Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1954), Monday 19 October 1925, page 2

p-AUUNE TjiKEDEBICKS' M ESSAGE TO ALL AUSTRALIA. | TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. nprV\jir\T IT A T J TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY; j TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. JL IJ VV IN JLliiJLjJLj TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. !. ' ? SMOULDERING' FIRES'- ? 'X : ? Seeing that I was actually to visit Australia, I wantedt o- make a picture that would represent the very best ©t which 1 am capable. I wanted the Australians t0 see me in my Greatest Film. - '' I wanted, in one supreme effort, to embody all the emotions that have endeared aie :o Australians. Yes, I am proud of 'SMOULDEJLUN FIRES,5 * and proud of the fact that this super Mastsrpiece will herald my apnearance ja Sydney, as this is easily my best and finest picture. BE SURE AND BOOK FOR 'SMOULDERING FIEES' AT TRYTHALL'S. ! BE SURE AND BOOK FOR 'SMOULDERING FiRES' AT TRYTHALL'S. ' ! THE PICTURE Ox TO,BAY, TOMORROW AND ALL TIMES. ! ftON'T MISS THE GREATEST DRAMATIC TREAT. OF THE YEAR Watch Future. Announcements. j

MAJESTIC THEATRE. SHOWING TO-NIGHT AT 8. £n the presence of the staffs of the Kalgoorlie Railways, at fhe invita faon of the Management. A turbulent Drama of the Railroad. THE MIDNIGHT EXPKESS ? & roaring melodrama of thundering express monsters, and showing the Host sensational railway smash ever caught by a camera. Supporting Attraction.- 'THE FOLLY OF VANITY.' ' BETTY BLYTHE In ? 'THE FOLLY OF VANITY.' &dded Attractions; 'Paul Jones, Junior' (Comedy), and 'Know Your -Countrv First/' TO-MORROW.— Zane Grey's greatest novel— ! THE BORDER LEGION Produced, on the actual location described by the author, and, accord i»g to 2iane Grey himself a true story. The gripping story of an outlaw band — 'The Border Legion.' Book now. Make sure aQd Ring- 338.

? JIH08EMENTS ? OTATE ' ENTERTAINMENTS TAX. ' Atte^ion is drawn to tn6 provision l-£ the above Act, which requires on «nd after the 15th October, 1925, proprietors of Entertainments char™ eiug 9d. to 2/5-i inclusive, for admis . ?bob to register such entertainments ftither at the local Post Office or taxation Department Perth, prior b the dates of holding. Official tax tickets, must be used for all. admissions unless advised to &e contrary by the Department. RAILWAY Institute Tonight, Okl Time Dance, Perfume. JVal'tz. Gents. 1/6, Ladies 6d. McC!(elland, violin, Miss Downing1' pianiste. . ? ] ? H' ALFWAY ' Hall, to morrow 'night (Tuesday),, Euchre Party and Dance. Usual prizes. Old and new. dances. _ Novelty waltz. Miss Downing, pianiste. H. Sains.* Wry, Hon. Sec. ? ? ' WOMEN'S Auxiliary Corps.— v. Usual weekly Euchre to night, ???'Bowlder R.S.L. Rooms. Six good cash: 'prizes. Mrs: E.- Buck, Secretary. ? ' , jM RAND Haggis ' Nicht, Social ' kJ{ and Dancei Caledonian Hall, KalgQQll'e, Wed., Oct. 23. 'Reserve this datG ; it will pay- you. ? . W. E. ^crgu'son, Sec.- ' - ' ?' rUSY' ARRIVED-—— . ^ : ?? /~1AMES. ?? ' ' ?I ? KJ ?';-??' : ??: ?=-. FOR- TEE CHILDREN. IMT7SING,... V ???- ? - ? ? : ?'?? '«& INSTRUCTIVE,., . ?;.