South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1867), Saturday 13 October 1866, page 3


Mondat, October 8.

Present— All the members. Bead, Treasury letter (forwarding memorial numerously and respectably signed) from Thomas Allen, late pilot, to the Hon. the Chief Secretary, praying for a renewed investigation relative to the decision of the Board in the late accident off. the Semaphore, with a view to removal of the Board's decision ; stating the Board's report after enquiry had been perused by the Cabinet, and also the evidence; and the Treasurer's recommendation had been concurred in — that after the full investigation made by the Board further official enquiry was unnecessary; but the Government is nevertheless desirous the Board should reconsider the third head of their verdict, with the view of modifying the sentence by cancelling the concluding words, ' Or in any situation in the marine department of the province.' TVT-*» 4~^j~kmKT-*Tr\'D AnfiiiiY-d-3 if 1U'** A 11 An lios? 43TT£kr- itAan

previously censured by the Board. The Secretabt read— that he was censured for taking charge of the Camilla improperly ; that he was deprived of his exemption certificate for misconduct when master of the Schah Jenan ; and had grounded the Omagh, but no complaint was made. Mr. Connor did not think the verdict severe. Mr. Hawkes considered the suggestion of the Treasurer should be considered. Mr. Likklateb thought they could not entertain the memorial, and was of opinion the sentence of the Board was lenient. The President said that Mr. Pilot Allen was not precluded from following his profession as master of a vessel by the decision of the Board. Captain SirraH said that, being present only on the first day's examination, he would not alter the decision arrived at so far as the evidence went, and agreed with the President, after the first day's meeting, that as he could not be present the following day, and there being no change of evidence, he considered Allen should be dismissed the service, and knowing Allen had resigned on September 3, that he be mildly dealt with. He considered the loss of life could not have occurred had the steamer's speed been slackened. After some further discussion, the Secretary to reply to the effect that the memorial as set out is not correct, because the evidence of Mr. Ashton, confirmed by Mr. Allen, shows that the accident would not have happened but for the speed of the steamer ; that in addition to this case sundry prior complaints have been brought against him which had some weight with the Board in arriving at its decision, and that the Board sees no reason for rescinding any portion of its decision. But the Board being under the control of the Treasurer, and having stated its opinion, offers no opposition to the adoption of the recommendation as contained in Treasury letter of 5th October. Read, Treasury minutes approving permission for Pelican Club erecting boat-shed ; returning correspondence relative to Murray snag boat ; and leave of absence to Mr. Nation. Also, in reply to requisition for a small steam-engine for the use of the Government yard, that the expenditure of so large a sum could not be approved until a larger sum had been legally appropriated for deepening operations, and, further, he was unable to approve so large a sum for grapnels for No. 1 dredge ; and it was undesirable to deck the pontoons until the works for which they are now suitable at the outer bar is completed, and regretted that the Board had called for tenders for transport of silt pontoons from the dredge before receiving Ministers' opinions ; also, in reply as to continuing deepening operations at the inner bar, that the deepening operations cannot be sanctioned at the inner bar without the expenditure of a much larger sum than is at present at the disposal of the Board ; and the object they had in view (testing the dredge's power to remove the limestone) haying been accomplished, and the time of year having arrived when the obstructions at the outer bar can be removed (and that without large expenditure), he would recommend the carrying out of that work at once. The President observed that the object in calling for tenders for hauling pontoons was more as a guide. Three tenders for haulage of pontoons were opened, and the President read a statement he had prepared showing the expense of a steam-tug of 60 tons and 30 horse-power for the purpose of towing silt, and the estimate cost of transporting silt at per ton, cost of steamer £6,000, and calculating wear, tear, interest, and working expenses £200 per month, making the cost equal to Is. 4d. per ton of 3,000 tons silt per month. Captain Smith then brought forward the motion standing in his name as follows—' That the Board deem it advisable to recommend to the Hon. the Treasurer, the desirability of purchasing a suitable tug-steamer, for towing the pontoons with silt raised from the inner bar to the Port, thus affording an opportunity of selling the silt and improving the Port and its vicinity, as well as providing a means of supplying ships with ballast.' He remarked that large deepening operations were contemplated, and desired a steamer to facilitate these improvements, and the ballasting of ships, &c. He considered another dredge would be necessary, thus raising about 8,000 tons per month at a cost of £170, which could be disposed of at 6d. per ton, thus more than covering expenses. To meet the cost of a steamer he proposed to sell the Flinders, which at present cost £1,000 a year. The steamer could be employed visiting the lighthouses when not required to attend the dredges. A steamer would be useful in cases of wrecks on vessels needing assistance down the coast. Mr. Connor suggested that the words 'by two dredges,' be added after the words ' inner bar,' in the motion. Mr. Hawkes seconded, and Mr. Smith agreed. Mr. Linklater moved as an amendment— ' The Board beg to recommend the Treasurer to procure a steamer, not merely of sufficient power to tow the pontoons from the inner bar to Port Adelaide, but one capable of towing out the lifeboat in a gale of wind, proceeding to any vessel ashore or in danger, such as the Marion on Troubridge, or the Electric off Brighton, supplying the lighthouses, and visiting the outports, as occasion may require. ' He considered the additional duties performed by such a vessel would soon compensate additional cost, and he was in favor of increasing the deepening operations. Captain Smith agreed that a steamer capable of performing these duties was required. The President drew attention to the Treasurer's minute respecting continuing deepening operations. They had now £3,000 at their disposal to the end of the year, and the two dredges would cost £2,686 during that time, including the haulage of silt. Mr. Linklater thought they should look to future operations. After further discussion, it was agreed — ' That a letter be addressed to the Treasurer, calling his attention to the fact that tiiere was a balance sufficient to continue the operations at the inner bar to the end of the year.' The further consideration of the motion being adjourned, Mr. Connor moved— 'That tenders be invited for the purchase of, say, 3,000 tons silt from the inner bar,' which was carried.

