South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1881 - 1889), Saturday 16 February 1889, page 2

WEEKLY EPITOME. Advertiter-aioaOhronuleOmaea, FridayBvening, Febmary 15. XSKKKBAtJklKBOHANDISS, BuBinsss -is mery alack in thk market, and with very few ezseptions trifling sales are the -order of 'the day, middlemen and retailera ibnying sparingly, and only for pressing needs. :in sngarsbuEinesBiB restrictea owing to small first holdings, and ihe xmly transastiona re- -portable are aamall pamel of Fijian TellowBvt £20 10s. per ton, and PR tablets at £33 ; £34 now aakeEl for the latter. Toe Olajmore' .should arrive with a Mauritius cargo is aSeor days. There is -every probability nf iugtac prices zuling in this anarbet, the cane «cops ; generally being snort, while the Qaeanslaaui eeaBOniswer, and there is a probability ofttite .coming season's crop being a late one. R.W. -Crown glucose has seen l-asineBB at £26 10a. per ton, and stocks in first 'hands are light. In teas about 90 packages damaged {lanyongs, ; &o,, sold at auction at 3d. to SJd. per In.; nothing doing privately, and the market is very quiet. Coffee is nominally worSi ls.'2d. per lb\ 4or ship assortmentB Ceylon plantation; no sales. Chicory and cocoa unchanged. Imported candles not metttianeJ for business, though values ate 4hsn: at 7d. j-er lb. for stearine, and 6gd, foe paraflms; colonial sell at 6d. to -6Jd. 'No sales reportable in dried fruit, and values are nominal. We quote foe currants, 4^d. per lb.; celeme i^iging, 6Jd-; ! sultana, 5jd.; muscatels, Is. 6d.j Cape, -not in the market; dates, mow, 48. .American dried appteB, 5%d. (in :txmd), -colonial 4Jd. ; dried aprioots, 8d^ Fcenob iprnnes, 1b. Id. to Is. 2d.; BoTtahell almonds, Bd^ Clarke's peel. 8d. ; figs, 7s. 6d. per dozen. Jute goods dull of sals, and *m]y ?branbags have had attention ; trade lota iuive sold «t 4s. lid. to 5s. per dozen, and the latter is also Melbourne valne. StockB are tight and concentrated. Values of other tags unaltered. In preserved fish American J&fanMB -has had trade aaleB ; value 9a. 9d. per &xam. Otherwise there -is nothing new to «sps(t. Freeh herrings and lobsters remain veiy -ecarce,«nd we refrain 'from quoting, ©flier. lineB unchanged in values. In &olk «ita kerosine -iuu a firming ^tendency owing to , American advices jnst to jiand *eportiag freights high, and only one vbbssI ieavimr 'for Adelaide this month; Aurora (Low teat) has iad busmesB to thB extent of 2,000 caseB at about 12|d. per gallon ; Crystal Water Wtite has -also iiadisales, vatee 15cL In -other oik there haslDeen nothing °f^rin1 doing, In --oflmen'a stores Stephen's pickles have sold at 7b. f|d. -per -doz^ and SO -cases iraa -anl i Perrine' aauce at quotations. Anglo-Swn -tniitr is scarcer, and tint of first hands ; value 7s, per dozen. We quote for Champion's vinegar, 7a. to 7s. 3d. per -dozen, TmUIe. 1b. lOd. per gallon; Grirnble'a, 7s. Sd. asl bulk IB, 2004 rew% Is. lOd.; Pott'*, 3s, lOd, *er gaUon. Pooled jaokles, Ja. -64.^ Covent Garaan. 7b. SO. Oolman's staroh, 6id, per lb,; Hoffmann's 14b. boxes. 3%S* lab. packets 5d. : Joneses, 4Jd. ioi&j&z Berger's lib. boxes. Bid., Bib packets' 4|d. Recaitt's blue, SJd ', Jieen'a. 3d. Hudson's extract of fcoap, B|d. wbybrow'fl salad oil, tints 10b., half -pintefis. per dozen. H!n^ii«Ji nams, Is. Sd. per lb.; bacon, Is. ; ttolman's D.S.F. mustard, 9s. 6d. per dozen fox &lb* and 18s. 9d. for 1-lb. tins; OhampioB'a, «s,6d. and 16s. 6d. (J-lb., -*«. 6d.); Keen's, 9s. and 18b. respectively, 7-Bi. tins Sid.. Lea and Perrins' sauce, nalf-pinta 12s. 66% per dozen, pints 23s, 6a. ^net) \ BrownlB , cornflour. Sd. per lb. s Gtoofield, ^d.; Mew Zealand oatmeal, £24 and £26 ser ten ill 2K3wt, sacks and 74b. baga tespeotivelyj blacking, 3s. 4£d. to 3s. 6d. per ^iross. ' No business reportable in lions and out for the week, and we do not alter values. The . former [are firm, Xasmanian 88* tofeg worth 2s. 3d, per lb. In chemicaJs only «rais Bales are making. Sulphate of copper firm at £28 per ton. In Eastern ^»- i dnce we note the qnittanoe of 40 tons Japan rice at a price not mentioned, otherwise there ia nothing new toteport. Inmetals only jmall Bales of galvanized