„ ENTERTAINING.. Are Cricket. '1 Listen In Draughts- x Mother Goose Obsacle Race. Race Gamb. . |King -,-©?! the Castle. ? . On Your holidays. .A Day atfthe Zoo. ? Monkeys and Bridges. iHng Dong Football. Adventures of Father Xtnas. &li the Fun of tb-=» Fair. 1/ Per Game-; 1/3 posted. Inspection Invited. HOCKING'S, T TD, V_WAHTER KH6WH ? _. 1TVO you want £400, the 1st prize 'JLt' in tho Veteran's Sweep, pickets at Hebbard's. BARCLAY. and[ Shariand'sNews paper. Periodical, and Sta tionery Business continued as usual (by E. A. Adams. New stocks of pther goods arriving shortly. hr-ETTER Pay Rates than give J3 property away. For square deal ing consult Rainsford. Boulder and kalgoorlie. ? . ? , b AINSFORD has Buyers Waiting, fli» Central Properties, Boulder and JLz^oorKe. for quick sale. Communi par^ 'early. ? EADE, Pianoforte Tuner to Royal Academy. Trinity and University College ; 25 years' fac 3»rv experience, Chappeli's, Broad rood, London. ' Phone 413 Kalgooy* ?fe. ? ? I Z' ANE Grey's Blood Tingling ?Story of the Borderland, filmed, in gorgeous outdoor settings rivalling1 anything yet shown. Ma^- j fcstice Theatre to-morrow. BBILLIANT STORIES , ' . I TEEMING WITH j . ROMANCE! ADVENTURE' - . . .: '.'-. . . .4fe— ». ' ?. ? ... Sene S. Porter— Laddie . . . . ... . j &. Conan.. Doyie— ; . . . ., ;:. . His Last Bow Valley of Fear ; --E. L. Stevenson — ? ?'?-'??,' ? Kidnapped ? ? : Treasure Island . : Ef. D. Staepoole— . . The Blue Lagoon H. A. Vacheii— Quinney's E. R. Haggard Moon of Israel jL McLaren-^- * Bawbie Jock Inspecnon Invited. */6 Copy; Posted 1/9; iFrom JT Q G K IKG'A J t-Xr.:

f OBLIC KOTIGES | QANDALWOOD SECTION OF ! O ' THE A.W. UNION. ' Follow, ng is a 1 st of men picked from the memLers cf the Sand Iwoo -] Association as genuine Sauda wood. ers. They will be included in the- new Union known as a section of the A,W;U, r All selected men are re. quested to forward their, levies of 10/, and 9/. if not paid previously, ! with their Union fees of £l 5/ as i soon as possible to the secretary. i We are desirous o-f including sd] gen^ uine Sandalwood.ers that may apply providing he sends in his 'vouchers. A general meeting- will be he d on the 15.h November to elect off cers and pass ' in new members and j ' any other business that may crop j up:— j Kanowna: G. Bartlett, D. Sht tery, J. Cutts, P. Moratti, J. Mc Leod. R. Wisdom. A. Webb. J. Scattini, J. Perry, C. Hall, A. Hall. S. Hosking, R. S. Moore. . Menzies : G. Shaw, j Kookynie: J. J. Smith. H. Har | vey, T. Tucker, W. H. Tucker, K. Tucker, P. Mystrom, T. Berg, J. Woosnam,, H. Woosnam, A. Kruger, P. Harvey, T. Barret. | Laveiton : T. Vincent, A. Arnold. ! Comet Vale: J. Cruikshanks. ! Broad Arrow: I. Kogul. M. Fox, M. Coolahan, H. Ross, T. Griffin, P. Christie, T. Allan, J. Byrth, G. . Pearson, W. Saunders Bardoc: Owen Jones. Morgans : ? W. J. Brannigan. Trans Line: W. Donaldson, R. Fox, B. Bennitt, P. Rundell. G. Rundell, A. Rundell, T. Peck. C. Moncrieff. . Kintore? J. Doyle. Mu.gabbie: J. Turley, F. Clancy. Mulline: A. E. Giles,. M. Cocker, ;P. Robinson, G. Carllsor, N. Carl son. A. Evans. * Riverina: J. Frawley, T. Dore. Higginsville : B. J. Molisi. Yarrie: T. Reilly, F. Wanderson. YeriHa: A. Harrison. Boulder : E. Tavlor. Eric Taylor. . Kalgoorlie : J. Campbell, A. W. s Taylor, W. Skuthorp. ' Ora Banda: A. E. Taylor, J. | Moon, J. Mullins. Goongarrie: E. G. McCorkiH. Karalee: W. McKuon.. Cane Grass: