South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1867), Saturday 14 July 1866, page 7


We are of opinion that no district in South Aus-tralia, away from the metropolis, equals in importance that of Yorke's Peninsula. We therefore give especial prominence to a full report of the proceedings con-nected with the formal opening of the railway between Mooata and Port Wallaroo. It is now about five years since Mr. Gouge commenced the railway between Kadina and Wallaroo, and little more than three years have elapsed since that line was purchased by the pre-sent Company. At the time Mr. Gouge conceived his

spirited project the Wallaroo Mines -were the only ones known, and their great richness was to a comparatively small extent developed. Nevertheless Mr. Gouge would seem to have been a far-seeing man, and before his railway was quite completed, the traffic on it had begun to pay. At the present time about 2,000 tons of ore per month are con-veyed by rail from the Wallaroo and New Cornwall Mines to the Smelting Works and Port for shipment Besides this there is a passenger traffic of nearly 1,500 persons a month. The exports of Wallaroo are steadily increasing. They are considerably over half a million in annual value for minerals alone, besides which the export of wool although not large, is an item to be noticed, and hides and sundries altogether add a few thousands to the grand total. The quantity of ore exported during the past six months has been over 9,000 tons, besides above 1,600 tons of pure smelted copper, showing a total value of more than £260,000 at a moderate estimate for the half year. Since the commencement of carrying ore along the Moonta Railway during just one month, above 2,000 tons have been brought down, and this, under circumstances of some difficulty, for the line having been untried, and the heavy rains setting in prior to its being brought into use, it could not be expected to work so well as it might have done under other circumstances. The recent and frequently-recurring discoveries which

are made of new mines promise well for the extension of traffic. The country abutting on Moonta is being rapidly developed, and bids fair to produce ore in abun-dance. There seems to be no doubt that the newest discovery at Bald Hill is a genuine and very important find, and if it opens out in proportion to its present appearance, it will eventuate in a large and productive mine. The Wheal Hughes, the Wheal James, the Challa, and the Poona mines are close to the line of railway, and give promise of future richness. There is therefore no saying how soon the mineral produce of the Peninsula, may be doubled. It certainly is being rapidly developed. On these considerations we consider the opening of the Moonta Railway marks an important era in the history of the Peninsula, and therefore we deem no apology necessary to our readers for a rather extensive report of the proceedings connected with the ceremony. We may state that the total length of the line is about 11 miles, and it has been constructed at a cost of little more than £1,500 a mile. This, of course, does not include rolling stock, or motive power. The value of the trucks and horses is probably £3,000, besides another £1.000 for stables, sheds, &c. Having given these introductory remarks we proceed to report the arrangements connected with the opening. The weather, in reporters' phraseology, 'was everything everything that could be desired,' beautifully fine, but accompanied by a sharp bracing breeze, rather cutting to outside passengers. The new carriage built for the Company by Mr. Warhurst, and which has been already described in our columns, was deco-rated with flags, and punctually at 11 a.m. started -with its living freight, consisting altogether of about 60 souls, including babies — a never failing accompaniment of some of the fair sex. The Directors, Secretary, and Manager rode in this carriage, accompanied by Mr. Townsend, the Worshipful Mayor of Adelaide, and Mr. Harcus, the special correspondent of the Register. Another com-modions carriage, built on the Company's works at Wallaroo, came next, followed by an open passenger truck, both decorated with flags,. and crowded with passengers ; the two must have contained nearly 100. They were heartily cheered on leaving Wallaroo, and proceeded at a good steady pace to Moonta, accom-plishing the journey comfortably in an hour and ten minutes. At the Moonta terminus on the mine, Mr. Parkin, one of the Directors, mounted the top of the new carriage, and named it the Prince Albert, in memory of the late illustrious Prince Consort. The second carriage he named the Garibaldi, making a few appropriate remarks on the character of each of these great men. He then declared the Moonta Railway formally opened, amidst the cheers of the spectators. Several persons of the ' female persuasion' had accom-panied the party. About 50 of the railway employes were then entertained to a lunch at Square's Globe Inn. The table was elegantly provided, and the utmost cor-diality prevailed. Mr. Parkin occupied the chair, and Mr. Darwent the vice-chair. The good things having been duly discussed, the Chairman proposed 'The Health of the Queen,' which was drunk with all honor. ' The