Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 3 October 1925, page 7

fUBLlO NOTICES ? -f*N THE SUPREME COURT OF 1 'WESTERN AUSTRALIA. PROBATE JURISDICTION. Jn the Will of ALFRED EDWARD v GARNETT, late of Ora Banda, j v in the State of Western Ausi k tralia, hotel proprietor, decea.Bed. Notice is hereby given that the Accounts and plan of distribution In the above estate have this day Wen' iiied in my office, Supreme Court, Perth and all persons hav, jng any claims on the said estate jor beins- otherwise interested jtherein, are hereby required to fcoine in before me at my said ofhce - \-n or before the 20th day of Octo jber One Thousand Nine Hundred £jv4 Twenty .live, at 10.30 o'clock in £he\g6renoon, and inspect the same, fcnd if . they shall think fit, object thereto-; otherwise, if fche said ac~ founts be not objected to the same Jsriil be eramined by me and passed -kecbrding to law. (Dated this 23th day of Septenu ber 1925. . __ A f ' J C SHAW, Deputy Master. 1 VILLENEUVE SMITH ^AND &EALL, of 23 Barrack st., Perth, Solicitors for the Executor, the West. Australian Trustee, Executor ^.nd' Agency Co., Ltd. ? ' iN THE SUPREME COURT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. . PROBATE JURISDICTION. In the matter of the estate of Maud Ellen Hogarth, late of Kalgoorlie, in ths State of ? Western Australia, dressmaker (spinster), deceased, intestate. , , . . Notice is 'hereby given that the accounts and plan of distribution m ; tiie above ©state have this day been filed in- my office and all persons having any claims on the sa-d esjtate or being otherwise interested therein, are hereby required .to tome in before me at my sa^d office tm or before the 21st day of. October 1925, at 10.30 o'clock m the | lorenoon.-and inspect the same,; tod 'if they shall think fit; object] thereto; otherwise if the said ac feounte be not objected to the same, jrill be examined by me and passjed according to law. i Dated this 29th day of September, 1925. ' . 3 Q gHAWj ,' Deputy Master. $. C. Cowle and Co., Solicitors, i Kalgoorlie. ? . TT Q E D DON, HOUSE, LAND & GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. | District Manager. Jgvefpool and London and Globe Insurance Co. Rents Collected, Properties for sale and to let in. #ve;ry part of Kalgoorlie and Dis'fcrict. ?Furhisned Furhisned Houses To Let% ?i T'hone, Kalgogrlie 287. ji/fUNICIPALITY OF E.ALJ.V1 GOORLIE.jfRAPFIC jfRAPFIC ACT—SPEED LIMIT, i The attention of driver^ of motor chicles is drawn to the new regulation made under the Traffic Act providing that no person shall jlrive any vehicle on any road in liny town at a speed exceeding 25 miles an hour, and when crossing Judges, passing schools, or turning Corners, the speed shall not exceed 16 miles per hour. CHAS. E. ECCLES, i Town Clerk. ,A USTRALIAN Mutual Provident i\. ' Society, West Australian \ Branch, cor. St. George' o Terrace tad William- street, Perth. — Lost policy.— It is the intention of the Society' on or after the fourth day of November next, to issue a Special ' Policy in place of Policy So. 766801 on the life of Denis John Mooney, known .as John ! Denis Mooney. which is declared ?o have been lost. , Dated at Perth i ;his 30th dav of September, 1925. j MT._ H._DERRY, Manager. ? i ffTHE LADY LAWLEY OOTr ; ul TAGE BY THE SEA. ? i y Convalescent Home for Children. ? fk doctor's certificate needed to adEnit children. Boys from the age pf Three to Ten Years; Girls from i the age of Three- to Sixteen Years. Apply 3 Matron above -institution, 'tf/%LIFT f fcJO.,' WHOLEbALfi' AND 'RETAIL . 27-&Hannan ^street*, Kalgporlie. JMALL GOOl^ A SPECIALITY. liUTCHEES. fVT ATIONAL Labour Party (Boul, ULN der branch). A meeting of the above will be held To-morrow (Sunday) Morning, 10.30, Piesse-street Hall. A good attendance requested to deal with important business. D. J. Wearne, Secretary. ? MISS 0. SOLOMON, O.D. QUALIFIED OPTICIAN. 1 CONSULTATIONS DAILY at ' . ?.15. HANNANJ3T. jfr/TUNICIPALITY OF KAlZ. IV1 GOORLIE, / REVISION COURT. A -Hsvision Court will be held at 1 } p.m. MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, |925, to hear claims and objections , io. respect of the Municipal Electoral Roll for 1925-26. , ? .. F. W. ALLSOP, Mayor. ?WAMfE'n'K»BWH-\~\7INNING ? Number of 2 Roos(Vy ters. No. 83, T. McOouachie, f&ain Camp, Kurrawang. ? fS BE/IT 'Musical Festival, Boulder S-^ I Town Hall, next Sunday after)l--o h Y«nd. night. __________ MOTOR leaving for Perty Sunday, returning following week, |3 passengers wanted. Apply Job's Btore, Bo-ulder. ? ]fj*- ADE, Pianoforte Tuner to | jjj Royal Academy. Trinity and University College ; 2o years' factory experience, Chappeli's, Broad&ood, London. 'Phcne 413 Ealgoo?§-£._ _ ? _^__ ! A TREAT— Mr. 'Tony Bonomi, the. ' ifX. celebrated Accordian Player. , «t Fire Brigade Concert, .Tuesday.]