J. Saunders, D. Northy. ; Widgiemooltha: P. Maher, W* i Hehir, E. H. Wiley. . Leonora: H. Lapsley. Kun-awang: W,» Duggan. . Coolgardie: T. Collins, H. Hal. ; ford, S. Wray, T. Bedford ' Kurmalpi: C. Harris, J. Cable, J. Cable. ^ ?, Norseman: H. Taylor, C. Taylor. Mulgabb:e: J Qumn. ? Jubilee: J. Fox. E. TAYLOR, President, { XKT- ATER SUPPLY DEPARTMENT. Notice to Residents Situated North of the Railway Line. | Please take notice that on aocount of repairs to reticulation pipes [there will be a decreased pressure in the water supply between the hoairs of 5 a.m. and' 5 p.m. on 'Wednesday* the 21st inst. OUR E Y E S. ' The public should beware of PEDDLING OPTICIANS. An in flux o±' these birds of passage with uncertain address, and highly re commended by themselves, causes the public much anxiety and may leave them with useless glasses and n bogus guarantee- When requir*. ing spectacles consult ; MR. C. W. SNOWDEN, Qualified Optician Hannan-street, next G.P.O. thirty years' prac tical experience. ? T\ /fUNICIPALITY~^f TOULDER. RATES, SANITARY AND { » VEHICLE LICENCE FEES. ! ? i NoHce is hereby . given that j Rates, Sanitary and Vehicle Li-, cence Fees are. overdue and must fee paid forthwith. ? H. J. EDWARDS, Tp-va Clerk. _Bp_ulder5 October 14. 1925. IREGECH Nickolos, 'of Jugo 3 t Slav nationality, born at Vrucica, DaJmatja, and resident 25 years in Australia, now rFs;din£r at No. 3 Camp, Kurrawang Woodlino. intend to apply for naturalisation under the Commonwealth Nationals ity Act .1920-1922. ? J. CUFT & CO.9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL S71 Hannan-street Kalgocrlie. SMALL GOOB^ A SPECIALITY STJTCHESS. PASTE-lK' Albums* hew vtei&p, cloth: bofind, iftBcection inviteo. .HQckw. s, Ltd. --._._?_- _^

PUBLIC NOTIOES riOOLGARDIE ROADS BOARD. \j ? The Road District Act, 1,0.19. i FbriQ. 82. Sections 60. 61, 62; 73 312 and 318. -;?? ''NOtECE OF ELECTION. It is hereby notified for general information that an ' Extraordinary Election of ONE Member for the Countrv Ward of the 0ooli?ajaie Road Board will be held on ibe 9th day '?of November, 1925. A. H. 3OUNG, Referrinsr to the above r.otice, l hereby notify for general iutorma tion that nominations for the above mentioned election will be received by me at or before 6 o'clock in the afternoon of the 26th day of Octo ber. 1925. or within 14 clear davs nexf preceding such day at the Board's Chambers. The number of members to be elected for the Coun try Ward of the said district is ONE. ... Dated, the 14th day of October, 1925. W. M. FAAHAN, . ? Returning Officer. ? ELECTION NOTICES ? COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL ACT. STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA ELECTION OF SENATORS. The undermentioned persons have been duly nominated t.s candidates for the Election of three Sejjatois for the State of Western ^'ushalia 'to serve in the Senate of the Par liament of the Commonwealth: — (A) BARKER, Ernest Heibert, 26 Ebsworth-street. Mouqj- Law]ey-Secretary. * ' (A) -CLEMKNTSON. iNtts i.rcrew, 141 Alma-road. N^-rti: Perth, Journalist. .(A) KENNEALLY, James Joseph, ISO Lincoln-street, Isith. Secre tary. . (B) CARROLL. William. 62 Fourth Avenue. Mo.ut Lawiey. Secre tary. (B) LYNCH Patrick Joseph, Three Springs, Farmer. (B) PEARCE George Foster, _ King Edward Hostel Perth. Minister for Home and Territories. CRAWFORD James Sharman, Tam bellup. Surveyor. Note.