iron are «e- ' ported: market veryduU. A London cable toianatbia week xeportea neavy fatl in the metals market, though Lyaaght's 'Orb' iron is sta quoted at £17 per ten in Loadon. in cement 100 -esUa White's fetched 16s. 9&.jngc cask on wnarf to arrive; value on spot, 17s. nominal. American plaster has Itafsaiesat 15s. per caak. Blasting-powder quiet at€d. to 5Jd. per lb.; dynamite. Is. 3d. The tiorber market is very flat, and we hear of nothing domg. In liquids 450 cases Walker's whisky, 300 caseB Ihler ft Bell's ale, 250 «ases Henke's i schnapps to arrive, and 100 cases Napier Johnstone's whisky have sold at agents' rates. Land and Loans Uspobt. Meesrs. N. Oldham & Son report on February 14 :— Money for investment -on good securities continues pientiful at last quoted iatee, viz, 6 per cent., for good broad aoras and city and -suburban properties, whilst ?* slightly higher rate is looked for on vacant suburban land and broad acres outside «f Goyder'a line of ndnfail, bat the demand w slack at the moment, and not many transactions being completed. Business in general ithxonghoat the -colony is -not ever brisk, and complaints ate made . of the dulness in .all departments, but we yet iiave the imajor Bortion of the returns from agrioalttnral products to canse a fresh impetus -to itrade generally. Few loanB of a negotiaMIs battue itave been before «s this week, theprmicipal ecqnirieB Taade bang «itter for imereased edvancea«n second ibor^age or loans rpen selections and leaseholds, numbers, of

tiereoBswill be Wring advantage ol the new land Bill and surrendering their present holdings for leases on more favorable terms. This will doubtless cause plenty of applications forassistance in a small way, and ntilise some of the surplus capital that may be available for this purpose Itfmd. — Earnaa— ;Whete fallowing can be proceeded with it is being vigorously poshed on, aUttough rrmch retarded by the want of rain and hardness of the ground. The area to be put under crop this year ' will show a large increase over previous seasons. Business in landed properties is fairly good if the number of enquiries received can be taken as any criterion. During the week we have leased a farm of 510 acres In hundred Dalkey -for a term at a satisfactory rental, as also market garden properties of 102 acres and 40 acres in hundred Onkaparinga, and 10 acreB with dwelling at York on the Port-road. £f o sales right out to report, SHABB MAPgCT. Ob Friday business in the share market was doll ; Souths fell rapidly, and all silver stocks suffered in price. Sales were as follows :— AJlandalea, 6d. Aboae (con. ), 28s. 6d. Birds, 7b., 7s. 3d. Brokens, £279. £275. British B.H., 74a., 73s. 9d., 74s. 3d. Block 14, 92s. ed., 93s. 9d.. 89s., 89s. 6d. Block 10, 24s., 25b,, 24b. 6d. B.H. Junctions, 13b. 3d., lls. 9d. B.H Souths (pro.). 37s. 6cL, 38s., 2o3. B.H. Centrals (pro.), 12s,, 10* 60. Do. (con.)i 7«. 4Jd., 6s. 6d. Baker's Creeks, 77s. oU, 78s. 6d., 77s. 9d. Enterprise Deep Leads (pro.), lie. Great Northerns, £24 10a,, £19. Globes (con.), 7d, Hamleys, 28s; 3d,, 28s. 63. Moontas. £5 16s. Mount Moors, 3s. 3d. Mutooroos (pro.), 24s., 23s, Do. (con.), 22s. Norths, 26b, 6d,, 36b. 9d., 24s. Pioneers. 3b. 63. Sidges,10|d.,ls.-9d. S.A. Prince Alberts (pro.), 3d. Vanderbilts, 2s. 6d. Victoria Cross, 6b. 3d., 5s. 9d., 5s. 10 J 3. Wheal Watkins (con.), 7d.,«&. February, 1889 Oaks, £ «. d. 1— Wheal Terrell (per quarter share) 0 10 0 1— Jubilee ? 0 10 '4— Gityliand ? 0 5 0 4— White Book Proprietary ... 0 2 6 4— Fifth Greek Central ? 0 10 0 fr-Fnttapa (per £2 10s. share) ... 0 5 0 7-tadyBevys ? 0 1 0 7-Great Oomstock ? 0 10 0 11— Northern Consolidated ? 0 10 0 13— Kohinoor (new issue) ? 10 0 13-Great Ironclad ? 0 0 3 13— Hfllfdde ? 0 5 0 13— Edgar Giles ? 0 0 6 13— Mount Magnificent ? 0 0 1 13— Silver KmgProspecting Association ? 10 0 13— Yelta ? ... 0 0 3 13— KHi Bonanza ... ... ... 0 0 3 13— Imperial B.H. ...' ... ... 0 0 3 13— Mount Cultaga ? 0 0 3 13— Mnldanppa B3I1 ? 0 0 3 13— Ethel ? 0 0 6 13-Parachflna ? 0 10 0 13— Mindamereeka Proper ? 0 10 0 13— Trident ? 0 0 6 13-Jackeon's Beef ? 0 0 1 33— Lady Brassey ... ... ... 0 0 1 13-Sebastopol ? 0 0 3 13— Black Prince ? 