FOjjJ/UJ SHEAH'A'N;THE THE GROCER, BOU L D E B. QUALITY ANB PRICE SPECIALS' , FOE TO-DAY. FOK TO- DAY, CASH ONLY; ' ' GEO. FARMER'S; BUGAR CURED BACON'! GARDINER'S PICKLES. bott!^^E-sb&ttlE.. V t % FEW PIG'S CHEEKS, ?f ' Average, 2/6 Each, ^ NORTH COAST BUTTER, . Pound — 2/ — Pound. ! NEWMAN'S SAUCE. .. i Equal to Holbrook's, ; .Bottle — 1/6 — Bottle, 3tJST CALL IN*, AND COMPARE PRICED ;WITH SO-CALLED CUTTING SHOPS, BEST SELECTED STOCK - ''; ?????-;???.' ?'?' .of-' ??;? : , ??' 'fiBOCERIESs WINES AND isPIRITS IN, THE D-ISmiCT. - BUY. IN.YOUR OWN, TOWN . ? .' And SAVE M6^EYl 0. SHEAHAN ' BOULDEB. TELEPHONE UI. ? ' ' i ' ? '? /CURTAINS, Cushions, for Sale. yj Apply at Mrs. Clarke's, Dressmaker, opp. BrennanJs, and 47.4 Hannan-st. ? ? 0 EXTRA Heavy Draughts, 6 D. and Single Wood Drays, a*d Harness- all good workers.— Clay-ton and Rintoul Bros., Kalgoorlie. GG Settings, W,L. and B.O., from imported stock, champion laying strain. 248 McDonald-st. TYLISH Pony Mare, 3 years, . broken to saddle and harness; sound and quiet; lady ca* drive; also Sulkv and Harness. Kneller, 53 Federal-rd.. near Trotting Ground. J AGE - HEHIE'S ???' . FOR GENUINE ENGLISH .LAGER GENUINE 'ENGLISH LAGER GENUINE ENGLISH LAGER . 10/6 PER I DOZ. 10/6 PER h DOZ. 10/6 PER \ DOZ. : at JACK HEHIR'S, BAIRDS Co. — Strong Coolers, ? with 3 shelves, complete, with trays, 28/6. ? ' BAIRDS Co.— Diinlop Garden Hose, 32/6, 60 ft. coil; Garden Spr inkier 3^fro,ni_5/6. BAIRDS Co.— Jam ? Dishes, 1/3; Sauce Bottles 2/3 j Enamel Kettles, 4/6; Tea Sets_from 12/6.__ /'\NE Sulkv, rubber tyres : also good set harness ; cheap ; in^ spection invited. 44 Lane»stM Kalg. -100 PAGE BANK J-00 PAGE BANK I WRITING PAD, WRITING PAD, WRITING PAD, WITH PACKET OF DUPLEX ENVELOPES, DUPLEX ENVELOPES, ONE SHILLING, ONE SHILLING, At ''JOHN WILLS AND CO.. LTD. 'TOONEER EXPRESS, corner -IT Macdonald and Lane streets, Railway and General Carriers. Forwarding- and General Agents. Regular service to Minea and Boulder. J3fclfiaheaa-8sa*_-..- ''

FDH SEE ?W 'DO .ZEN ' Oi The L A T-E-'S T ? LATE ST ZONOPHONEi , - ?-.;_ COLUMBIA, ? / . I ?:.'??.;?'' vttEGAL,.-,-- '?'' ?? ? - ' %? '???;:. --H.M.V. ? ?'. ? :: =?.'?' GRAMAPHONE - GRAMAPHONE GRAMAPHONE - GRAMAPHONE ARRIVED. HERE YESTERDAY. ' COME AND HERE THEM ?'? PLAYED! ALSO BIG RANGE OF GRAMAPHONES GRAM A PHONES IN STOCK |V-; .. ?.-..? At ??'. ? 'JOHN .WILLS AND CO.. LTD, SALVAGE Iron, 3 to 10 ft-.. Tank, Stove, Chimnev Flooring. E'irewood. Holmes-st., Boulder^ ? 