— The letter (A) or (B) ap pearing before Candidate's sur name indicates that that candidate and each ether candidate who has the same letter appearing before his surname have been grouped by mutual consent. The fact that no letter appears be fore a candidate's surname indicates that the name of that candidate has not been included in anv erotip. A POLL will accordingly be taken on Saturday, the 14th day of No vember. 1925. in accordance with the law of the Commonwealth For the regulation of Parliamentary Elections/ at the various rolling peaces apioointed.^ The Poll will open at fiiesht o'clock in the rnornins: and will not .close until aJl Electors pre sent .in the .Polliuff Booth at eight o'clock in the evening, and desiring to vote have voted. Dated at pp.rth this fifteenth day of October ^^95. H. R. WAY, Gomm^nweal+ih 'Pectoral Officer for the State of Western Australia. PLAYING ~Cards^Wal1abyT l7; Aladdin, 2/ packet. From Booking's. Ltd ? WANTED ? .__ ? ? . . V WANTED, immediatey, good piaJio Case, send, particulars to Rainsford, Kalgoorlie or BouU der. ??? ' Tj1IJRNITt7JlE-~FTirniture. Pianos, Sj Organs, any quantity : distance no object ; ?-nnt cash. Raiiiiford The Auction King. T7ETERANS' ? Sweep.— Seller of V 1st hoTse. £5: 9nd.. £3; 3rd., £2. Get tickets at Wright's. MARKING Inks, Bond's, 6d. md 9d. : Melanyl, 1 '3 and 1 '9 : Staf ford's, 2/6 per bottle. Hocking's, Ltd.. Kaleroorlie. HPEEMING with Action, Thrills, JL and Rnma.nce. ccT-ie 'Border Legion,' at the Majestic Theatre, to. morrow. ? ..: ? MEW '. S U P P L Y OF ELINOR GLYN'S NOVELS ELINOR GLYN'S NOVELS That are POWERFUL— DRAMATIC. PRICE OF THINGS. THREE WEEKS. GUINEVERE'S LOVER MAN AND MOMENT. CAREER OF KA.THERINE BUSH. --ipopy; 2/9 Posted. Obtainable from ^OCaONG'S. iTDv !

.... FOB SALE ' | SEAGRASS Push Cart, in excel. ' lent condition. Apply 53 Macdon;aklB,street,__Kalgoorlie. TOHNSTON-Street, Comfortable ei four roomed dwelling, vers., e. ] Jia;ht, washhbuse, bathroom j cheap j '? terms arranged. Rainsford. , _ . MACDONALD Street ideal 5 roomed Dwelling, 2 mm. P.O., every convenience ; a bargain. Ramsfprd. Kalgoorlie. ? BEDROOM Suites, Dining Room Suites, Tables, Chairs, Safes. Singer Sewing Machines; inspection invited. Rainst'ord. _ _; ? ONE Seagrass Pram almost new. Apply 67 Davis j8t.,. Boulder. ?\T0UNG Milking Cows, with X calves at foot. Apply 20 Hew ittwstreet, Halfway. ? . T VETERANS' Sweep.— Seller of V 1st horse, £5; 2nd horse, £3 3rd Horse, £2. Get your tickets at Baxter's. ? ' TT^MARDS— ViOioria.st, Nice frj Home, four rooms, iron lined, vers., batht, full block. ? £195. 'Tp DWARD S— Melba^Bt. , Lo vely J2i Villa, fovxr large iron lined rooms nice vex*s., elevated position, only £200. ? ' . ?T? DWARDS— Near Town, Five J-J Excellent Rooms, iron lined, passage, Vers., every modern con venience3 £125. £10 deposit. ? QUARTER Acre Block, freehold, weU fenced, 11 Hanbury-.st., splendid residential position ; bar . gain._ Edwards and Co. TNVESTORS.-Perth City— Pair X Bnck Houses, rent& £130 ; price £1200. Pair Brick Homes, reals £117; price £950. Farms in all dis^r tricts- Inquiries invited. Money Wanted fov Mortgages. E. PYMAN, . 35 Barrack^street, Perth. ? 