Health of the Governor ' having been also proposed and honored, Mr. Townsend proposed ' Success to the Wallaroo and Moonta Railway.' It was his opinion that every man who did good for himself generally benefited his fellow men at the same time. Gentlemen often combined together to make some investment for tlielr money, and while their primary idea was to lay it out for their own advantage, they directly and indirectly gave a share of the benefit to others. No step of this kind could be undertaken without spending large sums of money in labor, skilled and unskilled. Those who had travelled along that railway this morning must contrast the comfort of the journey with that over a common road. The present was a glorious day for the opening of the line, the sun shone resplendently on their proceedings, and the bracing air of the Peninsula had given them excellent appetites. He saw a young friend opposite (a little boy in the em- ploy of the Company) who had five times successively gone into roast pig — that was a proof of his assertion. (Loud laughter.) Great things often rose from small beginnings, and as they saw the present extension and trade of railway had arisen from a small beginning, so they might see that small boy, aided by his powerful digestive organs, growing into a large man, and acquir-ing ability to do still better in future. (Loud laughter. ) He hoped the Directors would find a profitable return for the capital they had invested in these railways. As a colonist he rejoiced to see such an enterprise carried out. He was satisfied the whole question of the politics of the country must merge into one of roads. They had large flocks and herds, large mineral wealth, and to render these available they must have good means of communication through the country. Beyond Port Augusta there were sources of wealth sufficient to give employment to thousands of working men - (hear, hear) — and he hoped their legislators would see the importance of the matter, and concert measures for the carrying out that important work. The working of Wallaroo Railway, while to some extent an experiment, was an example worthy of being followed throughout the colony. He was glad to see so good a. start made that morning. They were punc-tual to the minute ; that was important, for nothing tended to make a man punctual like being left behind when he came after the time. He looked around that festive board, and saw that their Directors were not taskmasters. They were evidently kindly treated and well fed. He was but a small Mayor, but if he were always fed as he had been there, he might grow into a large one. The Directors were men of kindness and of sound practical business qualities. They knew when things were going on right, and he would recommend each man among their employes to act as if the whole success of the undertaking depended upon himself alone. He recommended them to co-operate heartily with their Directors. The toast he had to propose was no passing compliment, but he sincerely wished the undertaking that success which should be a credit to themselves and the Company, and a benefit to them alL (Loud cheers.) The toast was drunk with all honors. The Chairman rose to return thanks on behalf of himself and his brother Directors and the other pro-prietors for the way in which the toast had been received, and to thank his friend Mr. Townsend, for the able and eloquent manner in which he had proposed it. He had spoken truly when he told them of the impor-tance of co-operating with their employers. When they met face to face, as they then did, a kindly feeling vwas engendered, which would soon be fanned into a flame of cordiality. Mr. Townsend had alluded to the way in which he had been treated; well, they would have been wanting in their duty if they had done other-wise, after inviting him to undertake such a perilous journey; but he wished it to be understood that the treatment did not arise from any over profit derived from the undertaking — (laughter) —but just to encourage them to go on. He now begged to propose 'The health of the Officers of the Company.' They had done their duty, and had the confidence of the Directors — (cheers) — but this was a growing concern, and wanted a larger amount of superintendence than the present staff could give. The Directors had treated their officers kindly, and given them every facility for carrying on their work. Their Manager, Mr. Austin, had had forced upon him too arduous a task. He had been obliged to combine the duties of Manager and Accountant, and while the Directors had ever found him anxious to strain every nerve to promote the welfare of the rail-way, there was a gentleness of manner about him that did not always fit him to combat with the roughness he might meet with outside the office. They had therefore sought for a gentleman better fitted for the duties of an outdoor Manager — some one, too, who had some knowledge of practical engineering. They had found a gentleman who, they believed, was in every way fitted to carry out their work. If he peoved otherwise they knew what would be the result. (Laughter.) This gentleman would have the general superintendence of the Jetty and railway throughout. They (the workmen) must now all