'DRO'PERTIES^ Wanted ! Sellers I JT see Edwards and Co.. for cer~ j tain ancl quick sale, Properties or ! Furniture. ? . ? \ BATH Heaters, Baths, Cooler] . Trays. All Classes Buildfiig j Material in Stock. Stearne Brbs. | and Co.. Plumbers, Cassidy-street, | Kalgoorlie. Telephone 380. TNVESTORS.-Perth City-Pair j X Brick Houses, rents £130 ; price ; I £1200. Pair Brick Homes, rants i $117; price £950. Farms in all disT i tricts- Inquiries invited; «V ,i j Money Wanted for Mortgages. ' [ ; E. PYMAN, ? I : 35 Barrack^streetj Perth. 13EDR00M Suites, Dining Room J-) Suites, .: Comb. Beds, Ice Chests, Counter Showcase, Chairs. Jtainsford. , ? T^ULi; ; ? ' SUPPLY ' Of'| ~ TEAL TO-DAY. VEAL i TO-DAY. 1 RIGHT OFF THE. MOTHER 1 RIGHT OFF THE MOTHER.' { ? ALSOir- j PRIME BEEF, MUTTON: PORK, I AND LAMB; 1 ?PORK AND BEEF SAUSAGES. PORK AND BEEF SAUSAGES/., j. w. sSeehan,1 '-, . J HANNAN-STREET AND \ MARITANA-STREET. j T^OROTHEA -St.— Comfortable 4 JlJ roomed Dwelling, detached j kitchen. vers., fenced, cheap , j terms arranged. RainsforcL ? BUILDINGS, 'any description, suitable removal; highest I prices gven. Communicate eanly. Rainsford, Kalg- and Boulder. ?SONORA (Clear as a Bell). THE DIAMOND AMONG PRECIOUS* STONES. AND THE SONORA AMONG1 PHONOGRAPHS, STAND SUPREME . j FIVE MODELS IN /STOCK; j From £25 4/. . Cast or Terms. Lists Post Free. : ? NICHOLSON',8. - ' NICHOLSON'S. . \ ? ? -?'.? ?? '?? { MARRIED LOVE/' 3/6, posted ! 3/9; 'Wise. Parenthood,' Marie StoDes, 4/. posted 4/3. From Hocking's, Ltd.. Kalgoorlie. BUILDING Materials Roof4 and j Fencing Iron, Jarrah, all sizes ;?» Plate Glass. Shop Verandahs. Brown, Boulder. ? '_ ? .. GOOD .Fiv.e Roomed' JarrahHousp, lined, fiat iron,,- exceU,{ lent . condition,, full block, good gari1 den. ; 123 Macdonald. street. BE there and hear Mrs; D.awe'8 Hamilton at' Fire Brigade '' Concert, Tuesday. October 6. '_'.' ??GtJLBRANSENr;':::'; PIANOS. ? PRICE 'RIGHT, QUALITY RIGHT. MODELS A AND B IN STOCK. Also the Famous '5|' JLBBAN^T?.N REGISTERING , PIANO. . CASH OR TERM?..,:; : .?Particulars on Application. ? .. ; '-. NICHOLSON'S..-. . NICHOLSON'S. . ; «IH ? 111. 11. ? iuim_-.irT-Tll ? ? ' ? ~™*frJB ?-Machinery 1 New and Secondhand I ' . SVERV -BESCP.!!I*TIOW : ENGINEERS E3!LEeM,\KERS \ -j IRONFOUNOER^ . | REPAYS A SPECALITY I ''C0RR&5PON0ENCC WVIFE© ? ' ..' alcoorlie. foundry I IQULDER RD.KAliSOGRLI£.^:A.. |.