5 GOO ft. 3 x 2 and 4x2 Jarrah, Quantity Gal. Iron and Fencing Iron. ^Whitford. 219 Hannan-sfc. ? TAR~RAHv, White Pine and lejctt ei Pine Shelving, 6 in. x 1 in. T & G. Jarrah Floorings. 1st and 2nd qualities, Karri Shafts cut to order. I Millars' Timber and Trading Co., Boulder-road Telephone 28. TXTEDDING Invitation Cards, 4VV nice variety, .2/6 per box, posted 2/9. From Hocking's, Ltd., Kalgoorlie. ? ^ ? 66 ; ft. Close Picket Fence; also 160 ft. Picket Fence. Whitford. 219 Hannan-st ? ... WEDDING INVITATION FOLDING CARDS. .SICE ASSOHTMENT, W6 BOX of Twelve. At TT OOEING'S, T' ( T D. &algoorlie and Bouitieir. P~ ACKING Cases, all sizes ; cheap. ' Hockirigs, L«-d.,' Ka.goorlie. /CHICKS, Settings White ~Legl KJ horns, from best laying strains. Bell, West End, Varden street. ? ; ? _^_^ ? . A ROMANCE of'' the Lawless West, 'The Border Legion,' by Zane Grey, showing Majestic Thp.atve to * morrow. FRONT Fence,. 66 ft.,' corrugated1 iron, good ? order, 30/ : also back fence, 6 ft. iron, £2. Brown, Boulder. ?..-.._ T T/ S H E R E— MrLLER'S . ILLER'S S PORTING /'*tJIT-£. PORTING VjfUlDE. 2/6 copy. Posted 2/9. , GET IT NOW ' Froro. HO 0 K I NG '8, f T D. coking's, Ltd,. Ealgooflie and Boulder. New and Secondhand EVERY DESCRIPTION Engineers Boslermakers Ironfounder^ . REPAIRS A SPHCAUTY CORRESPONDENCE INVIT£^ | BOULDER eH.KAUSCMSlLIE-W.A. i '' ? ' ' - r~-.^~~— ? : ? ?? ^ rjpHE WORLD'S FAMOUS NOVEL. ITS HONEST. ENNOBLING, EMOTIONAL. 'IF WINTER COMES.' 'IF WINTER COMES ' 'IF WINTER COMES.' By A. S. M. Hutchinson. 2/6 Copy ; 2/9 Posted. . From . Kalgoolie and Boulder __ SITUATIOMS VAfiANT ....... WANTED. General able to cook; also. General. Westral Hotel, Coolgardie. Tel. 59. WANTED, Housemaid must be sober. Apply P. Bordbni9 Kalgoorlie Wine Saloon. _ WANTED, Strong Lad, just left school. Apply Newman and Taylor, 9 a.m. to-da\\ 1 m HE Gripping Stdry of~~aa~QuT* 'A law Band, 'The Border 'Le-gion.-; Majestic Theatre.; fco..mpril

FOR SALE AT B A Y S W A T E R. A SACRIFICE. Owner Selling Out Owing to Serious Accident. AN IDEAL MARKET GARDEN FOR SALE. Suit Miner with Family. The place is situated in a convenient place, four miles from Perth, 20 minutes from Bayswater Station, three minutes to motor bus, 15 minutes to Ascot Racecourse, quarter mile from river. The place is fitted with a beautiful home consisting of Eight Roomed House, five beautiful plastered rooms, every convenience, verandah front, side, and back. Ten Acres of Rich Soil, six acres irrigated ; four acres of swamp land; a great quantity under crop too numerous to mention. A beautiful irrigation, good as any in the State. Tank stand, 4000 gallon tank, oil engine, 6 h.p. in perfect order, guaranteed to pump a capacity of 40,000 gallons a day ; hoses and sprinklers ; two horses, 1 spring dray, R.T. sulky; two ploughs, cutivator, harrows, and numerous garden tools and a host of sundries too numerous to mention. Price, £1800; walk in walk out. Full particular, of owner, F. TOIA, Market Gardener. South Kalgoorlie. BATH HeaterB, Bjitbs, Cooler Trays. AH Classes Building Material in Stock. Stearne Bros, i and Co.. Plumbers, Cassidy-street, Kalgoorlie. Telephone 380. ? PIONEER EXPRESS, corner . Macdonald and Lane streets, I Railway and General Carriers. For warding and General Agents. Re gular service to Mines and Boulder. Telephone 320. A MAZING STORIES. Full of Life. Fight f Adventure* Are ','?'