0 0 3 13— East Alma ? 0 0 3 13— look's United ? 0 0 2 13— Mount Torrens ... ? 0 0 6 13— Pintipah ? 0 0 3 15 -Maud River ? 0 0 1 16— Gipsy Girl ? 0 0 1 16— Waroowie ? ? 0 10 0 20— Echunga Wattle Plantation ... 0 1 0 26— McKnflay and Mount Wells ... 0 1 0 26— Sew Lewis Ponds ? 0 0 6 28— Baltic Proprietary ,i. ... 0 0 6 28— Mount Griffiths ? 0 10 0 28— Boyal Keyneton Hill ? 0 0 6 March 1— Wheal Hughes ? 0 10 1— Centennial (per 50s. share) ... 0 7 6 8— Hills Land and Investment ... 0 0 6 February, 1889* Dividends, 1— Elder, Smith, & Go ? Spercent, 1— Mercantile Marine ... ... o 1 0 1— Do. bonus ? 0 10 4— GJenelg Bathing Company 6 per cent. . 6— Baker's Creek ? ... 0 1 0 5— New Zealand Loan ... 10 per cent. Do. Bonus... 5 per cent. 7— Star of the East ? 0 2 6 11— Rio Tinto Syndicate ? IS— Extended ? 0 10 20— Mutooroo ? 0 10 20— Broken Hill ? 2 0 0 March 1— Adelaide and Suburban Tram ... 0 4 0 5-Baker'a Creek ? 0 16 Bbhadstdffs MATttrgr. The market keeps very dull for wheat so far as shipping parcelsftre concerned, there being no demand for shipment to Europe at present prices. Some small cargoes have been sent to Sydney, but Califomian is offering there at lower rates- than South, Australian. For f armere* lote there is good local demand from millers at 4s. 4d. to 4s. 54. Port Adelaide, 48. 2a. to 4s. 3d. atontportB, and a trifle better at Pert Pine. Holders do not seem anxious to sell, as they expect Hie short supply will keep prices at a-bigh level. The demand for Soar ib not active. We quote £11 to £11 5a. for roller, £10 to £10 5b. for stone-made. Bran, lOJdi to lid.; pollard, 1-%L a bushel. New Zealand oats dtdl at 4b. 4d. to 4s. 6d. Maltintr barley in full supply at 5s. to 5s. 3d., maltsters having bought heavily are now careless of further stock at present. OOTJNIBT QUOTATCOSH. Buns, February 14.— Wheat, 4s. 63. J floor, £10 10s. ; bran, 1b. Id. j pollard. Is. 2d. Clare. February 14. — Wheat, 3s. lid, ; flour, £11 ; bran, Is. 2d. to Is. 3d. ; pollard, Is. 2d. to Is. 3d. Kadina, February 12.— Wheat. 4b. IJi.; bran, Is. 2Jd.; pollard, Is. 3d.; flour, £10 5s. Kspnnda, February 11. 'Wheat, 4s. Id. to 4s. lid.; flour, £10 to £11 10a.; bran, lid. to Is. 3d.; pollard. Is. to Is. 3d. Gawier,February8.- Wheat, 4s. 4s.3d. j flonr, £11 5s. (roller), £3 to £9 5s. (stone); fcran, Is. to la. Id.; DoIIard, 1b. to Is. 2d, Mount Barker, February 14.— Wheat, 4s, Id.; bran, Is. ld^ pollard. Is, la. Mount Gambier, February IS.— Wheat. 3s. 6d. to 3s. Sd.; bran, 1b. ; pollard. Is. Id.; flour, - £10 to £11. Moonta, February 14. — Flonr, £10 5s.; wheat* 4b. Id.; bran, 1& l|d.j pollard, ]& Ijd. Port Augusta, February 8.— Flour, £11 to £10 15b,j wheat, 4s, 2Jd,j bran, lid,; pollard, Port PMe, February 7.— Wheat, 4b, 6d.| bran* Is. ; pollard. Is. ; flour, £9 10s, (stone), £11 IDs. (roller). Terowie, February 14.— Wheat, 4s, 2d.j bran, Is. 5d-; pollard, Is. 5d. Wallaroo, Febroary 12.— Wheat, 4a. 2d,j flonr. £10 15s. to £11 15s, j bnn, Is, 33. j pollard, la. 3d. Ikxebcoloniai; M&bkets. [By Telegraph.] Melbourne, February 14. The wheat market is firm and active, with sales to 4s. 7d. Flour to £10 for stone-made, and roller from £10 10s. upwards. Feed grains are better. New Zealand oatsj 3b. lOd. Barley is unchanged ; Cape, 3s. 3|d. Maize to 4si Bran 1b dull at lid. Sugars are active, with sales of greys at £22 and whites at£235s, The tea market is still unsettled from the recent failures, and 100 half-chests of medium were to day sold at 10£d. There was a fair gathering at the sugar sales to-day, greys realising £22to £22 5s. , and whites £22 10s. to £23 5a, ; after file eale prices advanced 5s. Not much has been done in dried fruits ; 500 boxes of sultanas-have been quitted at 5Jd. Sydney, February 14, BreadetuSs are in fair demand. Wheat.— South/Australian and Victorian are quoted at 4s. 10a. to 5b,, and New Zealand 4s. 4d. to 4si 6d. Boiler brands of flour, £11 15s. to £12 15s. Bran, lCfd. to lid.; pollard to Is. Id. Maize, prime river, 3b. 9d, Business is very quiet in the import market. Sugars are very firm. Alaska salmon is nominally worth 8s. 6d. to Ss. 9fl. 250 cases of Geudas candles were sold to-day at 6d. 50 Cases of dates were sold at 2d. Jutes axe quiet. Cement and metals are dull. Daxbt Peoduce Mabket. Messrs. A. W.. Sandford & Co. report 'on February 12 :— Friday's sale price for fresh butter was barely sustained at to-day's market, etale and inferior store lines especially being neglected. Good lots of dairy butter sold at Is. to Is. 4d. ; extra to Is. 6d.; fair store and collectors' boxes realised 3d, to lOi,; pastry dull,. 