consicer themselves under the management of Mr. Marshall. (Hear, hear.) He would be held responsible to the Directors for the good manage' inent of the concern, and had full power to deal with the men according to the best of his judgment. The Directors lived far away from their property here and had confidence that Mr. Marshall would manage it well for them. He hoped they would let that motto sink deep into all their hearts, and act upon it 'As ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them.' (Hear, hear.) They should place themselves in their Directors' position, and act as they would wish others to act whom they might employ to work for them. He hoped the undertaking would succeed, and that when they next met he should see many faces that had worn long and well in the service of the Company. He wished to state distinctly that Mr. Austin while he remained as accountant waa not to be considered as second to the manager — (cheers) — but merely as appointed to distinct duties, equal — perhaps in some respects superior — in importance to those of the manager. He had not lost one iota of the respect and confidence of the Directors, and he hoped he would not lose his reward. (Prolonged applause.) The toast being drunk will all honor, Mr. Marshall said he felt grateful for the confidence the Directors had already reposed in him by giving him the appointment, and he hoped he should prove himself worthy of it. He would endeavor always to give effect to their wishes, and hoped when they met again, . twelvemonths hence, they would have no occasion to regret the appointment. Mr. Austin on rising was greeted with hearty cheers. He thanked them all for the way in which they had drunk the toast, and especially the Chairman for the kind manner in which he had introduced it. He was

glad to learn that he still had the confidence of the Directors, and hoped he should continue to deserve it. He might say that during the two years and a-half he had held the office of Manager, though he had had many difficulties to contend with, he had always found the workmen under him respectful and attentive to his orders. He saw there men who had worked for the railway from the very commencement, and he considered it a credit to them. Men who had continued for so many years in the service deserved encouragement. He hoped they would remain for years to come, and receive the due reward for their services. -(Applause.) He begged to propose the 'Health of the Workmen.' (Loud Cheers,) Mr. Edwaed Trye, as one who had been longest in the employ, returned thanks. He said he had worked under Mr. Milsom for nine years, and was the man who brought over the first horses to work in making the Kadina line. (Hear, hear.) He wished to express his gratitude, and that of his fellow-workmen, to the Directors for the treat they had afforded them, and hoped the conviviality of feeling would continue. As a man felt proud to say he was an Englishman, so he hoped they would feel proud to say they were in the employ of the Wallaroo Railway Company. (Loud Cheers.) Mr. Townsend proposed the ' Health of Mr. Bower, M.P., the Member for the District,' and one who felt a great interest in the event of that day. Mr. Bower felt gratified at the compliment. He paid attention to the fact that the Directors had come over to open the line themselves. Like sensible men, they came to look after their own business. They had been obliged to leave it to the management of their officers, and they had difficulties to contend with that the Directors had no idea of. The officers and men had to bear the real brunt of the work. He begged to name

Mr. Milsom, especially, as having been for so long con-nected with the railway. (Cheers.) He was glad to see the Directors appreciate the exertions of their em-ployes. Such social feelings they ought to be proud of. He thanked them for having done him the honor to drink his health. Mr. Colley said it was a great credit both to Mr. Trye and Mr. Milsom that the former had worked so many years under the latter. He was struck with the remark made by Mr. Trye, that they should be proud of their connection with the Railway Company as Eng-lishmen were proud of their native land. He was very pleased to hear him say so, and thought the remark had a great deal of meaning. As the Secretary, he knew something of the difficulties they had to contend with, and felt sure that both Mr. Austin and Mr. Milsom had very arduous duties to perform. He could endorse the statement that they both had the confidence of tbe Directors. (Cheers.) He hoped Mr. Milsom would now fall into his place under the new Manager as Over-seer of Works. The new Manager had been accus-tomed to engineering, and the carrying out of superior works, and he believed him well qualified for his position. He proposed Mr. Milsom's health. (Applause.) Drunk with honors. Mr. Milsom, who was greeted with vociferous cheering, said, ' Well, gentlemen, I'm not much of a spouter, but I think I see a good many honest faces who've been working for me several years. They always found they never got their money if they didn't earn it ; but when they did earn it they always got it. (Laughter and hear, hear.) On the other hand, I think there's no fear of Mr. Marshall and me not agreeing as well as " - Here Mr. Milsom replenished his glass, and saying, 'Gentlemen, Til drink all your good healths,' drunk he contents amidst laughter and applause. THE BANQUET. Punctually at half-past 6 the guests invited took their seats at a well-spread table in Phillips's Globe Inn, or Pier Hotel as he intends to call it. Mr. Parkin occupied the chair, and having said grace the work of consumption commenced. The ride from Moonta having sharpened the appetites of all, the execution was speedily accomplished. When dessert was placed upon the table the Chairman gave in quick