. Emerson Hough's 'HEART'S DESIRE.' 'PURCHASE PRICE.' 'STORY OF THE OUTLAW.' Grace M. White— 'Judy of Rokes Harbour.' , 'Marriage of Patricia PeppeT day.' 2/6 Copy ; 2/9 Posted. HOORINQ'B ' i IB. OCKTWO-8, 1-i T D., Kalgoorlie and Boulder. /^OMIC Post Cards, large variety ' w to choose from, Hockuig's, ; Ltd., Kalgoorlie and Boulaer. j VIEW Local, ? Kalgoorlie 'and ' Boulder, nice assortment;. , Inspect our svock. Hocking's, Ltd., Kalgoorie and Boulder. ? . ' ?' V0UE- PERSONAL A. ? . GREETING CARD. ' Looking forward to Christmas is always a happy thought. .. Select your cards now. Doubtltss you want these car.ds engraved with your name. CALL TO-DAY. Inspection Invited. AT TT O C K ING'S T T.D-, ___i_^ Kalgoorlie and Boulder. . I LOST AHB FOUHD ______ LOST Purse, containing Note and silver, vicinity Town Hail, Kalgoorlie ; reward. 191 Colons*^. T OST, Attache Case, containing --L-J money and other articles ; good reward. Shesd's Store, fian. nan^street. T OST from our yards, Hannan* JLJ street, one Sheep Pup, slate colour, about six months' old, new i chain, without collar; £l reward. Clayton and Rintoul Bros. BOOK Early for Zane Grey's ^ Greatest Novel. 'The Border Legion,' showing at the Majes-tic tokr morrow. TO LET A RDROSS Chamber, double and Xl ^ dingle bed ; also good beds, j fiaritana st., Kalgoorlie. j 4- R00MED~ House, e.l., bath, back and front verandahs, , 12E Victor ia™street. . j IF You Want to be Thrilled and Entertained royally, here's your picture, 'The Border Legion/* rjiHERE'S FUN ? ? WITH A BROWNIE. And Good Pirfcures Too! ' An Ideal gift for ¥oung People. They are priced iibn. .14/6 arid 19/G apw'ard!s. Latest Models in Stocks Also, All Photo. Film Papers, Etc. Hoc sis a* s; r i? o. OCK J NG' S, Li^.-Xfc.' KQDAK DK4LEBS,. ? ? . . ;

? AUCTIONS WEDNESDAY, NEXT, 2.15 p.m. At No. 10 Outridge^terrace. FJ. EDWARDS . has received o instructions from Mrs. L. Me Combe to sell the whole of her SUP. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS. Comprising :' 1 Mag. D.D. JtJ.G. Bedroom Suite flight) ' ,. ? . I D. Bedstead and Bedding Bedroom Ware I Linoleums . and Pass. Lino. ' I 2 S.L Bedsteads ? j 1 | Comb. Bedstead 1 Large Weoodden D.B. Wardrobe 1 Sup. 7-dr. Duchesse Chest 1 Sup. Walnut Cabinet 1 New Oak Ice Chest 1 7, dr. D.H Singer Sewing -Ma*. chine 1 Han. Walnut Overmantei (9 ?. ,. Mirrors) ; 1 Fine Edison Phonograph and 100 j B.A. Records ! 1 Sup. Round Table 17 Assorted Chairs j 3 T.L. Tables 1 Hot Point Elec. Iron (new^ Small Wardrobe, Dresser, Safe, Garden Hose, 6 En. and G.I Tubs. 2 Coppers, Stew Pan, No. 2 Metters Stove (good), Sup. Laundry Basket, Sciles and Weights, Curtains and Blind and Pictures A large quantity of good Utensils. Crockery and Glassware,numer.., ous othp.r lines. 100 gal. Talk and Qty. Cor. Iron, ? Gents. Bicycle, Tools I And the usual Host of Sundries A Fine Useful Lot. Without Reserve. F. J. EDWARDS, Auctioneer. ' KALGOORLIE SALE YARDS. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21st. At 2.30 p.m. ' 100 FAT CATTLE. /CLAYTON & RINTOUL BROS. ' \J have received instructions from the Edjudina Pastoral Co., i Edjudina, to sell, by auction-^ | 50 FAT CATTLE. On account various owners—* 50 FAT CATTLE.