South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1881 - 1889), Saturday 29 September 1883, page 24

^p%fS?:^Vr'-— i ? ????. ? : ? .' jglSaWADYatTJBliMENTS *» the'Sbutt i Hw55«W«i«« should reach this Office NOT i gSBHiuilUDDAY THUBSDAY. Mj^MnHtoc-Btreek ? *34c gggf:^ ' - jMBBIBTOHr ~~T~ ^gOBliOHBAT, October 1, at 1 o'clock. IpagnSBttB yabpb, c abbikton. ' ^Mfli^RSffiOP BUI.WCKS, HORSES, GIERHY, MOORE, & WALLMAKN g|giB-TB leotired btstroc&ons to sell, as above -£'.&?-'? '.'.I ?'?.'.? Terms ai Sale 271x272 £|:^-Da«Ml*A3r,-»etober 19, at 2 o'clock. ?^^TO^BaTEH'SASSEMBtT-BOOMS ?2i-,r:' - OateWhiKfe Booms). £ 7 *¥ ©BDEB OF THE MOBTGAGEE. tj^ ACHES. HUNDBRD OF WIH.OCIIIU. GtERRY, MOOSE, & WALLMANN P - lave received inetrucUGns to eell, by order of Snitot^SonoftA»5No.2il,8lta»t6dintbe !OTfi-BKD. OF ?WUXOCHBA, County of Frome, tttaiatne SIS Aeres of first-class Agricultural Land, ' -,. x FiJler particolaTB in f qtnrc isenes. 271x272 »nfaiDAY,lbe^9ctober,1883,at 2 .o'clock. TCtABNEB'S ASSBMBLY-BOOMS, ADSL&IOE ££--;-: . s. (late White's Booms). rSgBpW-)FTHB MORTGAGEE, ANP SUBOCT «KXH£COKSS3fT OF THE COXMISSIP$£B O? CBOWN LANDS. lOEB&X, MOORE, & WALLMANN ™ : - have xacebed rrafenetions to sen, as above— ^;=-t_ ?«' -:---*aVotl.- ? SECTION Ifo. 166, HUNDRED of BOOLCUNDA, nia^ c££ft-wcastle,^antailn!iig Five Hundred and la^SSgW AeresTlieia under agreement for pur»:*rm^ -Government at £1 per acre, and iowi^aines'wara'a. 3irrr,a-:;:?vAr' XotSL ? hWmOHB Nos. 1B6 and I67W, HUNDRED of DOfi&UKDA, County of Newcastle, containing 3tSniAtcd and Forty Acres, held under agreesrt topurchasejxom the Government at £1 pet sfemaa JoiowB as O. E. Ward's. g?^r: ' ?- -.: - . .'. lot 3. ? . SWaagBB Wo«. 12? and 1E7S, HUNDRED of DOLCUKDA, County of Neveastle, containing x Sundred and Forty Acres, held under agree- -eatfer$nreh&£e from the -Government atilper inland Known as H.C. Ward's. Tb» ?0-ove Sections adjoin each other, and the Batecncrtian «f«*Bm are cultivated , and the Crops jfelgrBier gartfcntera apply to Fsnn A Hardy, f BdteBt«2,XiBgWjffiamstteet. Adelaide; or tne ©-pjMfMiy™.. ;?'..... - -' ^ ? 271*272 f^OaJEATOBDAT, October 80. at S o'clock. -s-^r ?= *^ .- ? - ? » . ? ^^''^-?rroSIHBlAHB. ? . £^7- ???. :'.''? Zv* HIGHBURY, aog tiifi populated Township situated opposite sV:;:'^: ---?,-?-. ? the 0^SXSOWS RAILWAY STATION. ^ SBJpiMIHABY ANNOUNCEMENT. l H^i^ beenfevored with the Proprietor's inrj8dao»to^eB,oh the land, close to tbe Islington ?^%eBAIANCE of the ALLOTMENTS i 6~7:' :-C- ' -' ' ~ In ' ftl ??'; ?-':.- .. HIGHBUBY. t |% ;vj^^aSealar7teliifai»iagnes. 371*878 ' ^3B%£nmDATrOefa-bez27,at2o-dodc. , ^'vCinraB mtftEBOCHONS SBOM B. C. J ^j: PAITBBSON, ESQ. I ?3aU^WELIrKH0-rH AND BBAUTIFUi. [ ^BaWd.«n'JEent-tenac8i Kent Town, appropriately i ----- . : waned * v: 0. 'SHBUBLAHDS.' j g« CBOPSPS ABB SO CUT UP AS TO * ISATS 3HB BBSIDBNCE TOQBTHEE WITH m JAIB AMOPHT OF LAND INTACT, AND , 3SB:3AI-ANCK SOBMS SOME OF THE , ^STjiCITAnMTKG SITES FOB SUBXJBBAN i ^';-^^ SHBUBLAHDS . . f r in tiie market on account of die Pr optietc-r j-e- t $£-*?: ?-?'.--'- moTingtotheHflls. _ f [SMtEY, M00RET& WALLMANN -B i^fctiBJBeekft.TOBBd -with the Proprietor's inawltoBB loiBeD liy j-nbHc snctSos, on the above- . if aHta^en-known BfeXATBat KENT TOWN. ^ij^fanflrjp^ffijnlaminfetgreiaane. 271x272 ;' jOp 5 A^TCBb AY, Ncvemtier S, at 3 o'clock. i^'r- ;?-: . EB£N HZLLS. be iiiove Sate is Sied lor SATDBDAY; Noveni- ] ^-bei3nfeil.tolaite$lace on the Ground. . B1EBRY, MOOReT& WALLMANN PlLtiaTeieceiTea instructions to sell, bypnbUc m&an^ra/tbel£na,-m Satnrdayj NoTemberS, at t*3K)A)cres«f HieaboTe wen*nown Sg#s TBBIAIE OF £D£N HIUUS . 3£» iMielto^ieers are pleased to rtite that (he riwjpt May completed, enabling the Proprietors to liWlntheiDarldetaiinmber of Allotments at iP^ ?? ?-?'' SSHarHILLS. 33besBcceBS-if -ttie first sale held last March iras --3Km6nBeed tbat the demand for the present Hojfeenfe about being offered most necessarily be iSfeABotmaitB :«m be offered at an onset price, Bttcdars^ol T^uch T?iB 1»e published is '.fatnre W:£j---\ - Terms qcceedingly easy. 271x272 ] S^st-i.''. ?:?-'?+:? PKEHMIITAEY. ?;i; v . ?' ' ?. :' ___ g^^^ONAW BABLY SATE.. ^j^SPS YABDB; KEAB POST GEB1IEIN. |CBfeH)-T3a- 3OB CONVENIENCE OF SALS. ipaBiiag; CAiriJt and siocK of all BfflEOBY; MOOSE, 4 WALLMANN ^^^reatotructionB to seU as above, on ^S5--:v .-.-.? A ? .BtiiocKS. -sfefwA; -sC-.r ???.-. — — . . fe^ ^ yaB parBcnlara to tntnre iBgnes. 271^272 ^®7';-7s -? r' ; cIBBUMINABY. »l^ffi»EBOFVB. A. SCHNSIOBB, WHO 18 kfTj^: .^BATBSGTHKCOIOKY.' g^ASaE3N-HUEn-BKD OF YANYABBIE, ^ViJ^ '- -i' ?' COHTMHINO ?v ^^aACBgBjaBMVCLASS LAND, £,v-'-~- ??' -j : '? V : XOQEEHER WITH aBXVBOU^OFTBBLIVS AND DEAD STOCK CiGBBBY, MOOEE, * WALLMANN B^Swweerwa to£kcttoini to sen, on. an ?^r*to_r^uhjert totte approral of the Hon. fee limn t iifciimi n|CrnwnTj»Jirta-— ' , ?maWaealrt grat-daas FABMINa LAND; In g^graB^f^MYABBnS, substantially g|M^M^nfeB^3^SifiTOCK on the farm. pa*i|n«*^^MOT«HOia) FUBNITOBE fe^.^;;:-, Sor Absolute Sale. %1*Z. TnPjiarKrnlftrwinfntnreiaamea. 