parish. Crosby's character is that of a fighting parson.

CHERYL Christina Crane, daughter of Lana Turner and Stephen Crane, with her film itor mother. Looo Turner married Crone in July, 1942. Finding that his divorce from his former wife had not been final at the time of her marriage, Miss Turner obtained an annulment, remarried him before the baby was born.