3d. to 6d.; potted quiet, 9£d. to lid. Eggs in brisk demand, lOJd. to 10|d., advancing. Cheese is weaker, beat large selling at Sd, to 9£d.: loaf, 10d.; medium grades, 7£d. to 8Jd» Honey in good demand, 2£d. to 3d. Wattle gnm, 3d. to 4d. Soft-shell almonds, Ed. to 6£d.; kernels. lOd. to lid. Factory bacon ades, 7d. to 7*d.; good well-cured farm sorts realised up to 6d., but the bulk of that catalogued was inferior, Belling at 2£d, o 4d. Poultry sold at slightly better prices than previous auction, but still roles low. half-grown and small fowls, 8d. to lOJd.; good table sorts, 1b. 2d. to Is. 4d. each; ducks. Is. 3d. to Is. 4d.; geese. 2s. to 2s. 6d.; turkeys, 5ii. to 5fi. per 1b.) live weight. r^lfiHn Messrs. A. W. Sandford & Co. report on February 15 -.—Although the supply of fresh butter was rather to-day's sale, prices ruled a Id. to 2d. lower, demand for pastry eorts- especially being cheap; potted is also duller. Eggs are in brisk demand, and had sharp advance. Cheese is easier. Honey finds sale at improving value. Bacon (factory-cured) haefair business; hams dull. Wattle gum in good demand. AlmondB lower. Poultry, especially fowls, sell somewhat above the absurdly low rates of last week's sales. Fallowing prices obtained at to-day's auction : — Dairy lots of fresh butter, lid. to Is. 3d.; a few boxes to Is. 4M; good Btore lines, 83. to lOd.r inferior and pastry, 40. to 7d.; a A. potted, 9£d. to 9£d.j imported in bond, 9$ fc-

lOd. S.A. factory eheeee, 8jd. to S£d.; loaf to. lOd,; imported (in bond), best large, 6d. to 7id; loaf; 6Jd. to 7Jd. Eggs, li&Ltols. Honey, 2*d. to 3d Factory-cured bacon, 7d. to 7id. for eides ; farm lots very doU. Softebeli almonds (Brandis), 5Jd.; papersheUs, 4M.; kernels, lOd. to lid. Wattle gum, 3£d. to 4d. Fowls (ordinary), lOd. to Is. 2d.; extra to 1b. Sd. each. Ducks, Is. 3d. to Is. 6d,; gesse, 2s. 6d. to 2s. lOd. Messrs. A. A. Brioe & Co,, of Broken Hill, report oa February S : — At our sale to day the catalogue throughout was well filled, attendance large, bidding brisk ; prices advanced during the eale ; special demand for good table poultry. The quantity of produce has so increased with ready sale that we will hold the sale twice a week from this forth on Tuesdays and Fridays. Prices were as follows :— Butter, 13id. to 19£d. per Ib., quality fair to good ; eggB, lOd. to Is. per dozen, ready Bale ; bacon, 8d. to 10d., farmers' lots not prime; good priceB sure for good bacon and hams. Potatoes, £11 5a. to £12. per ton, Mount Gambier; Fruit— Fears, 7s. to 8s. 6d. per case of about £0 lb.; peaches, 9a. 6d. per case; apples, 9s. 6d, Poultry— Table fowls, 4e. to 5s. per pair, mostly inferior ; geeee, 4s. 6d, to 6a. each ; ducks, 4s. 64. per pair ; turkeys, 6s. 6d, to 8s, per pair, inferior birds. Good prices can be obtained for large quantity of good table fowls, Fedh, Vegetable, and Geneeai Peoddcb Mabket. East-End Market. Adelaide, February 9.— The market was well supplied in the vegetable class, with only a fair demand, and prices low, Fruit, a small supply, but quite equal to the demand. Other classes, only a moderate supply. Vegetables.— Asparagus, 3s. to 3s. 6d, per hundred; beans (French), 2s. to 2s. 6d. per dozen lb.; beetroot, 2s. to 2s. 3d. per dozen bunches ; cabbages. Is. 6d. to 3s. per dozen j do. (savoy), 1b. 6d. to 2s. 6d. per dozen ; cabbage plants, 9d. to Is. per hundred} capsicums, 3d. to. 4d. per lb. ; oarrots. Is. 3d. to Is. 6d. per dozen bunches ; cauliflowers, 3s. to 4s. per dozen ; celery, 3s. to 5s. per dozen heads ; chilies, 3d. to 4d. per lb. ; horseradish, 6d. to 8d. per lb, j garlic 3d. to 4d. per lb. ] leeks, 2s. to 2s, 3d. per dozen ; lettuces, 9d. to Is. per dozen} marjoram, 6d. to 8d. per dozen bunches j mint, 6d. to Sd, per dozen tranches ; onions, 12s, to 14s. per cwt., £12 to £13 per ton ; parsnips, Is. 4d, to Is. 6d. per dozen bunches] peas, 4s. to 4s. 6d. per bushel; potatoes, 9s. to 10s. per cwt.; radishes, 6d. to Sd. per dozen tranches j rhubarb. Is. 6d. to 2s, per dozen lb,; sage, 6d. to 8d. per dozen bunches { ahalots, 3d. to 4d. per lb. ; thyme, 6d. to Sd. per dozen bunches: tonsatoes, Is. to 2s, per dozen lb.; do., 4b. to 6s. per case; trombones, 3s. to 4s. per dozen ; turnipBr Is, 3d. to Is: 6d. per dozen bunches; vegetable marrows, 2s. fid. to 3s. per. dozen ; watercress, 6d. per dozen ; cucumbers. Is. to 2s. tier dozen. Fruit.