27Iat272 gn^guypHBDAY. October 26. at 12 o'clock sharp. §^ :: -9ENIQNE-!LKABING-0UT SALE. OR ?: ^ffiBV-gABM, jIWO MILES FBOM CAL^?;---aOWntToN STONE HUI-BOAP. IjIBNBT, SIEKMANN, In conjunction Hl|idth4-AV«Y ft FABBAB. are favored irith MWwtonfjtegm 3to. JRE SnOIabeer, who Jus ^ftrtd^^ybae-bntcheriDg bunneaa, tp^pfier for ^ffii* SramiOB JTAB9L Sections 140 and 165, IWte^ JB83-JpreB.v The. fanproTementB are of. a saVfateH^eotiBisUag^Bix-roomed Stone Housp, Daunted Tank, large Dams, Stone Chaffaonse, aatojjifcVandlWng dirttod Into Six Paddocks. PWa|ao»e«*«ielie«* farms in the Hundred, and wjl^wjwttt«ie attention of inyestors. ' |±; '*-''*'?' ^ -Terms easy, at Sale. tZtoB-wbOe of his sBperior PIiANT and WOBK??'*:Wl-faOCK. ?':- ??:--.,3»*BHttg Draxnjht Horsesand Mares, three with &^3Mftiir&or^ ;,e A«eapewi(a8_soodaB»8w), 1 Winnower ^iK^ftWaggon (Ue»), i . npfio (new) -: S81Jluee-fiuiow Plonghs. 2 donble PlongSs p.^iaiBgterPlcajghs, 5 scarifiers ?? iS^SBSj tet- »o. fl Chiffcntter irith horseJT--:-irJBTk« 'r-fvlfiidBnpndAChand!er'sCha1fcBtt«r r-fvlfiidBnpndAChand!er'sCha1fcBtt«r -v*Hor» rates,! new family WaKgonette £ , a^^omiacfc'ftMowertgbod), literlui'f Mower ?; ^BanbScoop^llarKesew Boiler ^ -*eataSUnomt, resets new Wasgon Harness ftl^petaHomJiaBdteadingHiSiess ' S^Baj-larla.lftddeTB.andnuineronBsuiuiries. S]^-Qrortii«'Ciop»r2SOa^,look1nK grand. 5^; ?- . tnnA at 12 o'clock -^g^tiaVaeBtin^. iSx. ShOlabeer's atcck for sale. f&r--'%~-:. ? :' ? — Ift'- ;:: ?' Everything good. No shoddy. p&ipja(jTedaceept*nce8 for turns over £25 m&m^ -::? --???-? ?? - x27z-93 I^SB^K 3J3 * S I E K M A N V 3P3v ^^tpTIfiyrgR VALDaXOB, AND ^pSi»I-:.*Sl-.»iaANCIAl, AGENT. Iggjg;;;:/ ;rgpundt4sasharr of public fattn. ^ ^.«»^?cUa» tttroM^don1 iewt.4, ^^gfyMa^a^Ht^S jp ail tnattta* sstru.aca i=

? / - Auctions. ~ BUBBA JflOKTHUf MABKK& ~~ On MOKDAY, October I. Pi GODCHILD, DUFF, * CO. Tvill OT Bell by'auct&B, as above, at half -past I— XSTOO FAT AND STOfiS SBBSP. For Mr. James White— 3,0004 year-eld Wethers, fat 3,50o 2. 4, and 6 tooth Wethers, first-class stores, majority 2 ana 4 tooth. For Mr. I KiUicaat600 Fat Bwes and Wetbers. For another accocnt — ICO Fat Lambs. From Sonh- Fast — 3,000 Fat Wetbers, reaHy gtcd. For Messrs. Moore Broa— 600 good quality WBthers. ftir»r.W. J. McBn-te -?,000 vf-ry FBt Shorn Wethers .. '70 FAT AND STOBB CATTtE. Ftom *.tn B^'Io — 10 £«traFrhae Cyws and Ii^IK.cks. For te»eral aeconnts — SO Fat £»id Store CaUie. JtviiMr B A as! in — E Colts asdfjlries, bis own breeding. For Mr. W. J. McBrkte— 10 Daclrs, fn Rood condition For various accounts — 12 BcaTy. Medium, and light. ? 211x112 KAPCKOA MO«r£QuY HABKBT. TUE?D AY, Octobers. nOODCHtLD, DUFF, & CO. L3T win sell by auction, as above, at 12 o'clock— 150 FAT ASD store PIGS1T00 FAT AND STOBE SHEEP. For Mr. James White— 1,000 Fat Wethers fot jar. J. W. D*w— SCO Fat Wethers. For another account— 400 Mixed Ebeep, fc-ood btores. . gg 'FAT ASS STOBB CATTLE For Hr. James White— SO Fat Cattle. For Mr. a Edmaa— £0 Fat Cows. For various accounts— IS Mixed Cattle. GO HOBSES. ^^ For Mr. J. SneH— eo Colts and Fillies, unbroken, and including a number of the noted YG brand. For various accounts— SO Heavy, Medium, and lagbt. £7 ',4x272 KAPUKDA MONTHLY HABKET. On TGKSDAY, October 2. 60 HOBSES. P«OODCHILD, DUFF, & CO. ate LIT instntcted to se3 by auction, as above, at S 'dock— For Mr. James SneH— £0 Colts and Fillies, unbroken, and including a number of the noted YG brand. Terms— Approved bills. xS72 ? ? ? On TUESDAY, October 1«. AT CHASE'S HOTEL, KAPUKDA. JBDBB INSTBUG7IONS FBOM MESSBS. W. AND J. BOWETT, WHO ABB DISSOLVING PABTNEBSHIP AND BETIB1NG FBOM THE BUSINESS. . THE KAPONDA MULL. R GODCHILD, DUFF, & CO. are favored vrith tnsbueUons from Messrs. W. md J. Bevrett to submit to public competition at Jiaee's Hotel, on Tuesday. October 2 o'clock— THE KAFVNDA HILL. The MHl has lately been thoroughly renovated, low in first class working order, and is without loubt one of the aost complete properties fn the jolony; fitted with E pairs of Stones, and all latest mprovements, S HoriaontaJ Sn^nea (28borseKiwer), 8 Cornish: Boilers, Carpenters and Smith's -hops, Offices, Stables, &c Also, a Large Com Store eapable of holding easily 60,000 bushels. Large demented Tank (capacHy 6M00 gaUons),and Well sitn full supply of good water at ISO feet. The [and comprises Allotments Nos. 141 and. 116, conaining one acre or thereabouts. The Purchaser will be required to take at a valuaion the Weighbridge, Working Plant, and Tools ; Jso. say 1.1C0 tons of Dry Peppermint and Sbeaoak (Vood. The above Valuable Properly is for Absolute Sale er the reason above stated, and Intending Parihssers are invited to inspect without delay. Any urtber information can be obtained on application o the Auctioneers!. ? ?