Western Star and Roma Advertiser (Qld. : 1875 - 1948), Saturday 15 August 1891, page 2



August 13,1891.

On Monday the barometer, whiciJv read very high at 9 a.m., fell.after 12 o'clock* and clouds from the north-west and south* west commenced to bank up. At 8 p.m.

a steady rain commenced, which :

through the night, bat towards lUOZTl

partially cleared off, 39 point* beingl©gistered at 9 a.m. on Tuesday. T*io weather cleared up on. that afternoon^

since which it has been finewith sharp .. frosts at night ; there is every indicatiflai of an early spring, and th^ocbaaiqntl showers help on the crops, which at pfle^ sent look splendid.- - i "

I notice a good deal in the pnn itrabt

village settlement in various parts of the ' colony, bujb the yill^Bejtflement of OpnKurra on the banks of the Maranoa and

the splendid agricultural lands in ^ vicinity of Mitchell seem to be quite left out' in the .cold, even Mr. v White, in.hi» excellent report on the suitability of the country between Brisbane and Charievjlle for agriculture, only . takes ^cursory glance of the country along the railway line. after leaving Roma, and B^m to | have baiBed his opinion bh mere hearsay. His article notwithstanding is very interesting, and likely to attract the notice of those who wish to settie on the land, and may induce them to visit the

when they come I hope they will bear m mind that the WaUumbilla Tillage Settlement, Roma, and Hodgsou ue aot (he only places in the, Maranoa vhm^jthey' can "find good agricultural lw^l|ISk3ore

settling down I would,.

cooie and inspect our agricnH^g^0Ml«

here, where they will

soil something more than

a foot thick, the.

parts of the valley of. thef'tivttqa.j from four to twelve deepbefora yc

the ciay bottom

Our annual races, til

the visit ^ being

defunct Our ^ooJj-^Ke^Sist \Mr. W. Saunders) liast ^led teuderafor additions JdTiWb private, dwelling in Cawbn^-j&trek. The plans and epeci

»e%een R

JgJTof wtil be

ww -

^ |S|S +J* ,4 The.^ueeiiBland.^

[presented «ut Rtfle:sClub with a neat j.bpMuce medal tobe contested for during

Arrangements fair the

Jplatesiftrill be probably made at the next liaeeting of the club. ^

* "The Rev. F. N. Pickford paid a visit here" on Tuesday. A meeting, of the Mitchell branch of-the Church of Ing landTemperance SocieJy wais held in the

Divisional Board hall in" "the -evenins,

Idling which the Sunday Bdhobl prizes *"' 'ere presented to the children by the

verend gentleman. ' After the meeting tan new juvenile members were enrolled.

Ihe head teacher-of xtur state school (Mr. W. B. Greer) hau issued notices for a meeting of the lpaifeiits of the children . attending the whool - to be held in the

state school otf Wiediiesday the 26th inst.

at 8 o'clock u%vening, for the pur- : ■ pose of nomina^g four members of com-, mittee 4tffj|^Sro6m" of Mrs. - Wright, Robert,: (3M^bell, and Corbett who have resignefii^^aiB-1» be hoped as there lias

for some considerable

parents will evince their iaj^mfc-yia^cJionl matters by rollingup on

Question. _

I notice by proclamation published in

the Government Gazette of the 18th inst.,

that the name of our divisional board has been changed by the Governor in Council from "The Division of Wallumbilla," to the Division of "Borringa."--a much more appropriate name than Wallumbilla, being the aboriginal name for the country round Mitchell.

Stock movemeni^^lOOO bullocks from Salisbury Plainsj -Bo wen, travelling to. Wodonga for sale, F. Holt,"of Sydney,

N.S. W., owner ; W. S. Dunlop, drover, [ piss through Jto-moirow. 14,000 sheep

going to Jondatyan,, Darling Downs, are I travelling to^raHls Roiiia, Via Waroonga. I