— AlmondB (hardshell), 2d. to 3d. par lft. } do. (softehell), 4d. to 5d. per lb, j do, (cracked), lOd. to Is. pec Ib.; apples (eating), 3s. to 4s. per bushel; do. (cooking), 2a. 6d. to 3s. per bushel; Barcelona nuts, 6s. 6d, to 78. per dozen lb.; blackberries, 3d. to 4d. per lb,; damsons, 3s. to 3s. 6d. per bushel; figs, Id. to 2d. per dozen ; do. (dried), lOd. to Is. per Ib. ; grapes, 9d. to Is. 6d. per dozen lb., 2s. to 3s. 6d. per case ; lemons. 2s, to 2s. 6d. per dozen ; melons (water), 5s. to 6s. per cwt. ; do. (sweet), Id; to lid. per lb. } mulberries. 3d. to 4d. per lb.; nectarines, 7s. 6d. to 8s. per case ; peaches, 2d. to 3d. per dozen, 9s. to 10s. per case ; pears, 2s, 3d. to 3s. per bushel ; plums, 4b. to 5s. per bushel : walnuts, lOd. to Is. per lb. Dairy Produce.— Baoon, 7d. to 9d. per lb.; butter (fresh), Is. 2d. to Is. 6d. per lb.; do. (salt), 101. to lid.; cheese (colonial), 7d. to Sd. per lb. J dairy pork,4d. to 5d. per lb,; ducks, 3s. to 3b. 6d. per pair; eggs, lOd. to lid. per dozen ; fowls, 2s. 3d. to 3s. per pair } geeee» 3s. to 3s. 6d. each i hams, 9d. to Is. per lb,; turkeys, 5d. to 6d. per lb. live weight. Butchers' Meat.— Beef, 2Jd. to 4d. per Ib.] do. (salt), 2Jd. to 4d. per lb.j calves' heads, Is. 6d. each: calves' feet, Is. per set; lamb (fore-quarter), Is, 6d. to 2s. each] do. (hind-quarter), 2s. to 2s. 6di each ; mutton (fore-quarter), 2|d. per lb.; do. (hind-quarter), 3d. per lb.; sausages,. 4d. to 6dL per lb.; veal, 4d. to 6d. per lb. Miscellaneous. — Honey, 3d; to 3£d. per lb.; gum, 3Jii. to 4d. per lb. City Central Market, Adelaide, February 9, — A good supply of vegetables and fruit ; dairy produce plentiful; of fish and game a fair supply. Vegetables. — Artichokes, Id. to 2d. per lb.; beans (French), 2s. 6d. to 4s.. per dozen lb. ; beetroot, 2a. to 2s. 3d. per dozen bunches} cabbages, Is. to 3s, per dozen; capocmnB, 3d. to 5d.J per Ib. ; carrots, Is. 3d. to Is. 6d. per dozen bunches; celery, 2s. 6d. to 4a. per dozen heads ; chilies, 3d. to 5d. per Ib. ; horseradish, 6d. to 8d. per lb. ; garlic. 3d. to 4d. per lb..; leeks, 2a. to 2s. 3d, per dozen bunches; lettuceB, 6d. to Is. per dozen; marjoram, 6d, to 8d. per dozen bunches ; mint, 6d. to 8d. per dozen bunches; onions, 13s. to 14s. per cwt,; do, (green), 6d, per dozen bunches; parsnips, Is. 6d. per dozen bunches.} peas, 4b. to .5s, per bushel ; potatoes (new), 7s, to 9s. per cwt. ; radishes, 5d. to SdU per dozen bunches; do. (turnip), 5d, to Sd. per dozen bunches; rhubarb, Is. t6d. to 2s, per dozen lb.; sage, 6cL to 8d. per dozen bunches ; ahalots, 3d. to 4d, per lb.; thyme, 6d. to Sd. per dozen bunches ; tomatoes, 9d, to Is. 6d, per dozen lb. ; trombones, 3s. to 4s. per dozen ; turnips, Is. to Is. 6d. per dozen bunches ; vegetable marrows, 2s. to 3s. per dozen ; watercress, 6d, toSd.psrdozea bunches; cucumbers, 6d. to Is. fid. per dozen, FruitAlmonds (hard shell), 3d. per lb.; do. (soft shell), 4d. per Ib.; do. (cracked), lOd. to Ib. per lb. ; apples, 2s. to 4s. per bushel; blackberries, 3d. to 4d. per lb. ; citrons, 2s. to 3s. per dozen j damsons, 3s. to 3s, 6d. per bushel; figs. Id. to 4d. per dozen; do. (dried). Sd, to lQd. per lb.; grapes, 9d. to Is. 6d, per dozen lb.; lemons. Is. to 2s. per dozen; melons (water), Id. to 2d. per lb, ; do. (sweet), Id. to 2d; per lb. ; mulberries, 3d. to 4d. per lb. ; nectarines, 3d. per dozen; oranges, Is. to 2s. per dozen; peaches, 3d. to 6d. per dozen ; pears, 2s. to 3b, per bushel ; plums, 4s, per bushel. Dairy Produce. — Bacon, 7d, to lOd. per Ib.