_ ? g 1,6x272 CRYSTAL BBOOK. . Cn MONDAY, October I, at'.Zo'clock. AT MB. JOLLY'S YABDS. XJNBESEEVED SALE OF STOCK AND ~ : IMPLKMKN1S. : P|EMPSEY, WILKINSON, & SANDU LAND have received instructions from Hr. M.Kirgsborougb, agent for Mr. C. W. Ingerson, to sell, aa above— 1 Bay Gelding 1 Grey Gelding IChesnntMare 1 Bay Mare ~ 1 Farm Waggon, 2 Beap;ng Machines 1 Xhree^mxow Plough, 2 Double do. 1 Single Plough, Set of 6 Harrows 1 Spring-Cart, 1 Chaff cutter ' 9 Sets of Harness, and Sundries, The whole for positive and unreserved sale. ? Terms Cash. ? x272 On MONDAY, October, l, at 2_o'ciock.AT JOLLY'S HOTEL, CBYSTAL BBOOK (After ibe Sale of Stock). DEMPSEY, 'WH^NSON, & SANDLAND are Instructed by M. Kiogsborougb, Etq , to sell by auction, as aboveSection No. 115, HUNDBBD OF WANDEAB&H, containing QQg ACRES. Wai all improvements erected thereon. ? Terms, &c, at gale. ? »8T2 JAMESTOWN MONTHTY MABKBT. WEDNESDAY, October 3, at 2 o'clock. AT THE SHEEP AND CATTLE YARDS. DEMPSEY, WILKINSON, & SANDLAND will sell, as above— - On various accounts— ' 600 Prime FAT WBTHKBS 4C0 Large-framed Store Wethers SO head Fat and Store Cattle s GoodMUking Cows? Horses. Buggies, Implemento, and anything else offering. . Terms aa usual. 276x272 OUBQBGO. On THUBSDAY, October U, at 11 o'clock a.m. AT PABCH'S HOTEL. qah ACBES VALUABLE FBEBBOLD OUU FABM. DEMPSEY, WmElNSON, 4 SANDLAND have received instructions from Mr. W. H. ShUlabeer to sell, by pubUc auction, at AU '5iat Well-Improved FABM, situated in the Hundred of COOMOOBOO, and comprised ia SeeSons 73 and 76, containing -together 803 Acres, and being one of the best Farms in the above reliable hundred. The Improvements consistof three-roomed House, Tanks. Dam, Stackyards, and Fencing; and the Farm is subdivided into four paddocks. Terms at sale. Practically no reserve. t%' Bemember, toe da; after the Orroroo Show. ? 276.83x872-9 ' JAMESTOWN; On THTJBSDAY, October 18, at 1 o'clock. At SVTHEBLaND'S YABDS, JAMESTOWN. TO BBEEDEBS, FABMEBS, CABBIEB3, TBAM COMPANIES, AND OIHEES. XMPOBTANT 8ALK OF 50 MAGNIFICENT PUBE CDYDESDALE MABBS and FILLIES, &c. THE BEST EVEB OEFBBED IS THE NOBTH. X\EMPSEY, WILKINSON, & SAND? ' 9 LAND are favored with instructions from 3. H. Howe, Esq., M P., to sell as above— At\ Pure Bied CLYDKSDALES, com4:11 prising15 Grand £roud Mates with fell pedigrees 15 pure bred Fillies vrith fall pedigrees 10 Heavy Draugot colts -* f\ Light HORSES, comprisirg -Boggy Pairs J.V/ and Hacks ALSO, Draught Entire Colt. 2 jes.r«, t-y Ciisp (Ita- ' ported). The Auctioneers can confidently state that a better lot of Mares and Fillies has never bean offered north of Adelaide, ice Mares have been selected with the greatest care, and Hr. Howe's well-known judgment is a sufficient guarantee tbit the stock are «zc«ptiona2iy fine, rail pedigrees will be given in the' catalogues, which will be issued in due conrse, and may be obtained from the Auctioneers, Jamestown. Terms — Approved Bills at three months for sums over £30. No ether Stock admitted under any circumstances. ? ? S272-86 D'~EMPSE^Y, WILKINSON AND SANDLAND, AUCTIONEEES. VALUERS. STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, JAMESTCWN. A MONTHLY MABKET for an kinds of Fat and Store Stock is held at Jamestown the first Wednesday in every month. CLEABlNG-OrT SALES CONDUCTED in any part of the colony followed by prompt cash settlements. VALUATIONS of aJ! kinds efficient!? curled out. A LABGE KGMBKBol tfABMB io? SALE. LABGS HITMR of trn«t and other rcoiwyp always availat-k: on goud ttxuoiita -a lowest current ratea Sdfcctjtms tafefii up, faaebaotsa completed, asd*l' Be&i I^otrlj Act busness ccndactefl. nit

Auctions. -'' ~0nTCK30AY, Octobers,' a*« o'clock. AT K iPUNDa. BY OBDBB OF THE THUSTKB OK THE ASSIGNED ESTATE OF l'HOMAb WILblAMS. CBECIT SELECTION SECTION NO. 1SJ. HflM- ! BBhD BtrNREY, 4-7 ACHK3. \ LISTOS. SH A K E 8, & CO.! are instructed to wit by public auction, without reserve, but subject to the consent of the Hon. Committaouer of Crown Lands — The above CREDIT SKLKCriON takon up at £1 per Aero. Parcbato-iEoaey payable in itfOo aud j Ittl. 7be Section !« Irnced on three sides, airl 100 Act** have btec Grabbed. ? XoT?es--Tve. Tenns'C^sli. ?7U27Z B17UBA M4RR8F. FRIDAY, brn OCfOBKlt. j AT ONE O'CLOCK ' LLS'IX-N-, SnAKEs!' A 00. will soil as above— '| 4-(J*i-0 I'AV ANO Si-OBK SUBKI'. For MeHSra. .1. T. & M Urown- | SCO Put Welhoni, ia tbo wool ; SOD Stole Kwes do. 160 Lambs do. For Messrs. Church A Warnea— 1 .700 fnll-mouthed E ires, shorn 700 Lambs For Messrs. K. A, C. VV, Bowman— SS Merino Bams, breil by Mr. W. Uilbui ', at Mount Bryan For Mr. J. Bounsevell— SB 4-tooth Merino ITams. from Corrytc-n Turk (Murray Vale blood) 10 tt tooth do. -Io. do. -lo. -to. For Mr. W. Cocknim— J.COO Fat Wethers, in the wool For Torcoola Station— E.OfO f-tootb Store VVetbers, shorn 400 4-tooth do. do. da. For another account — 3.C0O 2 and 4 tooth Wettere. sooio For Messrs. B. « W. UuU— ECO Good Store Wbtbera. 100 FAT AND STOHK C^TILS. For Mr. H. Skews— 40 Fat CatUe For other accounts— €0 Btcre Cattle. 20 bosses, Heavy Medium and Light Sorts. 