OUTSTANDING BARGAINS, At BKQ ADHURSTS - ? ^O-DAY;f~ ?;;.??-'BEAT ALL' 'B14ATALL' . , 'BEATALL' LOOSE POWDERED LOOSE POWDERED . ,. ;. LOOSE POWDERED ;? ; , '/--?? : ?-??? MILK, ?:'?? MILK,. '?: : . ?'-??? . MILK, ?;,; ; . , PER '.; 7dL ;;????? ;.!'»??; ' / SHFLLF.t-??'?'? .: SHELLED ,:.;;- .::../? -;-;RHETXKB ;.J GREEN' PEAS, : CSEEN-PEAS, ; GREEN PEAS, . per ?*; 5d^ . ; lb;. REMEMBER !— You are not paying for i 1T-. pods to throw awa»y i ?with 'these Shelled Peas. TILLEY'S SUPERIOR TOILET SOAPS. TOILET aOAPS. TOILET SOAPS ' 'Wallflower. White Roso. Wild Violofc. Jockey Club. In boxes of 3 large tablets, PER ? 1/ SOX, 'REGAL' 'REGAL' ' ; MILK CHOCOLATE ASSORT, i ? MILK CHOCOLATE ASSORTMEN*, ? MENT., PER UU LB. v \ \ At RROADHURST'S 1 THE: QUALI'I'l STORES. 50 HURDLEST. 7 ft. longj 3 ft. 1 .6; in. high ;- also; 8 sets Harrows. Whitford; 219 Hannacst. JACK. HEHIR'S TO -DAY. TO JDAY. For CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. NOVA SCOTiA MIXTURE. NO VA^ . S QQT.IA iMmsmf, ' A crfoice assortmerit of Fruit Bon ;Bons, sMilki --Ghbcp:atesi..;.! Kutmilk Chocolates, ^ruit, Jubps, eta~ -PER LB. ' ??-?1/3 PER LBi AT ____2JrAC5 BHEEEIB^S. #-.,.v^. TROUBLE Door Office; Safe, CutA-J lev Desk, Cash Register.. (id. to £4). ^yhitfor-d. 219 Hannan.st. R~Hn&!,~Ford Car, £l per day cr £3 rer week. Whitford-,219 . Hannan.st. ? ,;,„..;?-.;.. /^ mO-DAY: O^L'Y^-i ? : ALBANY BELL'S ^ ,; QUALITY SPECIALS. ... CHOCOLATE MIXTURE, CHOCOLATE MIXTURE, CHOCOLATE MIXTURE. ; 1/11 lb. ? ??:???' -:: ? . Best Value in Town. NUT SPONGE ROLLS, NUT SPONGE. ROLLS,. -. NUT SPONGE. ROLLS* Tasty- and Wholesome. 6d. each. N.B. — Have you tried our ^ HEALTH BREAD AND ROLLS. Kalfioorlie and Boulder. ? : WHEN looking for Houses, ±5usin esses, Farms or Farmlets (wheat belt or close to Fremantle, improved or unimproved), consult us. We have them. James Stevens, Town- Hall, Fremantle ; also at S& George^s_House, Perth. ? HUNT-;BEDS. GEORGE FARMER'S BACON. GEORGE FARMER'S BACON. ? SHOULDERS ...... ... ... lid. lb. C SHIO'NS ? ... ... ... 1/2 lb. PORK— ? PORK PORK- — -PORK ?? SAUSAGES - ..PER. LB. ^ iod. — PER LB; - . .' US E H'U NT B R O S.' ?- H-VU N T -? B R-O^.' ??:: ' SPECIAL B U T T E R: S P £ G.I AL B UT TERv , BEST BY TEST. ;,:,::iN theeeorades, ? ? FREE AEROPLANES V .: FREE AEROPLANES , :; ... for everv six packets of. MILLS ^ WARE'S BISCUITS, ^purchased- irom .our -store.... You are entitled to o^e of these . .' AEROPLANES FREE! - , ?..' hunt'/ f;'%MM,J':\:iFor Reliable Service :and Quality . :& L MA IT ;? ?-??:T)'.Rpi KALGOORLIE AND BOULDKR. NEW SEASON'S WALLPAPERS TO Hi-Nft. 1925 Designs and Prices. Patterns Posted on Application. A KING K137. LLEN ANb BBIMAGE, 37-43. Forreat-sireet, Kalg. . FOR CHASF, OATS, BRAN, HAY, STRAW. COKE, COAL AND CHARCOAL. Forwarding and Baggage Agents. Furniture and Luggage Forwarded I© Our Ageafcs in &nj aa?$