} do. (green), 7d. to 8d. per lb. ; butter (fresh), 6d. to la. 3d. per lb,; cheese (colonial), 8d. to lid. per lb.; dairy pork, 5d. to 6d. per lb. ; ducks, 3s. 6d. to 4s. per pan:; eggs, 10d. to lid. per dozen; fowls, 2s, 6d. to 4a. per pair; geeBe, 3s. 6d. to 4s, each } hams, lOd. per lb, ; lard, 8d. per lb. ; turkeys, 4s. to 8s. each. Butchers' Meat,— Beef, 2§d. to 7d. per lb.; do. (salt), 2£d. to 4£d. per Ib. ; calves' heads, Is. to Is. 6d. each] calves' feet, Is. per set; Iamb ({ore-quarter), Is. 6d. to 2b. each; do. (hmd-quarter), 2s. to 2s. 6d, each ; mutton (fore-quarter), 2d. per lb. ; do, (hind-quarter), 3d. per Ib. } sausages, 3d, to 4d. per Ib.; veal, 3d. to 4d. per lb, Miscellaneous.— Beeswax, lOd. per lb. ; oolonial jam, 6d. to 7d. per 21b. tin; flowers, Id. to 4d. per bunch ; honey, 3d. to 4d. per lb.; rabbits, 9d. to Ib. 3d. per pair ; pigeonB, Is. to Is. 60. per pair. Hat Market. City Hay Market. February 9.— Trussed wheaten hay, £4 15s. to £5 per ton} do. mixed do, do.. £4 10s. to £4 16s. per ton; do.. Cape oaten do., £4 15s. to £5 per ton | do. mixed do. do., £4 5s. per ton; best chaff, Is, lid. per bag, £4 10s. per ton. CENTEAl flSH, TAME. AND JfOUlIEY MABKBX. E. Daw reports :— The fish market has been fairly well supplied during the week, and 'owing to the cool weather good prices have been maintained, Poultry fit for the tabla are in good demand at satisfactory prices, FiBh.— Enffs,$B. 6d, to 4s. per basket; schnappers, 6d. to 2s. 6d. each ; whiting, Ib. 6d. to 3s. 3d. per dozen; bntterfish, ljd. to 3d. Iper lb.; Murray cod, 2d. to 4d. per lb.; bream,; 4s. 6d. to 10s. per dozen; perch, 4s, 6d. to 19s, per dozen; mullet, 2s. 6d. to 6s. per basket; 'salmon, Ib, 6d. to. 3s. 6d. per dozen ; flounders, 4s, to 14s. per dozen.; garfish, 5b. to 7s. 6d. per basket ; Bnook, 4s. to 9s. per dozen ; flatheads, 3s. to 7s. 6d. per dozen ; crayfish, 4b. to 16s. per dozen ; crabs, 6d. to 8d. per dozen J oysters, 28s. to 30a. per bag; barraconta, 4s. to 6s. per dozen. Game.— Hares, 3s. to 3s. 6d. per pair; rabbits, 4d. to 9d. per pair ; turkeys, 7d. per lb. live weights ; geese, 2s. 6d. to 3s. each ; ducks, Is. 6d. to 2s, each ; fowls, Is. 3d; to Is. 9d. each. Wool Sales. Messrs. Elder, Smith, & Co. report having held a wool sale at Port Adelaide on Tuesday, consisting of 218 bales and 34 bags, the bulk being irregular lots. Biddings were animated, and the sale went off briskly; but there were no good lines in the sale, and the highest price obtainedwaB7^d. Ordinarygreasybroughtfrom. 6|d. to 7|d. ; lambs, from 6d. to 6d. ; pieces, from 4d. to 6d. ; and locks, from l£d. to 3d, The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, under date February 12, report having held a wool sale at their Port Adelaide warehouses. There waB a good attendance of buyers, and values were maintained. Thirty-one bales Mallee Cliffs greasy merino sold at 7Jd. per lb,; greasy pieces are worth 4d. to 5d per lb, and locks l£d. to 3d. per lb. Scoured wool is selling at 12d. to 14d. per lb. for fleece, lOd. to Is. Id. per lb, far pieces, and 6d. to 8d. per lb. for locks. Stcck IIaeket.— February 13. Fat Cattle —8S2 catUe vrere sold this week, and 42 inferior head were turned out unsold. This number proved a somewhat bare supply, especially as scarcely one-tbird were of good to prime quality. Saleswere brisk throughout, and prices show a considerable advance upon last week's. Prime beef, to 2Es. per 100 lb. Quotations— Prime bullocks, £10 to £13: good, £8 to £9; inferior, from £4. Prime cowe, £7 to £9 (a few to £10 17a 6d.) ; good, £5 to £6 ; inferior, from £3. E. Laugfaton & Co. sold 22 bullocks for Messrs. I. & J. Dodd to £11 10s , and averaging £10 'is. ; 86 very prime cows for Eon. J. H. Angas to £10176. 6d.,'and averaging nearly £9; 49 head in small lote for different owners. Elder, Smith, & Co., Limited — 119 head for various owners. Barker and CbamberB— 44 head. Bagpt, Shakes, & Lewis, Limited —21 head at quotations; O. Bennett— 86 head on account of Ilesere. Yates, Russell, Tennant, Kirkham, and others, at quotations Fat Sheep. — 10.32C formed this week's supply, of which gnziers purchased 1,840 head, and 3,660 were turned out nneold. Again a good proportion of good to prime quality, gates were doll, And prices