276,7x872 j On THUBSDAY. October IS. AT TWO O'CLOCK. ON IHE FABM, ABOUT TWO MILES SOUTH OF WHYTE-YABCOWIfi. T ISTON, SHAKES, 4 CO., JLJ WITH -fir E. GILES, IT ? have received Instructions from Mr. BcghBeilly, who has disposed of bis farm, to sell -by suction, as above — 5C0 Acres GBOWXNG CBOP, looking splendid, and promising to excel any in the district (in three paddocks) 12 Farm Horses, including Mares heavy in foal* . and Geldings, broken and unbroken 2 Milch Cowb, Lot Poultry '?' English Waggon (nearly new) . Buggy with pole and shafts, and Single and Double Harness (nearly new) . Spring-Cart and Harness 4 Beapers, 1 Winnower 1 Mower, 1 Honerake Seedsower (by Marian, new) . 2 Doable and lSingle^Plougha Set 6 Harrows, Scarifier Hanp ws 10 Seta Harness, Lot Bwings 'z 800 Mallee Posts and BaSbj t Feed-boxes, Sacktruek, GrflidHtone ~: Pig and Water Troughs; Tools : . ' Galvanized Iron Wire : Straining Machine, and a ~ Lot of Useful Farm Sundries. AISO. AU the HOUSEHOLD FUBNirUBE and EFFECTS. No other Stock can be admitted. Sale at 2 sharp. Buyers from the south can reacb Yarcowie station at 1.19 p.m., and will be driven to the sale. -All the stock is thoroughly good, and can be recommended. ?Terms— Approved billa at three months. No reserve. Lunch provided. . x272-86 LAUBA. On'THTJfiSDAY, October 4, at 11 o'clock. AT MESSBS. T. FOBSAITH & CO.S FOUNDRY AND AT BBITXEN'S YABDS. e^ IMPOBTANT SALE OF IMPLEMENTS 'Si m- IMPOBTANT SALE OF IMPLEMENTS -€& CSt IMPOBTANT SALE OF XMPLSMBNTS.-Stt AI£O, tm- SO DBAUGHT HOBSES 'S& e^ 30 DBAUGHT HOBSES 'SS m- 30 DBAUGHT HOBSES *@& DAVEY ft FABBAB have received Instructions|frojn Messrs. T. Foraaitb &Co., to sell by auction, as under — 18 Beapeis (new and old), 10 Winnowers, 12 Chafieotters (Nos. 3, 4, and 5), -t Buggies, 4 Waggons (new), S Spring-drays, 2 Spring-carts, 8 Mowers, 6 Horseworks (1,2, 3. and 4 horses). 6 Horserakes (new), 14 3-fnrrow Ploughs, 12 Double do., 4 Stump-jtuvping do.. 1 Stumpjumping Scarifier,- do. Harrows, 5 Scarifiers, 1 Corncrusher, 8 sets Harrows, large Double Boiler, 1 set Scarifier Harrows, 2 large Iron Troughs, 2 Grubbing Mb***''1, large Iron Gate, 2 pairs double do., 1 Earthscoop. On another account— 30 first-class Draught and Light Horses, broken and unbroken. Special terms for implements. Approved bills for sums over £40; one-half payable January 4, 1884, and one-half on January 4,1886, with 10 per cent, added. For horses, approved bills at three months. ? ' ? X272 HUNDBSD OF PEKINA. On MONDAY, 'October 16, 1883. At Twelve o'clock. At the Farm, 'situated abont one mile from Pekioa Township, on the Three-Chain Boad to Orroroo. Important Clearing-Oiit Sale of Live and Dead Farm Stock, Lease of First-class Farm, Growing Crop, &c,-&c. '?;,?? * . \_ BY OBBEB OF MB. M. DEVITT. DAVEY ~&~ FABBAB have received instructions from Mr. M. Devitt (who intends to leave Pekina and devote his attention to his Conatto. Properties and Sheep) to sell by public auction, as above., r; LTJNGHEON. ' Full particalars will appear next week. aZ72 On TUESDAY. October 16. ON THE FABM OF MB. 3. FOBBES, HUNDBKD OF WILLOWIE, NBAS BOOLEBOO WHIM. GENUINE CTiKABING-OUT SALE OF HOBSES AND SABJa IMPLEMENTS. - WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST BESEBVB. DAT7EY & FABBAB have received instructions from Mr. Forbes-who ia maitinp room for fcbeep) towUvbjluctttn, Tritbont reeerve, as above. . '?' -1 . . ?'_*?'??? : v..FnU|)articn-grBiteitbweefcV «S72LAUBA, LAUBA, / ? On MONDAY, October 82. . AT EBUTKN^S ?YABDS. IkAVEY & FABBAB have received ' instructions to sell by auction— 30 Head Prime X AT CATTLE, heavy weight 2 Teams Working Bulloeks 12 Useful Farm Horses. Terms at gale. ? X272 'WT O T I C E. Our next Monthly Markets of Fat and Store Cattle and Sheep, Horses, &c, will be held as under :— LAUBA — Monday, October 22, at Britten's Yards. WILMINGTON — Monday, October 29, at Harvey's Yards. Entries should be sent in as early as possible. DAVEY & FAKKAB, Auctioneers, Ac., x272 Laura and Port Augusta. On SATDBDAY, October 6, at 1 o'clock sharp. AT CRYSTAL BBOOK. AFEBGUSSON has received in? structioM to sell by auction, as above— The STOCK IN-TBADft of a TIMBBB MSB CHANT, removed to Crystal Brook for convenience of sale, consisting of — Galvanized Iron, all sizes, several lots damaged Stringybark, Deals, Oregon, Bedgum, all sizes, sawn and solid Kauri-boards, Flooring-boards, Matchboards, Weatherboards, all sizes Doors, Windows, and Frames Architraves and Mouldings, Pickets Venetian Shutters, Shafts Naves and Felloes, Wire, Flock Cement AND A host of Sundries. Terms— Approved bills for sums over £5. x272 WEDNESDAY, October 17. BY OBDEB OF THE MORTGAGEES. SEABNABD & GO. are instructed ? to sell by auction, at tbe BOYAL HOBSB BAZAAB. at 2 o'clock— AU that SECTION of L&ND containing Five Hundred and Ninety-five Acres (£95), be the same a little mere or less, and numbered 121, situated in the Hundred of BALDINA, County of BUKBA. Improvements consist cf Six-Boomed House, Tank, Well. Title— Land Grant. x272 1^ i N G 4 COMPANY (Late King & Cnningham), SHEEP and CATTLE SALESMEN and STATION AGENTS, ill BOUIlKTS-STaEET WEST, MKLBOCB.S& A frets Is Onpirfani!, on tbe Qarlin?, and conesJrCJilitlitB ill ait tLt CuiOBiidt Xl95:194