?-??;-. ? ?- ? -fgB SM.E ' ' -;' ';: ' ' '?''?'. ' ? ? . ' ' ' --JACK -EEEHIB S ? . . ?'?'?? For : EXTRAOR,piNARY VALUE '' ': :-?Z:' v1? ?'?'?;?'.:?? . ' .;.'1 -GRIMWADE'S ENGLISH J GRIMWAJDE'S ENGLISH : ?FLATi&s. i..- ??? ?? tPLATiUcJ. ?? ,: ? ? ?'???: S inch. ......... 5d. each Soups -. ;i. -??. ?? Bd. each ?.'.--:? ........ : -? AT- ??.??*...? ?? : JACK HEHIR'S. TNTEfREST IN PROGRESSIVE ?±- WHOLESALE BUSINESS ; 5j IN PERTH. ' Active ?. -Partner ??. preferred. ?? Good salary. . Splendid opportunity for young man. . Apply Par tnei\, 'Miner ' office, 59 St. George's ;Ter., Peyth.^ SHARKEY'S— Superior quality Bedding: Single, from ,17/6; ; double, 37/6; pillows, 4/,; .kUpofe., 1/8 lb. Opp. PeMeW's,jBoulder: ??__. ? H~^ AlLEY .DAVlSpI^~6:6- .;li.p4 weli shod, electrically equip^ped, all accessories ; a splendid, bargain. Fred Dighton's, Burt-st., Boulder, ?' M ? ^ P)OT PLANTS -FOR SALE. ASPIDISTRAS. ' ' BALMS. GERANIUMS. Apply Ranger, Boulder Racecourse. npWO Flat Iron Rooms, clean,' JL .comfortable, stove ; worth in.- j spection; removal., 61. Davis, street. Boulder. ? '???? ?-?''??'?'? , \ . , .-. ... . - . ? ? - j fi RE AT. - BOULDER HOTEL; BOTTLE DEPARTMENT;, : . \ TO-DAY'S SPECIALS.' .SEPPELT'S ? SEPPELT'S SEPPELT'S I 'VINTOCLABET | PER 1/6 BOTTLE. 6 BOTTLES FOR 7/6. HARDY'S HARDY'S ' HARDY'S SHIRAZ ' PORT SH1RAZ PORT SHIRAZ PORT . IMPERIAL 3/ QUART IMPERIAL - 3/ c m QUART 3 6d. allowed on Imperial Quart Bottles. -MR. J Frankish and Mr. P. , Mdtthews willi sing at Fire t Brigade Concert, Tuesday, Oct. 6. IT ADY'S Freewheel Bike, B.S.A. | 4-J pattern ; guaranteed perfect t oi'der ; £5. Oortnqy, , 'Rifle Range. mo~MATO Plants^ wady ? for l| X transplanting, 1/6 dozen. L. Beccarelli. Someryille Gardens. ? M' ' i C H E L ? 1 N I C H E ' L,' I N } -.?;::;&;-:eYCLE-^YRESv ''':'. -^^^ i.-H ?'& ;^PX9^E TYUE.SV ,.; -^ . '?; ?? : ? |B^i5ACS^:i2f6^vEAcir''1^-t; ?£# jEAp) Ji;; fir, M&ZZ;: E ACH^-r -* ? |r y ' '?'. ? '?' ?!-'?'' '?'? ?' ';'? ' - . ?' *? 'J» ..!.''' - ? ? .'?'?'' Y- -; ; ;f^iT^lY^:,^pn|h8^^jGua^antee,; . ' V j ,^.^'^elv^tM^n%8','Guara^tee. .; ;-;. l'Mi^::'W'B WWW- :'\-;^-,. '?r^;p,^u b;;:cs.. v ., ? :.i:,:? ; ,-v;',EAGH:^:5/6;i--'EACH. , . :.. . ' f^/'EACir— -:5]Q-— EACH. ,' .. v. ... '» AND CO.. LTD. .TC» I R %?'?'? V7r- O O D. ?.JP TED TRURAN Supplies Block Wood, . ai'so Busb Wnd of the BeBt Quality, # f&d,-gives B'Bst Value, Give him a trial. Ring Phone 469, KalgoorHe. Reduction made for Three Tor1 I Lots or Larger Quant'ties. FIR E W O 0 D. CR1SPE AND PIPER, j SUPPLY BLOCK k BIJSH WOOD. I Best Value in Town. ' Reductions j in Truck Lots for cash at our , siding 'Phone, Kalgoorlie 424. PREMIER WOOD WARD. Forreststreet. ..?'.?? ? . JACK HEHIR'S . T0,DAY ' ;FOR ,: ?;'?? ??'.? 3 JAM, SP.ECIALS'. ?'??'? 1 .' ; 3 JAM SPECIAL^.. QUINCE ... ... ... ...'?... .....' $hd. ? APRICOT ?.. ..; ..... ,-..10^d; BLACKBEKRY\ ,i:i: ;^r.;^ ;.-; ., ? 1/,. ;; ???'?:i.''- ; ??'?/ ?;vi &&' .;? :.'..; 'r ? :; jack :-HffiiR's, :. EDWARDS — 0utridge-terra-5e,' I spiendid Villa, 5 lai'ge rooms, nice order, passage, copper; £175. J. bargain; owner, leaving. 'ODWARDS---Hanbnry-st.r centra^ Hi nice 5-roomed W.B. Villa, ' iron lined, newly renovated;. £150; genuine': ? bargain.. ??? \ Tp-'DWARDS — Near town, fine JLl iron lined' Dwelling, 5 large rooms, passage, all conveniences ; £125, £10 deposit.., .... T S YOUR HOME NICELY .JL .FURNISHED? IF NOT. COME AND SEE US! WE CAN OFFER YOU THE BEST VALUE AND ATTENTION. JUST LANDED : A -.QUANTITY OF VERY PRETTY OCCASIONAL TABLES AND PEDESTALS, IN FUMED OAK. FROM 10/6. :^rEDpTOG~T^iteti'o^ Card^', * V nice variety. 2/6 per box, posted 2/9. From Hocking's^ Ltd., Kalgoorlie. _1 'OIANOS, 2 fiiiie instruments, iron ?E/ frames, 'We'rtheim-' a»d Collai'd. .& Gollaf'dj'-'sta^d' iasp^ection, 260