cannot be quoted higher. Quotations — Prime merino ?wethers, 10& : 6d. to 12s., a few extra to 13s. 6d. ; good, 8s. to 9s. ; inferior, from Ss. ; prime merino ewee, 7e. to 8s. 6d , a few extra to 10s, 6d. ; good, 5s. to 6s. ; inferior lower prime Lincoln wethers, 12s. 8d. to 13b. Bd. ; good. Us ; good crossbred ewes, 6s. ; Others, lower. E. Laughton & Co. sold a small draft of prime merino from Canowie etatlon at 10a. 6d., also 971 crossbred and merino wethers and ewes at quotations. Elder. Smith, & Co., Limited — 1,104 sheep on different accounts. Barker & Chambers— 140 merino wethers, and outside 622 merino wethers ior A. J. Murray, Esq., Mount Crawford. W. Dean and Son— 2,604 on sundry accounts. Bagot, Shakes, and Lewis, Limited— 763 wethers and ewea, for different ownerB, to 9s. 6d. for wethers and 7a. 6d. for ewes. G. Bennett— 861 merino and crossbred wethers to 12s. 6d. and 13s. respectively. Fat Lambs.— 1,920 penned. Over £00 were sold to graziers, and 270 held over. Sales for prime quality were fairly brisk, but otter BOrtB were dull ol sale. Quotations— Prime to 10s. 6d ; good, 7s. to Ss. 6d ; Inferior, from 2s. 6d. S. Laughton & Co.— 214 for different owners to lls. Elder, Smith, & Co., Limited— 262 at quotations. Barker '& Chambers— 91 to 7s. W. Dean & Son— 625 at current rates. Bagot, Shakes, & Lewis, Limited— 194 lambs to 7s. 6d. 6. Bennett— 97 on account of 6. Sawybeir at 10b. Gd.; 170 on account of other owners -t full rates. Fat Calves. — 88 to hand, which met with ready sale, prices being firm. Figs.— 248 penned ; prices slightly advansed owing to light supply. Private Sales.— Dempsey, Wilkinson, & Sandland, limited, report having sold 1,100 wethers and 600 ewes at satisfactory prices, and E. Laughton & Co. have sold for Canowie station 23 high-class shorthorn bulls by Fuchsia's Puke Srd, and Heir of Clarence 4th. Elder. Smith. & Co , Limited, have sold 400 fat bullocks for Messrs. Acres and Field, delivery on Sandringham station ; 500 store bullocks fcr Messrs. Grant & Stokes, Macumba station : 800 meriDO rams for Mr. H. B. Hughes, Booyoolie.'and 200 merino rams for Hen. 3. Hi Angas. W. Dean and Son have sold 1,165 wethers, 720 ewes, 1,600 wethers, and 1,545 wethers, all at satisfactory prices. Mr. J. C. Wilkinson reports having sold, at Gswler, on Saturday, horses from £2 to £7 15a; pigs from 6s. Sd. to 22s.; fowls, le. Id. to Is. 4d.; ducks, is. Id. to Is. 3d.; geese, 3s. At Adelaide, an Wednesday, cows from 10b. to £6 ; calves from 6s. to 16a, for inferior sorts ; pigs (slight improvement) from 4s. to 25b. 6d.; fowls, lOd. to is. 6d; ducks, Is. 4d each ; turkeys, 2s. 9d. each.— [Adyx.] 46xi7 Dairy Stock. Mr. Geo. Laughton reports on February 14 :— Diiry cows at the Corporation Yards— A moderate supply, of poor quality. Sales were dull and prices low. I sold best to £8 10s.; goou from £5 12s. 6d.; and inferior from £1 Es. Dry cows up to £5. Calves; — 88 in (I eold 36). The market was a fairly good one, although not so srood as last week, the supply being larger. I sold best up to £2 2s:; medium from 16s.; ana veiy inferior from 2s. 9d. Pigs. — Only 248 in. This was a very short supply. Prices were just as low as last week, bnt there weresigns of improvement in values, and better prices may be expected shortly as the season advances. Poultry;— A short supply. I sold fowls from lOd. to Is. 2d. each ; chicks at 4J& and 6d. each ; turkeys at 4s. each ; and ducks atu 3d. each.— [Abvt.] 46x17 Prodtcb Market.— February 13. Wool.— Some 400 bales consisting of irregular lots have been offered and sold during the week, competition for which was keen. Sheepskins (dry) —PriceB somewhat lower owing to decline at London rates. Best. 2s. to 3s.; seconds, lei to le. 9d.; weevily and bare, 3d. to Is. SheepekinB (green).— There is an excellent demand for all offering. Quotations— Best pelts, 2s. 10d. to 3s. 4d.; seconds, la lOd. to 2s. 3d.; inferior. Is. to Is. 5d. CroEBbreds— Best, 2s. ed. to 3s. id ; others from la. 8d. Lamb pelts, Is. 3d. to 2s. Hides (salted).— Good well flayed, 3d. to 3Jd. per lb.; superior, 3jd.; badly salted and damaged, not saleable. Calf, 5d.; yearlings, 3Jd. to 4d. Hides (green).