' 'Auctions__^ ? AT THR COMMKRCIAL BOOM, UNITED 8EBVICE CLUB HOTEL. t-u FI1IDAY, October 12, at 12 noon. BY OBDBB OF THB MOBTQAGEE. ' VAI.VA!!].EnBAZTNTG AND I^AHM PROPHBTY 1SKAB MAU1LL. VALUABLE FAIIM P.tOPEBTY AT CUBRAMULKA Krown as Mr. Timothy Dwyer'u. X17ALTEB D. KEED ia instructed to TV oiler for sale by public suction, as above, by order of the Mortgagee— AJ1 thai IJJork of LAND sitnated }n the HUNDKIil- ul ADKL&IDE. County of Adelaide, and being -~cclicn No. 1,10a, containing 95 Acres or thereabouts, and pa-t of Section No. 910. containing 61 Avres or thereabouts, known as Mr. Timothy Ditj-ct's. And all that SECTION of LAND slbttted in the HUNDHEDof CUBBAMULKA. County of Fer(itiBFou, No. few. and containing 361 Acres or therealKmts Bnown n» Mr. Timolhy'Dwyer's. Tu'iiw-Cash Twenty per cent, deposit. Balance in ii uii'iith. All portknln' a a» regards Title and Conditions of Bale can be cbtained on application to Mr. W. M. Snnriforii, Wayinouth-street. solicitor to the Mortrscee ; end WALTER D. BEKD, Auctioneer, 6, Mutual Chambers, Kin? Wflliam-stTert. ? m.6.8^*-3;5x27ii-79 _ On THUBSDAY. October 4, at 2 o'clock. 8TUBT BAZAAB. ^g DIG P0WKBF0L-5BAS0NED nOBSES, Jnst taken out of regular work. BA11KER * CHAMBERS ai-e Instrncted by Mr. E. Clement, of Gawler, to [sell the above, in consequence of having 1st his Catting. The are admirably adapted for Hallway Sbuntfug, Contractors, Stone-carter?, Ac, and comprise— POl.o. Shalt or lead PDNCH, leader BOB,»hafter BOSUN, leader KOYAL, shaft or lead TIM. shnfter LJVfiLY, leader PHlNCJf. thaft cr lead GEOBGE. leader COLONXL, shatter VULCAN.! shatter JIM, shaft or lead SAHGKANT, shaft or ltft.l PIG. shaft or lead YOUNG TOM, sbaftezGIPSY, shatterMAJOB, MAJOB, leader DULSE, shafter JIM, leader PILOT, leader or tro TUBPIN, anywhere GOLD, aaywhere SAM, trolly BOBIN, anywhere BEN, anywhere. ? als^, MOSQUITO, Xireaway, saddle mare CBKAMY-nice harness pony 2 Covered Waggons and 1 Trolly Terms— Approved bills. Horses will be on view after October 1. a272 STUBT BAZAAB. TUESDAY, October 9, at 2 o'clock. {JA YOUNG DBAUGHT HOBSES. BAKKEB & CHAMBEBS are instructed by Mr. Malthoase to sell by auction— CO HOBPES, principally Cart Colts and Fillies, fit for immediate work, and a few broken-in f laEcb Draught Horses. Terms— Approved Bills. BieedeTs. Carriers, Fanners, Dealers, and others win get suited at this Sale. . - 272x272 TUESDAY, October IB, at 2 o'clock. SXCET BAZAAB. UBACGHT.HOBSBS, COLTS, AND FILLIES (Young ard really good sorts). BARKER ft CHAMBEBS are Instructed by Mr. H. W. Mortimer to sell as above. ? 272x272 ASOUX THE MIDDLE OF OCTOBER. at mallala: H0ESBS; CATTLE, SHEEP, LAND. BABKEB & CHAMBEBS are instincted by Mr. Samuel Churches to sell— - -40 HOBSES, comprising Draught Brood Mares and Geldings, Saddle and Harness Horses, &c. S00 Wethers, 400- Ewes and Lambs 20 head Cattle, including two well bred Bulls 693 Acres Land, being Sections 339 and 341, Dalkey Panairg Implements, &c. Terms— Approved bills. ? xi72 On TUESDAY, October 2, at 2 o'clock. AT FOBMBY & BOASE'S BAZAAB. 1 f* HEAD OF HBAYY DBAUGHT COLTS, XO 3 YEABS. FOB MESSBS. KIBKHAM BROS., ASH- ? BOUBNB. PAKR, JAMES H., will seU as above, at 2 o'clock-. ? 10 Head of Heavy DBAUGHT COLTS, 3 years. Noie — Ihese Horses are in splendid condition. 3 HORSES, by the well-known Hurdleracer BNCOUN3BB. ? ?-_ ? 272x^72 cm BATUKDa.1T, October 13, at 2 o'clock. AT MclNEBHENY'S YABDS, MISLATON, FA. HOMBUBG & CO. are in? .stiucted to sell by auction, as above (to cover advance and close accounts) 15 CART COLTS and. FILLIES (a really first' class lot) 20 head Mired Cattle,.! Express Buggy (nearly new). ^ ,- For Pcsitive Sale, NoBeserve. ? Terms as nsnaL ? X272-9 On SATOBDAY, October 13, at 2 o'clock. AT McINEBHEKY'S YABDS, MINXATON. FA. HOMBURG & CO. are in? sbneted by Mr. C. Dooner (who has retired from business) to sell by auction, as above— 2 DBAUGHT MABBS, 5 Colts and Fillies 1 large Spring-Van, suitable for hawker 1 Express Buggy. Set of Single .and Double Harness, Saddle and Bridle ? For Absolute Sale. NoBeserve. Terms as usual. x272-9 On TUESDAY, October 2, at 12 o'clock. AT THE HOTEL, LOWJB LIGHT. JC. W l'lT~K I N. S O N ? Is instructed by Mr. G. Quigley, to sell, as above— ? 40 Head of CATTLE, including Dairy Cows and Fat Steers 30 Heavy and light Horses, broken and unbroken. Some first-class hacks amongst them 2,000 Wethens principally fat; and very well ?woolled 900 Bwes; with good percentage of lambs 15PIg» 3 Beaming Machines ~ 1 Horse Dray 1 Newport Pagnell 1 Scarifier CO Acres growing crop of Hay on Section formerly occupied by Mr. B. McNally. Approved BQls at three month*. BefreBbments provided. . ? No other stock admitted. 269,71,4x272 pbeumbtaby] On WEDNESDAY, October 10, at 1 o'clock. AT HOWE'S CROSSING, GAWLER BIVER, ^One Mile North-west of Ariglevale. CLEABING-OUT SALE. t' C. 