A new by-law was laid on the table by the President, respecting the detention of pilots, when vessels were drawing over 17 feet water, and their payment for detention. To be forwarded to the Treasury for approval. The Foreman of Works reported that No. 1 dredge had raised 428 tons silt on the inner bar, and No. 2 dredge had raised 1,079 tons silt in the Stream. He reported in reference to remission of fine for contractor discharging silt, the delay was owing to contractor's neglect. Resolved, that the fine be enforced. B. Germein, Head Keeper Troubridge Lighthouse, sent in his resignation, and applied for a pilot's licence. It appeared he was one of the oldest pilots in the colony, and the Board accepted his resignation, and granted a pilot's licence. Several matters of routine were considered, after which the investigation of a complaint by Captain Cozens, of the Hougoumont, against Pilot S. Germein, that vessel having touched on the inner bar when under his charge, was proceeded with. Decision reserved. The Bulls and the Bears.— A gentleman of the Stock Exchange, who recently gamed heavily by a rise in the funds, invited all who had the misfortune to lose to dinner. The piece de resistance of the dessert represented a bull devouring twelve bears. It was made of poundcake. One of the bears was so indignant that (with a courage which was terrible to behold) he took up a knife and cut off the bull's head, leaving the room instantly, and the giver of the flte, pale and trembling apologised to the other bears, feeling, after all, what is one bull in the hands of a dozen bears of society, if not of the Bourse? Snuff. — It was reported that BrunimelL, who was celebrated for the beauty of bis snuff-boxes and the quality of his snuff, was once dining at the Pavilion with the Prince, and incurred his master's heavy displeasure in the following manner. The then Bishop of Winchester perceiving BrummelTs snuff-box within his reach, very naturally took it up and supplied himself with a pinch ; upon which Brummell told bin servant, who was standing behind his chair, to throw the rest of the snuff into the fire or on the floor. The Prince all the while looking daggers : he gave master Brummell a good wigging the following day, and never forgot the insult offered to the Bishop. Brummell was then apparently in high favor, but the Prince from that period began to show his dislike for the Beau on several occasions ; and shortly afterwards quarrelled with him, and kept him at arm's length for the remainder of his fe, — Gronow's JkcoUtctwns.