— Prices continue as of late, all offered being readily deposed of. Quotations — 13 lb., 9s. to 9s. 6d.; 60 lb., 10s. to lls.; 601b., lls. 6d. to 12s. 6d.; 70 lb., 13s to 14s. 6d.; 80 lb., 17 to 19s,; 90 lb., 19s. to 23s. Calfskins, best, 4s. to 5a.; seconds, 2s. to 3s.; inferior, from6d. * Babbit Skins.— Best sound sleeved, 6d. to 9d. per dozen; small and poor, 3d, to 5d. per dozen. Opossum Skins. — None offering. Kangaroo Skins.— Sound and clean lines, tOs. to 90s ; medium, 25s. to 40s., smaller lower ; red, best, 20s, to 60s. Tallow.— All lots selling well up to lost week's quotations. Best mixed, £24 to £28 ; broken packages, £20 to £26 ; good mutton, £30. MEtBOUBNE WOO! SALES, Messrs. Dalgety & Go. report on February 13 :— At our wool sale to-day we offered a fairsized catalogue considering tie season of the year and had a good attendance of buyers and spirited competition, enabling as to clear nearly everything. Superior greasy merino realised up to 12|d. ; mediana, 9|d; inferior and faulty, 7d.; medium greasy crossbred, S|d.; superior washed merino, 28|d.; good scoured merino, 17£d. To-day's Bale indicates that late values are fully maintained. IiABOB MABKEI. Messrs. W. & R. Hunt report on February 14:— The principal demand during the paBt week was for ploughmen and general farm hands, a number of whom have been engaged at current rates for various agricultural districts. The other classes provided with employment were a shoeing and general blacksmith for a northern station, butchers for country shops, shepherds with dogs, married couples withont children for farms and stations, milkmen, axemen, hotel couple, married farm laborers, teamsters, borrowers, and scarifier?. Mr. G-. Hittmann reports on February 16 : — The principal orders that same to hand during the past week were for ploughmen and general farm laborers, mullenisers, &c., and a fair number have been engaged and dispatched up country at 14s. to 20s. per week and keep. - A farm and station couple at £65 per annum, bullocfadriver, milk youths, and several stout farm lads were also provided with employment, Mr. J. Kemp Penney reports on February 15 :— The principal demand is for agricultural servants, who have been forwarded at wages ranging from 12s. to 15s. with keep, and passage to farm paid, to be deducted on nonfulGllirjg of agreement. Business in the labor market haB decidedly a brighter aspect, and a good downpour of rain would set man to work. Lads are being engaged from 7s. to 10a. per week, and married couples without encumbrance from £50 to £80 per annum on farms and stations. Peopkett Saikb. Mr. Jab, H. Parr reports a sale on Saturday in the council chamber, Port-road, Woodville, in the matter of the district council of Woodville, pursuant to an order of the Supreme Court, of allotments in the townships of Everton, Cheltenham, Albert Park, Hyde .Park, Henley Beach, Grange, New Queenatown; New QueenBtown Extension, Soyal Park, and South Alberton, Meetings of Cbeditobs. A meeting of the creditors of Mr, Richard Bradley, of Uraidla* market gardener, was. held at the offices of Messrs. NathL Oldham and Son, Adelaide, on Tuesday. The statement showed:— Liabilities, £595 14s. 9d. ; assets, £633; apparent surplus, £3? 5s. 3d. It was resolved that the estate be assigned to Mr. F. C. Stevens, of SummertowDj under Part XI. of the Insolvent Act, 1886, as trustee far the benefit of the creditors, and that the meeting be not considered an act of insolvency. Mr. Bradley was allowed to retain his household furniture and effects, and sympathy was expressed with him in his trouble. A meeting of the creditors of Mr. Charles Blewitt, of Balaklara, fanner, was held at the offices of Messrs. Nathaniel Oldham & Son, Adelaide, on Wednesday. The statement showed— Liabilities, £929 2s. 9d.; assets, £76L Deficiency, £168 2s. 9d, It was resolved that the estate be assigned to Mr. J. B. Hughes, of Adelaide, accountant, as trustee for the benefit of the creditors ; also that the meeting be not considered an act of insolvency. ISBOL-VBSCY. E. Clark, of King William' street, Adelaide, brewer, trading in co partnership with Alfred Wheelwright, under the style of Edward Clark and Co.