'W l'L~K I N SO N «J ? Is favored with instructions from Mr. Matthew Collins, who has sold his Farm, to sell, as ^fTbm stock, ^MpiBMBJm-&Ci Particulars next week. ? s272 »* maritht! AT WILLASTON YABDS. ON TflUESDAY, OCTOBEB 4, 1883, at 1 o'clock sharp. FW E S T & CO. ? wQl sell by auction, viz , — FAT and STOBE CATJXB Tat and Store Sheep Heavy and light Horses Also other Stock. ? Entries up to hour of sale. ? x272 F~ WES T ft O O., ? AUCTIONEERS. VALUATORS, LAND AND GENEBAL AGENTS. STOCK AND STATION SALESMEN, MUBBAY-STBEET, OAWLEB, Sates effected in any part of tbe Colony. FORTNIGHTLY SALES held at the Wfflaston Yards of Fat and Store Stock, Hones, Implements, &c, evtry alternate Thursday In each month. Account Bales promptly rendered, with Cash ;etQements. MONEY to LEND on Freehold Security. Office opposite Old Spot Hotel, Gawler. 138mcxlEle On TUESDAY, October 2, 1888, at 1 o'clock. AT PEABCE'3 YABDS, MAITL&ND 60 HEAD MIXED CATTLE. MOODY, FU^NEB, & CO. have received instructions from Messrs. Ayliffe ft Brown to sell by auction, as above— £tfl HEAD MIXED CATTLE, chiefly Diiry \j\J Cows, in good condition, most of them being fat and fit for killing. ____^_ ? Terms at Sate. x26E-7Z QOB.3KL1O8 * WtLLJAMa ACCT1ONKEBS, WMBDSS10I8 AGENTS AND £.6-i- SfijOKSBt?. «UC S T BtBKIti o:o£-a- «awo«onei»a!at

ADFLAIDE WOOL SALES. SEASON 1883. ELDERS WOOTPRODUCE CO., LIMITED, BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR OP E SI SO WOOL SALE WILL. BE HELD AT THEIR * PORT ADELAIDE WAREHOUSES ON TUESDAY, 0th OCTOBER, Where further Sales will be held EVERY TUESDAY thronghoat tbe Season To suit Growers who find it more convenient to deliver their Wool in town, SALES IN ADELAIDE will a)co be held throughout the Season. PRIZES. The following PRIZES will be offered for the BEST-PACKED WOOLS Sold by us during the Season, namely :— One Set of Prizes for Large Clips— 50 Bales and upwards. One Set of Prizes for Small Clips— between 10 and 50 Bales. Each Set will consist of Three Prizes, namely, £40, £25, and £10, or the value in Cups, as the winners may elect. The above Prizes will be awarded to the owners of the lest got up dips of the season sold by as, wUTwut reference to the quality of the Wools. We shall also give Special Prizes of 20 guineas and 10 guineas for the highest* priced greasy clips of 10 baleB and over sold by us daring the season. . LIBERAL ABYAHCES made on the coming Clip of Wool. ; WOOLPACfiS SUPPLIED either direct or by our Agents. SALES of SHEEPSKINS, HIDES, TALLOW, BARK, BONES, HORNS, KANGAROO and OPOSSUM SKINS, WHEAT, FLOUR, and other PRODUCE held throughout the year. SALES IN LONDON. We engage Freight, attend to Insurance, and sell Wool and other Produce in London on favorable terms, particulars of which may be had on application. liberal Cash Advances granted on Wool, &c, shipped. ELDER'S WOOL & PRODUCE COMPANY LIMITED ADELAIDE AS» PQKT ADELAIDE. ^^_ ? ^_ ? ' ? X244-79 ADELAIDE WOOL SALES. ? o ? SEASON J883-84. LUXMOORE &~COMPANY, LIMITED, WOOLBROKERS, ' ADELAIDE, POST ADELAIDE, and LONDON. LUXMOORE & COT. (LIMITED), Bee to annomce to the WOOLGROWERS of SOUTH AUSTRALIA and RIVERINE DISTRICTS that their OPENING WOOL SALE of the present Season's Clip will be held on the 11th DAY of OCTOBER NEXT, and be followed by Sales every succeeding Thursday. . We draw attention to the entirely new system (which we first originated) of Liberal Frizes for the Best Packed Clips, irrespective of quality. FIRST SERIES OF PRIZES, For Clips from the Hill Country south of Mount Remarkable, or in Port Lincoln, Southern Yorke's Peninsula, Kangaroo Island, or the SoTttb-East— First Prize, £40; Second, £25; Third, £15; Fourth, £10. SECOND SERIES OF PRIZES. For. Clips grown in the Saltbush Plains outside of the above districts, including the Murray and Darling DistrictsFirst Prize. £40; Second, £25 ; Third. £15 : Fourth. £10. WOOLGEOWEES not having had PAMPHLETS with particulars of the above and List of Charges will receive them on application. CASH ADVANCES. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES made on the Growing Clip at LOWEST CUBBENT BATES. *a*wjs.b± SHIPMENTS TO LONDON AND CONTINENT. LUXMOOBE & CO. (LIMITED), make Cash Advances on Wool and other Produce consigned to their London Branch for Sale. Freights secured and Insurances effected at Lowest Current Bates. WOOL PACKS.. Our variou&agenf$ in all parts of the Colony wiU supply Woolpacks on application, or they will be sent direct on receipt cf order. * SALES of SHEEPSKINS, HIDES, TALLOW, KANGAROO. OPOSSUM, and other SKINS, BABK,&e.,&c, HELD WEEKLY. ««. » Consignments of Wool and Produce received at Adelaide Railway Station, or Port Adelaide. ? 11 \ MOORE & COMPANY (LIMITED), WOOLBROKERS, ADELAIDE, PORT ADELAIDE, and LONDON. 