succession the toasts of the Queen, the Prince aud Princess of Wales, and the rest of the Royal family, also that of His Excellency Sir Dominick Daly. These toasts being honored with every expression of loyalty, the Chairman called on Wis Worship the Mayor of Adelaide to propose the toast of the evening. Mr. Townsend, who was greeted with rounds of applause, said he had been feasting and enjoying a little gaiety elsewhere, and came here for a holiday, but he found it had consisted chiefly in repeating what he had recently undergone. He thanked them for their hospitality ; he rejoiced to see the prosperity of the Peninsula ; he saw here the results of energy and capital combined. He had to propose the toast of 'Success to the Kadina and Wallaroo Railway and Pier Company.' He would repeat what he had said at Moonta, that morning, that enterprises sometimes commenced for interested motives, resulted in good to the public. He could not fail to see the necessity existing for communication between the various parts of the peninsula, aud this had been supplied by the Railway Company. No oue who had taken the tiip to Moonta and back on the railway could fail to see the advantage of such a line, and there were other places where railways would be equally beneficial. The country north of Port Augusta required a railway. As a Mayor he sighed to think of the price of horsefeed, and difficulties of horse travelling in that country. (Laughter.) On the result of this experiment he believed they would have to decide whether they should depend on the Government for help, or whether their railways should be carried out by private enter-prise. He therefore hoped this railway would be suc-cessful, and remunerative to the Company. It was surprising to see what had been done on this peninsula during the past few years. Six years ago it was a barren wilderness. Now it showed every sign of large prosperity. The speaker here gave a humorous account of a descent he was once tempted to make down a mine. He thought they would see the impor-tance of keeping up the best possible system of roads ; there was plenty of material to be carried, and the for-mation of railways would facilitate the opening up of the country. He felt sure from what he knew of the Directors and Secretary that they were thorough good business men, who would carry out what they undertook in the best possible manner. He had much plea-sure in proposing ' Success to the Kadina and Wallaroo Railway and Pier Company.' Drunk with applause. Song, Mr. Clarkson — 'John Anderson my Jo.' Mr. Darwent rose to respond to the toast. After the eloquent and exhaustive speech of his friend the Chief Magistrate of Adelaide, he felt great difficulty in attempting to make a speech ; it was not in his line at all. Still he thought he had been appropriately called upon to respond to the toast, as he was the first who had been connected with the present railway ; indeed, he had been all bis life, directly or indirectly, connected with the carrying-trade. To refer, to what Mr. Townsend had spoken about a railway northwards from Port Augusta, his opinion was that if a railway stretch-ing 100 miles north had been constructed twelve months ago, much of the late distress would have been saved. He believed animal-power was the best for this country. They could generally manage more cheaply with horses than otherwise. They could raise the animals, the feed for them, and they had the men to work them. He thanked them for the way in which they had received the toast. (Applause. ) The Chairman rose to propose 'The Engineers and Contractors.' He alluded in general terms to the wonders accomplished by engineering skill, and spoke of a journey he remembered performing in the year 1812, when the time from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. was occu pied in performing a journey of only 52 miles. Twelve years ago he was in England, and travelled by rail at the rate of 60 miles an hour. Now here on the Peninsula the railways were in their infancy, just struggling into existence. Here they had a railway opened this day, which was the result of engineering skill — he would say something like superior skill — and the Directors felt bound to express their appreciation of the way in which it was carried out, both by engineers and contractors. He therefore had much pleasure in proposing the toast of the Engineers and Contractors. (Cheers. ) Song, Capt. Paddy Drew—' The Kerry-Recruit.' Mr. E. A. Hamilton responded to the toast on behalf of himself and his father. The duty of the Engineers had in this case been more pleasant than it often was. The Directors had met them