^y::'- -: FOR SALE 20 New Garden Seats, six patent Glass Washers, good German Piano. Whitford. flannan st. 17^ GAN-S'treet — 4 .Roomed House,, -UJ iron lined; price £45. £20 ieposit, 10/ week. VVhitiord, 219 Ei'annan-st. SHQP, Coolgardie bricks, plate glass front, jarrah 'floor. Whit^ ford. . 219 Hannan-st, . TTOU'VE tried the rest, X Now try the best, ? At GOLDEN.. MILE CAKE SHOP. SPECIALS. AGA1$ TO-DAY, JAZZ ROlLS, ^ : : JAZZ B.OLLS, ?-: - JAZZ ROLLS, -With pure cow'5 croani fillings^ '?r- -Each 9d; BUTTER Sl-ONGH ??' BUTTERS SPONGK. BUTTER SPONGE. PER iod. LB. CREAM PUFF& CREAM PUFFS' CREAM PUFFS' PER 1/6 DOZ. | Golding Side-Car! Apply 89 ? Addis«street. TARRAHv. White Pine and ToiJov ei; p.ine Shelving, 6 in. x 1 in. T &G. Jarra.h Floorings 1st and 2nd qualities,. .Kar,ra- Shafts. cut to order. Millars' Timber and 'Trading Co., Bbulde!f-road Telephone 28^-; ,v: -,.;. TO LET KITORIA^STT^E— Glean- small 5-roomed Villa, part furnished if needed; all conveniences'; ' 12/6 weekly; careiul, quiet tenant';, close Park.; ? ? '?'; : ' A RDROSS Chambers, double; and -OL single rooms; also good beds.. Mai*itana-st., Kalgoorlie. ?;'? ? ' rpWO 4-Roomed Houses, e.l;, conX veniences, 10/6. Apply 109 Dwyer-st. , Boulder. ? ??: ' ? AUCTI0NS TO-DAY. 10 O'CLOCK, TO-DAY. At the Mart, Burt st., Boulder. 'DAINSFORD'S .usual week-end XX Sale. %-:'*X POULTRY. POULTRY. Goods received to hour of., sale. : G. IL RAINSFORD, Auctioneer.. WEDNESDAY NEXT, OCT.' 7. 2.15 P.M. At 30 Victoria Street, KalgoorHe. ri . H. RAINSFORD _ and CO. VT will Sell under instructions from Mrs. W'. C. Chappell, her SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FU1L. NITURE- and % EFFECTS, v ? comprising — ?; Mag. C, and N. i.ouble Bed, ; ' -Spring and Bedding '{ ' ' I Han. Oak Bedroom... Sui^e .(three i . pieces), swirig -niifi'ofsi ' 'lafeist design '.;? Child's B. and 1ST. Cot aod.BedU [:??. ding ;' Toilet Set. Occ. Table- , *; Ilanf Oak' B.G. 'Sideboard '? ' I Sup. Oak Diningroom. Suite (7 ? pieces), upholstered in leather Han. Seagrass Easv Chair English Afternoon Tea. Sett Fruit Sef :?'?????' W.D. Dresser, W;P. Safe Large Polished Jarra.h Table Singer Sewing Machine . Comb. Bed and Bedding ': B. and N. Double Bed and spring -?? Duchesse, Spring Couch ?- 4 Rooms Sup. Lino., Hall Lino '; Child's Motor Car '?? ? ? , Child's Tricycle, Child's Trolley Curtains, Blinds and Poles Sup. V.P. Table Cover . Fender, W.P.. Table . ? ;,,-..... El. Iron. 2 Occ. Tables Tennis Racket, Engineer's Books Mechanical Drawing Set and Board Tubs. Hose, Cooler and Trays Glassware, Crockery, Cooking Utensils, Pictures, Ornaments And Host of Sundries ; NO RESERVE. G. H. RAINSFORD, Auctioneer and Sworn Valuator; ? IMPORTANT 'PROPERTY AND FURNITURE SALE. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14, ' . ? 