2358.300 ~- AUSTRALIAN PROSPERITY. -T . Which means the prosperity of an those who are resident ana data to be colonists of this ou splendid colonies. Our climate and soil Is not to be surpassed for varied richness, providing for all the requirements of an industrious and energetic people, who in their various occnpaaou require the best means and assistance in securing health, wealth, and independence vrith: the greatest speed aad tbe least trouble. To this end a grand discovery has in a measure bees made ana proved bf tbom whoj thoroughly appreciate the efforts of J&HN BUNCLE, who. as a Bkflfnl, Theoretical ana Practical Mechanical Engineer, baa fox nearly SO years contributed to the development ol .many businesses in the Australian colonies, by designing and manufacturing machines to supersede the Imported primitive and antiquated notions of former years. The TOBACCO MANUFACTURING firms now established in the various colonies have principally been supplied with their manufacturing plant, to the extent of £70,000 worth, from the design ana manufacture by J. Bunde, at theEarkside Iron Works, 'End at present extensive orders are in hand. ' AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, consisting of Us unrivalled CHAITCUTTING MAGHDfSS. have in addition competed for the past 20 jears against the best English and American Machines, but 'Buncle's Machines' never played 'second fiddle,' but were always awarded FIRST PRIZE. At the 8ydney Palace and Great ?'Melbourne International Exhibition' 22 First Degree* of Merit and 2 Second were awarded onto! 24 EXHIBITS. No Blanks. J.Bnnde was also honored by bemg placed First in the list of IE candidates recommended for the 'Bmperorof Germany's Prize,' ^valued at «80g sterling, and was also presented by the CtommissionerswithshaiidsomeCertificateandGoldMedalasa memento ef individnaTssccess in upholding 'Victorian manufacture able to compete with tbe world a exhibits in the first decree. Since the Exhibition his machines have been copied by the mosteminent and vreH known English manufacturers^ andintimatfonllven by their trade circulars to the world that they are guaranteed of the design by 'John Buncle, of Melbourne.' This is most flattering approval . of ttieir undeniable superiority over any previously known macbinesiBverexhibited. ? Mm__w_ . HOBSEWORKS, MAIZE and GOBN CBUSHBBS ; BABE OUTTBES and DISDTEEGBA* XOBS, for Tanners, ic ; SAW BENCHES ; PRESSES aad DIES for Manufacturing Tins for Meat and Fruit Preserving Companies, Ac, ; PERFORATING ? MACHINES, also BdBOSSINQ -MACHINES for Stationers; STEAM LEFTS for Stores, TOBACCO CUTXINO MACHINES, &C. Ac. Name your reqoiteinents. . - '..--.. ? . ? ?? CATALOGUE POST TBXB ON APPLICATION TO Me PABESIDE IRON WORKS, NORTH MELBOUENE. TAYLOR BROTHERS' COCOAS,^ HO^ACEO:n MAR A VILLA COCOA ESSENCE SOLUBLE CHOCOLATE. LOISTDOINV May be obtained in Labelled Tina or Packet! throughout the Colony. Tiwr ^-..^ni.'.-i ' ?'' ' ?? a ' ' -??? ?? '''''?'.???'?

.. . Anctiona, ? ? * , j - ESTATE OF JtATBiS. R ASGAS. ': IMPOBTANT SALK OF XiNBED PBOPEBTIE3, HPNDBED3 J3B - MOOROOBOQ , AND *?-BEIrVOERE. ' .; . XSS6 ACBES OF SPJJSSDW LAND. ON A OAT ARD AT A PLACE TO BX NAMED.' ELDER'S -WOOL AND PRODUCE COMPANY (LIMITED) are hutmcted by tbe Executors ot the late 0. 7. Angas to offer by public auction, on a day aad at a place to be named, the following valuable Landed Properties:— ? Lot 1. STONE BVX BLOCK, Handred of Moorooroo. This Block is sitnated on the Stone Hut Creek, two miles east o: Anraston, north of and adjoining Lindsay Park Estate, and comprises Sections and parts of Sections 860, 851, 862, 874.S76, 370, 881, 382. and 888, Moorooroo, and closed Toads, containing in all 888 acres of very rich sofl; and is surrounded by a substantial sheep-proof fence ana a : Government read. This magnificent Property is the - ' centre of the picturesque district of Ansaston, and ? is etadded with splendid timber trees/jtt is permanll} watered i bythe Stone Hut Creek at tbe 'tE? SLd- **£}-? springs at the south «nd. The Property will be cold in one block. Lota , ST.'iuixS' BU-CE. Hundred of Belvider«, situated on the main road from Kapunda to Truro comprislnx Sections Nob. 133, 134, 281, 'eastern part of 123, and closed roads, containingjn all 998 acres three roods or thereabouts, surrounded by a ' i Government road, and In one 'block without roads. * Feneed eheep-proof, and subdivided into ive Paddocks. There Is a four-roomed Stone Cottage with an iron roof on the property, and also sheep-proof camping yards. About one ? : mile of the M. Kftts* Greek passes throngh the property, and supplies it with abundant per- ' '?? manent water fn the driest seasons. Almost ttte whole of the land Is virgin aofl, and eminently suited for wheat growing or for stock travelling from the Murray, a amalTpiddock of wheat can either be ^en5t^ valuation or the present occupant will take off the crop armay be arranged. The Property will be sold in one block. ^^^^SWOOL AND PEODUCE COMPANY (LIMITED), ATHgr.ATTtE. 271ABxa78c PBBT.TMTNABY ADTEBHSEMBNT impobiant1!and bale, about end of octobeb, fob th0& cowan, esq., os account of his devoting atu1nti0n to pas* tobal pursuits. : ... 12,000 acbes valuable land. ELDER'S WOOL AKD PRODUCE ' COMPANY (LIMITED) Sf COKJTJHCTION TOS WG O R D O N & O 0., ? are instructed by Thomas Xtewan, Esq., ' -to seD by auction, at Slder*0 Wool'Company'B Salerooms, Grenfell-street, ona-day in October to fee named— „ .....;. ? , .