always in a business-like manner, and while they had done full justice to the shareholders, they had not by any false economy prevented the carrying out of the line in the best way. Mr. Hamilton expressed his regret at the removal by death of Mr. Grant, the contractor ; also at the unavoidable absence of his father, Mr. G. E. Hamilton. Mr. Marshall responded on behalf of the Contractor, speaking in eulogistic terras of the late Mr. Grant, and expressing his regret that he had not lived to see the successful termination of his contract. He was himself satisfied with the way in which the line had been constructed, and he believed it would be found to work welL He thanked them for the way in which they had received the toast. Mr. Harcus stated that he was not very well prepared to propose the toast which had been put into his hands. He thought, however, that the success of the mineB of the Peninsula, was a most appropriate one on the present occasion. If they had had no mines they would have had no railway here. If there had been no railway, there would have been no Directors ; and if there had been no Directors, they would not have had the good dinner they had just enjoyed. He was not prepared to say how much ore had been raised since the discovery of mines here, but they all knew it was a very large quantity. The success, not only of the Peninsula, but very largely of the colony, generally depended to a very great extent on the mines. He would beg before sitting down, to express bis grateful acknowledgments to the Directors of the Railway Company for the very handsome way in which they had shown their hospitality to their visitors. He had much pleasure in proposing 'Success to the Mines of the Peninsula.' Drunk with applause. Song, Mr. Chapman — ' Simon the Cellarer.' Mr. G. D. Young rose to respond to the toast. He had the satisfaction of feeling that he did not represent a mere section of the community, but felt that all could cordially respond to the sentiments expressed by Mr. Harcus. The success of the mines was felt away throughout the colony, and even elsewhere. They have long felt the convenience of having a tramway to convey the ore from the Wallaroo Alines. He was one of the oldest residents on the Peninsula, and had seen many vicissitudes. He hoped still to see one more, and that was -ucceess to those mines, which had not hitherto met*vith success. (Applause.) Mr. Colley, in rising to propose ' Success to the Trade of the Peninsula,' said he felt quite astonished when he came to look into figures to see how large the trade had become. Ths exports for 1865 were nearly £500 000 in value, and the imports about £36,000, and for the past six months the mineral exports alone were worth above £260,000. And this was the place which five years ago was only a sheep run, and where fresh water waa sold almost at so much & drop; you could not get a bucketful at any price. The wages paid monthly on the Peninsula amounted to about £22,000. There was such a circulation of ready cash here that any tradesmen who made a bad debt here ought to be shot. He saw fine stores in the place, and many signs of prosperity. There was Eland's bonded store— a large building, which gave them some idea of the arcsuui of trade doing here. He thought it was time they built a town hall or some good public building where they could hold their meetings. The Directors very much regretted

that, for wabt of some such building, their invitations had been so limited. They intended to have' asked all the tradesmen of the place to meet them on this occasion, but found it impossible for want of room. (Hear, hear.) He begged to propose success to the trade of the Peninsula,. Song, Captain Hay—' The flag that braved a thousand years, the battle and the_ breeze.' Mr. D. Bo WEE, M.P., said in responding to the toast, the proposer had left him but little to say ; nevertheless' he felt pleasure in replying as his own personal interests were so much mixed up with it. He must differ from the last speaker in in his remarks about no persons here making bad debts. (Hear, hear.) He did not think they could altogether avoid it. So long as the people of Adelaide held the purse-strings, he thought they had not the matter altogether in their own hands. (Hear hear.) Mr. Bower referred to the discovery of the mines by Captain Hughes, to the great assistance given by Messrs. Elder & Co., and to the energy and enterprise of Mr. Gouge in making the railway. (Hear, hear.) The Government never thought of doing anything of the kind until they made sure of its making a return. (A voice — ' Until they're bullied into it.') But when such enterprising men as Elder & Co. and the Directors of the Railway Company came forward aud laid out their money as they did it tended to the improvement of the place. There was much harm done by the way in which mines were sometimes got up in Green's Exchange. There were plenty of good mines on the Peninsula, and these sham ones tended to bring them into disrepute. He begged to thank them for the way in which they had drank the toast. (Applause,) Comic song, Mr. Townsend — 'A trip to Calais,' being encored, he gave an imitation of a London Harmonic Saloon, which was received with thunders of applause.