1.30 p.m. At 'Aypca,^Elizabetn-st., Mullingar GH. RAINSFORD AND CO. ? will sell, under, instructions from Muriel Ball, her SUB. -BUILT RESIDENCE, ; Containing Drawing Room,Dinirig : Room, Three Bedrooms, Maid'-s Room,_Hall, Pantry, Vestibule, and Kitchen; glassed in and ? mosquito proof sleeping out apartments, set-in copper and ' troughs/ i- acre block, garden, and Jawns, every convenience; securely fenced; Also, Handsome ; .and well selected HOUSEHOLD*- FURNITURE AND . ?-?? r -. EFFECTS. : An ideal ? home. Orders to: inspect may be ??obtained, from the, auotioneers; ; Absolutely no reserve,, Terma ? ;?;. arranged. ? : ? ?: ,: G. H. RAiJNSFORD, Auctioneer and Sworn Valuator. THIS MORNING. AT 10 A.M. At 164 Wi'ttenoom-streetj Boulder. iptECIL BROWN & GO. have tev_y eeived . instritctions to sell :— 10. TONS/B.UILDING MATERIAL, ??.'-. .. ; .^Comprising i^.. -;^v ^ 2000;,ft. Jarrah. 3 x 2-'. -; 1500 ft.. Flooring, .pine -and jarrah 100 Sheets Splem did -Iron ~ Panel and Ledge Doors Good Windows ? . :- .-' Bullnosed Verandah ' 500 i't. C.Y.C. Weatherboard ? Mett-ers' Stove, Bath : : ? Mantel, Chimney Fencing, Water Piping and Fire: wood.-. ? ? ? C^CIL_BROWN & CO^Auctioneers ? KALGOORLIE SALEYARDS. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 7, At 2 30 Bm. 120 FAT CA'TTLE pLAYTON -..& RINTOUL BROS \y have- received -instructions from the Madura Station to sell by auction*— ???'?? :V''-': ???-??.-.???. :? ??? '- ' - ; -': .'-. - 100 HEAD FAT. CATTLE.. -., ? hQb - ar.Qovni .. ,va.rioi73 owners; .'? *_-,':' ':?&-%£$ 'rattle; ;; ?'? ... ?

TO..DAY. TO-DAY, In their Mart. At 2.15 p.m. TjlDWAEDS AND CO. have r©, -XLi eeived instructions to seH«*w SUPERIOR FURNITURE. Comprising — 1 Han. B.G. Oak Sideboard 1 Han. B.G. Oak Hall Stand 1 Sup. Seagrass Rocker 1 Sup. Cane Chair Sup. Lot Doulton Ware 1 220 Volt Electric Fan 2 Han. C. and N. Child's Drop* side Cot 1 Sup. White En. Duchesse ChesS 1 Mag. Oak Extension Table ; . 2 Elec. Reading Lamps 2 M. Top Washstaoda 2 Sets Bedroom Ware . New Enamel Saucepans 1 Han. Oak Hall Stand : : 1 Sup. B.G. Mantelpiece . 2 iNevv Single Stretchers ., -. Box Ottoman, 1 Couch 1 Small Collapsible Table 2 Single Bedsteads . 1 Fancy Lamp a-nd Shade 1. New Bicycle. English makfe, _fully equipped Nice Loii Crockeryware T Sup. China Vase,' Taible Lamp* pair Shoes -5 pieces 12 x 6 New Trellis WorK 1 Boys' Bicycle, Armoured Hos®' I £_plate- Camera and Stand Set Brass. Lolly Scales Set Clock Scales 1 Banjo and case '? New Suit Cases, Fountain Pens ?: Set , Brass Counter Scales » Qty.' Carpenter's Tooils, 2 TjflfTrunks Singer xiachine, Box Candles Copper and Sundries. ISO RESERVE. .--?=???* ' ' . At ?'' - ??? EDWARDS & CO.' S MART. \ IMPORTANT CLEARING,, SALt: ? MONDAY. MONDAY. : .. ^ Cr. Graeme and Lvall Streets. ' ????-? 2 15 P.M. T7? D WARDS & CO.. having sold' ?f JZLi' the property-, have received , | instructions - from Thos. O'Learyj-. Esq. (who is leavins the district) t*''; Sell the whole o£ his - ' HANDSOME FURNITURE. ANB ; ; ?...?;. . EFFECTS, . V. Zi; -. . ? : , comprising-r- : . ' . ; i ? ! Han. Seagrass Suite. . ??...../.«'? ?lr Han. Seagrass ,?, Square. . .:? ? ^?a Sup; Bamboo Music Stan-i /-^ :. ????I ???Mag. 8 ft.