-... 12,000 Acres VALUABLE FBBEHOLD and T.EAREHQLD LAND, sitnated within fif& miles of -Adelaide, in the Hundieds of Port Adelaide,Yatala, ' PprtGawler.iSxacB.Bremer, Alexaodrint, CtooHra, ' Wahmga, and other districts. -. .; Theae Properties have Bumting Waters, ise -Spring!, Lake Frontages, Ac. ? j. gurtherpartienlarsindneconrss. 88t-5eowci365e - -PRELIMINARY ADVERTISEMENT. The well-known MUNDOWDNA STATION, the Property of Edgar Chapman, esq. ABOUT THE END OF OCTOBER. W. GORDON & CO in conjunction with F. J. BOTTING & Co. are Instructed to sell as above, about the end of October - LEASES Nos. 1678, 1873, 2110, 2111, 2156, 2238, 2239, 2245, 2272. 2315, 2435. 2436, known as MUNDOWDNA STATION, comprising of about 1,212 square miles of splendid pastoral country. TOGETHER WITH ABOUT 4,600 Head CATTLE 160 do. HORSES And ordinary Station Requisites, For full particulars see future advertisements. 255afucx251e SHEEP. SHEEP. AT REDHILL. On SATURDAY, Septemer, 1883. JW, Q~l7.E BS O N' ? has received instructions from' Messrs. J. ' -SmII &Co.tosen.onabovedate— ,; '; 3000 WEiHEBS ? BOC very Erime Fit - . . - . ' . . -2,600 extra good and well-woolled Store, is lots to flatt yiirchaBers. - ? ? . Terms— Three months' approval bills..- 568x866-78 ' ' Oa FBIDAY, October Cat IS o'clock. ~ . ATMS. H. DONNEBERCS FABM, HDWDBE& ; '^ OF ANGAS, NBXT TBAVELLINO BBSEBVK H. '-. . ;-JHEGGIE will sell b^ auction, at ; ? above farm— . . - - ? . ' .: '. -LEASE of Section 85, containing 181 ACRES. ' .' .Aistt, '. r: -? .- - ?-.?_*;??? . About £0 Acres of very good Wheat, with or . - ' without lease . ''.'.. . _- ~ -3 good Draught Horses,' Gennan TVaggonj ' -Beaptag Machine, Grubbing Machine, set of . Harrows, and Harness. -.- . -- . ? - * . ApproYed.accepfances. . - s272- ' _'???-'? .. On TUESDAY, October 2, at S o'clock. ' AT THE MILE-END YABDS. ' PBIME FAT CATTLE. . ' ELATJGHTON & 00. are inatructsd ? by Messrs.' Jones, Greene, & Sullivan to sell— 100 Very Prime FAT CATTLE, of the noted BDI Brand. , , .'-..? Also, by W. XT. Waller, Isq.— ' : 100 Prime Fat Ctttae from Ncrley. 272-SI272 T^OOL SALES^ WOOL SALES. . B.LAUGHTON&CoTb^to«aUattenttontothe approaching Wool Season, aad to at**? ..«o JTo^Sowers, Faimers, and Others, of tteir fetenfaoato . Sevotespedal care to tbe Sale ot Wool, Sheepaktas, We-Bhan be glad to receive large or small consignments, and an parcels will be carefully valued pnor to offering for sale, aad every attention given to 8^S^wmftWw«* nding, wittout extra for warehousing, ad vertiskig, insurance, &c, and no charge will be made where a sale is not effected. -' ' Account sales, with cash settlements, wm be . rendered immediately after each sale. . ? -Woolsnnsold wfll be reserved for a tetetsale,«r shaped on the most favorable terms; as owners . may desire.- . s '.-?_- ?? : ?«' \- -.-?: .' SALE BY AUCTION. ;_ T — . V SATUBDAY, October 13, 1883, at 1 o'clock sharp. ' ' AT PIABCE'S YABDS, MAITIANP. REMOVED FOB CONVENIENCE OF SALE. ?-. SCatUBLEASB,HOR8ES, CATTLE, MAPHINBS, IMPLEMENTS, &C, AC. . ... ... 350 ACEBS OF GE0WING CROP. ARTHUR SHORT has received in. Btmetaomi fromBJr. W. Cottrell to absolutely . taininK 11 aorem. suburban to Port Victoria, SCRUB LEASE of Sections 516 aad 617, Handred of Clinton, containing 1,098 acres. . -GBOW&G CBOPja 850 acres on the FABM ? - ?? taown as Robert Hyde's, Hundred of Hilkenan, 20 Diaugbt Mares and.OeWlngs, broken and 8 Pairs' of Ponies, weft Known in file district, andnof to be beaten on the Peameula for action and pace 1 Team of Bullocks and taekfing, 6 Cows 4 BeapifagJ Machines, 1 Chaffcutter and Works 8 StnmpPIoughs, 1 German Waggon 1 Tip-Bray (pew), 8 Waggonettes l Express Buggy, lot ofBaraeBS AndattostofSundries. . ? - -Termff— Approved bills over £20. -? '? Luncheon provided. ? :' ? For positive and unreserved «ale. : - -'The Auctioneers reqnest that intending pnrchaaera will inspect the Crop before the sale. - XZtt T^AVID A. MORGAN ;4 OOY.ti 3J JSipGK AND STATION AOENTS, UNHY CHAMBEBS. CDBBIB-STBKBT, . ; . ADELAIDE, . SHEEP AND CATTLE STATIONS * ~~ in an the Colonies, ? together with ? . Splendid AGBICULTURALXANDInBIVEBINA, . , JTAW. ' - - .' Unstocked Country in SOUTH AUSTBALIA. and STOBE STOCK in all the ColontoBT^ List of which they wffl be glad to forward on appBcalion. . ' x83c :, 'DETNELL, COLLEY, & OO., STOCK AND GE&RBAL 8TATI0K V AGBHTS. ? ....:.- ?=?*' UNITY CHAMBEBS, CUBBIE-STBBET. * : ADELAIDB. BALVS of STATION PBOPEBXIES and STOBB , ? STOCK BegoUated. Btock tospected in any part of the colony Oittle and Sheep purchased for Krarierf. ? Correepondents throughout the CDloates. . -: K*oc«S7c lim STOCK, STATION, ' AND COMMISSION AGENT. FBKABSOK'S EXCHANGE, KING WnXUK-STKKBT. ': Sales of aU kinds ol Stock comsktaUy helA with prompt oettlements. . -; lB7aocil65c i^rtfited and Published by tbe Proprtetow, -THOkLA8-J&IIie-FitSl-BmOBSIXTBI7lfDIUHEir« : ?nd Jobtk Lakodoh BoKTTaojr, «t tiM^p -a*ssm^'- ??-???; ?? ?,?;...:-::'?' ~,',-;h