Capt France said one of the most important institutions of any country, whether for good or eviL was the press. It was read at the fireside in the country houses and even, he believed, within the precincts of Parliament itself. It was in this country a well conducted press they had, and he had much pleasure in proposing ' The Press,' coupled with the name of Mr. Harcus. ' Drunk with applause. Mr. HARCUS responded. He thought those connected with the Press of the colony had been tolerably successful in carrying out its management in a proper and respectable manner, and he hoped and believed they would continue to do so. He thanked them on behalf qf the Press, both metropolitan and provincial. The Chairman said that, being in some way himself connected with the Press, he could not allow the occasion to pass by without joining his thanks to those of Mr. Harcus, for the toast they had just drunk. The Press was the means of spreading knowledge and information throughout the land, and they might be thankful they had a free Press. Song, Mr. Gouge — ' The Slave Ship.' Mr. Mackie briefly proposed 'The Shipping Interest.' Captain Williams, of the Jessica, responded in appropriate terms. While he gave full credit to the railway, he must remind them that after they had brought their ore along the railway they required other means to convey it to distant ports. Now he wished to draw their attention to the fact that there was a fine clipper ship lying in the port, and kept waiting for a berth and waiting for her cargo. He thought they should have two lighters in the harbor to prevent ships from being so long delayed. The Chairman remarked that the accommodation for shipping was being increased, and he hoped before long this port would be second to none for the dispatch which would be given to vessels discharging or loading. (Hear hear.) ' Air. G. D. Young gave ' The Health of the Chairman,' explaining that Mr. Parkin had kindly and ably supplied the place of the Chairman of the Board, who was unable to come up to the ceremony of opening the Moonta line. Song, Mr. Chapman—' Good-bye, Sweetheart, Goodbye.' Being encored, he gave ' Young Philip, the Falconer.' The Chairman responded to the toast, and expressed bis especial thanks to those gentlemen who had contributed so much to the amusement of the evening by singing, and particularly to Mr. Townsend for the great entertainment he had afforded them. He spoke in terms of regret of the absence of Mr. Young, the Chairman of the Board. He said the Company were deeply interested in the prosperity of the Peninsula, for unless this place went on the railway could not prosper. Song, Vice-Chairinan — ' Beautiful Venice.' Captain France proposed ' The Health of the ViceChairman.' He was a gentleman who had a large stake in the Peninsula. He believed he might date his success from aspeculation in cheese which he (Captain France) sold him 15 years ago. He was a most energetic man and always succeeded in carrying out anything he undertook. (Hear, hear.) Drunk with honors. Sentimental song, Mr. W. Wyatt. Mr. Dabwent thanked the company for the way in which they had received the toast of his health. Capt. France was a gentleman whom he had known for many years ; but, as to the story about the cheese, he must say that he sent it to Melbourne, and when he received account sales he found they left a loss. However, he did not care to grieve over losses, nor to boast of his gains. He was glad to meet them on this occasion, and thanked them for so kindly drinking his health. The Chairman proposed ' The Health of His Worship the Mayor of Adelaide. Song, Mr. Clarkson— 'Bonnie Bossy Lee.' Mr. Townsend responded to the toast. He said he had generally met with a kind reception in his journeys through the colony, and he believed it was because of his conscientiously carrying out the course he had marked out for himself, namely, to do what he believed to be his duty, and to endeavor to raise his family above the position which he originally occupied himself, and to do good to his fellow men with what Providence had blessed him, and to enjoy'the pleasure of seeing his fellows benefited, rather than leave a large fortune behind him. (Hear, hear.) Song— Mr. Musom. The Chairman proposed 'The health of Mr. R. B. Colley, the Secretary of the Company.' Mr. Colley responded, and alluded in graceful terms to Mr. Gouge, the original promoter of the railway, who certainly was the enterprising man who started the railway, and he believed that if there were more men like him in the colony, they would see a different state of thing3 here. He thought, if it were duly considered what an amount of work waa done by their railways on the Peninsula, that an example would be taken by capitalists to extend railways in other direcctions. The railway north from Port Augusta ought to be fostered by the Government, and would be carried out with great advantage to the country. The Chairman proposed ' The health of the Chairman of the Company, Mr. George Young.' Mr. Townsend begged to make a few Temarks in favor of the Railway northwards from Port Augusta. He introduced a Bill into Parliament, proposing to give any Company forming a line of railway in that country, a mile of land on each side the line. The land was at present valueless to the colony, but the railway would make it valuable, and he believed if that Bill liad been passed, such a railway would have been carried out. Mr. G. D. Yoong and Mr. Hill responded to the toast.

The Chaieman proposed ' The Health of Mr. Henrys Hill,' one of the Directors. Mr. Hill responded, and alluded to the small difference in the expense of making tramroads over macadamised roads, and expressed the hope that they would see railroads extending far and wide over the country. He thanked them for drinking his health. Song, Mr. Chapman. The Chairman then briefly proposed 'The Health of the Manager, Mr. Austin,' which, having been cordially received, was duly acknowledged by that gentlemen. The toast of ' The Host and Hostess' being also done justice to, the meeting broke up. It was admitted on all hands that a more cheerful reunion has not taken place in Wallaroo, and great credit was given to Mr. Phillips for the abundance and good quality of the provisions, and for the admirable way in which everything was got up. The wines were far above the average, in fact of excellent quality, and it was matter of surprise that so excellent a spread could be produced in Wallaroo at so short a notice.