-. ??? Kauri Bxtensiflii Table ^r 1 Han. Oak Diningroom Suit© 1 Han. B.G. Sideboard ' 2 Sup. Occ. Tables 1 Sup. Leather Couch . -1;.;S.ik-. Leather Upholstered Eaflgfr -?'??'?'; ^CLair; ?;-. ; ?'. ; ; ;'-??' j 'l 'Siip. Imitation Marble Clock1 '' 1-Sup. 8_day Oak Clock. ' . . Sup. China Tea Set i 1 Sup. Ice Chest 1 Hah. White Enamel BedroWT)' Suite (3 pieces) 1 Sup. Double B^d and Sprnig 1 Han. 7-dr. Duchesse Chest Sud. Set Bedroom Ware 1 Sup. Double Bed and Spring. ? I Mice lot Crpckerv and . GlasswfflBC 1 Sup. Child's Rocking Horggi 1 Good Lawn Mower : 3 Rooms Sup. Linoleums Kitchen Utensils, Canister^ Kitchen Dresser, Safe ; , .Cupboard 8 A.B. Chairs 2 Kitchen Tables, 1 Sofa 60 ft. Armoured Hose ' 3 Verandah Chairs 1 Good Cooler and Trays Bucket, Wash T;ubs - -. Wash Troughs ;Green Bone Cutter, and hQsfc a Useful Sundries. A Good Clean Lot. ? Absolutely Without Reserve. MONDAY, 2.15 P.M. SHARP. EDWARDS & CO., Auctioneers.^ WEDNESDAY... WEDNESDAX ? 2.15 P.M. . « ' At, No. 93 Collins Street ?pDWARDS &? CO. have received' JPi instructions from the owner to Sell the whole of her - MAG. OAK FURNITURE AN© EFFECTS. Full list later. NO RESERVE. EDWARDS & CO.. Auctioneers. CORNUCOPIA STATION. 553.000 ACRES, WELL IMPROVED ADJOINING RAILWAY NEAB MENZIES. ON THURSDAY, OCT. 15. 1S25. ?-.??.. At 3 o-m. At the Wool Exchange, Economy Buildings, Perth. . , .. ?TjlLDER, SMITH & CO., LTD^ .lliare instructed bv the Trustee t# offer by auction as above : — MR. L. W. GARE'S COR^SfU, COPIA STATION, consisting of Pastoral Leases 3107/-' 97. 3077/97, 3079/97, 3080/97, 2811/97, 945/97, 1022/97, 2864/97, and 3245/97, . ' 1 containing together 553,059 acres, held under Pastoral Lease, expir. ing on the 31st December, 1948. 1 Average annual rental about 8/ pei i 1000 acres: The station is traversed by the railway, and is within two miles of Menzies railway station, and about 1 7 miles from Kookyne railway sia,| tion- There are numerous wells, j most qf which are equipped with ! windmills, storage1 tanks, etc.* aver-, age depth, 40 £t. 1 Comfortable homestead, blacksmith's shop, outbuildings, stock-, ' i yards, etc. . ?-..,. ? I A considerable area has been, , fenced into several paddocks read* for sheep. Cattle are being mustered and numbered, and will be available later. ^ . --Cornucopia station is splendidly' situated, being only 80 miles north ; of ^ Kalgoorlie, The country' com* J prises a large area $-f excellent salt,, bush.' ..flats., and the balance is ..good;' mulga, kararii, .ar. 1 top feed, inter.-^. spersed with ;&altbush, grasses, aniS'. herbage in season. ? ; Terms and all information from ELDER, SMITH AND CO., LTD.,.; __ ? Adelaide or Perth. _^ TO .-DAY AT 10 O'CLOCK* IN-'' THE MART. PT1HE FRUIT KING ' X will -Sell.- heavy supplies of Fruit ^aoid 'Vegetables as hereyi ? Under — ?,.''. ; 50 pair prime Black Orpingtons 1 pair Turkey Hens 3 pair Ducks Also large quantity of Fruit aacl Vegetable^ , ? 100 dozen Eggs , Goods received to hour of Sal®, Free Delivery. __F. H. BROWN, Auctioneer. . _ , TpOUNTAIN Pen Ink',~'Swan, S/S; J? . Qnoto, 9dv and' 1/8 ; Stenhex&»--6di ' Froiii SQekisis'sj Ltd, ''' ' :-'