Western Star (Roma) (Toowoomba, Qld. : 1948 - 1954), Friday 20 November 1953, page 3


(By Our Own Correspondent) I

Tin- irsiiixiKirt of 47UU wethers 1 ruin Hie tuioclooga ilistru-i,

by motor Jui'i'it'i was v.i men out in :i week to this il.-itr.ct, tlic sheep hiring unloaded :it Kiverview and then libelling l>y road to C'ooma mill Noona, on account of Messrs. T. Hegartv. ami A.


' hrae wethers were I) Jim J jji the lJrewarrina (listrift which ),•> nut <■<! for i'Xi'l'JJljjI quality sheep. Four transports were used in iJ)o eight-day treli.

llannaford, WO miles east of Sura^ jji tlie brignlow bell «f •country that stretches towards

i..r .1, UUIlii' 1(1 was U It! tcene 011 tlic 7th Kovenibcr ol'

a largely attended gyuikhaun

and bull—held to augment the J funds of t/ie public hull built Inure by the residents without n tioveriiuient subsidy or the levying of a rate by the local authority to pay * for local

l-euple's pleasure..

it is a big hall, too, and comfortubfv accommodated the 300 dancers who attended the function during tlic day mid


yti ■•eats'' ior the occasion —involving a tremendous lot of.

worn—wetc served by a committee of women ami men Hiiose efforts cannot be too highly praised. The result was a uig lift for the hall funds and a lot of pleasure for all concerned. Gyoikliaua events were as usual keenly contested.

Early ou Sunday morning a

car collided with a box tree ou the Glcnmorgan-Surat Boad, and Mr. Douglas Mcintosh, of j Murilla South, was severely in

jured. With liis brother, he was conveyed to the Surat Hospital by the Ambulance, aud oil Tuesday went by plane from liotuu to Brisbane for further treatment.

The death took place iu Toowoomba recently of Mr. Herbert Wood, a well-known and popular grazier of the Surat district, aged 74 years. He liad suffered ill-health for a few years and took up residence (at "Echo Hills" on the Bange, Toovfooniba, from which place he was an occasional visitor to his family's grazing properties

in this district.

Deceased " was a native of Surat—Iijb parents owning "Warroon," to which he addud "Echo Hills" and "Bryong" hb the years progressed.

He was also, prominent in the public life of Surat, being on various committees, including1 the Shire and Hospital, and his i jovial disposition won for liiui

many friends in this district,1 Toowooinba, and elsewhere.

He is survived by Mrs. Wood, two daughters (who reside in Toowoombtt) and sou, Allan, who is at "Byrong, V Surat, to all of whom sympathy is extended.

Following a service in the Church of England on Saturduy morning, the funeral cortege moved to Mt. Thompson Crema

torium. '

Last Saturday afternoon the Glehmorgan branch' of tins' C.W.A, held a .very successful garden party at the residence 'Of Mr. and Mrs, IC. Corn]nelc, "Narrawong," which was well attended by the public, including residents of the ncighlyur

iug districts.

This wan foJJonril by ;m enjoyable concert in the Glenmorgan Hnll at niglit, arranged by local artists, whose talented performances merited the applause they received.

A substantial profit was made for the C.W.A. Funil. To all who worked for the success of the two functions it can be said that theirs teas a splendid achx&vcment, supported generously by t.tie people.

Cricket is booming in Surat, and last Sunday two teams took the field—against yuleba at Surat, and against St. George ou the latter's pitch. St. George won by 134 to 90, anil Yuleba was defeated 133 to 121, a close ami enjovable
